require 'socket' module HAProxyManager class Instance def initialize(socket) @socket = @print_response = {|response| puts response} backends = @socket.execute( "show stat -1 4 -1" )[1..-1].collect{|item| item.split(",")[0..1]} @backends = backends.inject({}){|hash, items| (hash[items[0]] ||=[]) << items[1]; hash} end # Diables a server in the server in a backend for maintenance. # If backend is not specified then all the backends in which the serverid exists are disabled. # A disabled server shows up as in Maintance mode. def disable(serverid, backend = nil) all_servers(serverid, backend).each do |item| @socket.execute "disable server #{item[0]}/#{item[1]}", &@print_response end end # Enables a server in the server in a backend. # If backend is not specified then all the backends in which the serverid exists are enabled. def enable(serverid, backend = nil) all_servers(serverid, backend).each do |item| @socket.execute "enable server #{item[0]}/#{item[1]}", &@print_response end end def backends @backends.keys end def info @socket.execute( "show info").inject({}){|hash, item| x = item.split(":"); hash.merge(x[0].strip => x[1].strip)} end # Sets weight for the server. If a numeric value is provider, that will become the absolute weight. It can be between 0 -256 # If a weight has been provided ending with % then the weight is reduced by that percentage. It has to be between 0% - 100% # Weight of a server defines, how many requests are passed to it. def weights(server, backend, weight=nil) if(weight.nil?) weight = @socket.execute "get weight #{backend}/#{server}" /(\d*)\s\(initial\s(\d*)\)/.match( weight[0]) {:current => $1.to_i, :initial => $2.to_i} else @socket.execute "set weight #{backend}/#{server} #{weight}" end end def stats stats = @socket.execute( "show stat -1 -1 -1" ) headers = stats[0].split(",") stats[1..-1].inject({}) do |hash, line| data = line.split(","); backend = data[0]; server = data[1]; rest = data[2..-1] hash[backend] = {} if( hash[backend].nil?) hash[backend][server] = {}.tap do |server_hash| headers[2..-1].each_with_index{|x, i| server_hash[x]= rest[i]} end hash end end def servers(backend = nil) backend.nil? ? @backends.values.flatten : @backends[backend] end # resets Haproxy counters. If no option is specified backend and frontend counters are cleared, but # cumulative counters are not cleared. The cumulative counters can be cleared by passing the option of # :all to the method, in that case all the counters are cleared. This is similar to a restart. # This is useful to reset stats after for example an incident. def reset_counters(option = "") @socket.execute "clear counters {option}", &@print_response end private def all_servers(serverid, backend) if(backend.nil?) items = @backends.collect{|a, b| [a, serverid] if b.include?(serverid)}.compact else items = [[backend, serverid]] end end end class HAPSocket def initialize(file) @file = file end def execute(cmd, &block) socket = socket.write("#{cmd};") response = [] socket.each do |line| data = line.strip next if data.empty? response << data end yield response if block_given? response end end end