require 'lib/spec_helper' require 'support/match_helpers' RSpec.describe Opal::Compiler do describe 'regexp' do it 'should escape regexp' do expect_compiled("%r{^/{4,}$}").to include('/^\/{4,}$/') expect_compiled('/\\\\"/').to include('/\\\\"/') end end describe 'requiring' do it 'calls #require' do expect_compiled("require 'pippo'").to include('self.$require("pippo")') end end describe 'requirable' do it 'executes the file' do expect_compiled("").to include('(function(Opal) {') expect_compiled("").to start_with('Opal.queue(function(Opal) {') expect_compiled("").to end_with("});\n") end it 'puts the compiled into "Opal.modules"' do options = { :requirable => true, :file => "pippo" } expect_compiled("", options).to include('Opal.modules["pippo"] = function(Opal) {') expect_compiled("", options).to end_with("};\n") end end it "should compile simple ruby values" do expect_compiled("3.142").to include("return 3.142") expect_compiled("123e1").to include("return 1230") expect_compiled("123E+10").to include("return 1230000000000") expect_compiled("false").to include("return false") expect_compiled("true").to include("return true") expect_compiled("nil").to include("return nil") end it "should compile ruby strings" do expect_compiled('"hello world"').to include('return "hello world"') expect_compiled('"hello #{100}"').to include('"hello "', '100') end it "should compile ruby strings with escapes" do expect_compiled('"hello \e"').to include('\u001b') expect_compiled('"hello \e#{nil}"').to include('\u001b') end it "should compile ruby ranges" do expect_compiled('1..1').to include('$range(1, 1, false)') expect_compiled('1...1').to include('$range(1, 1, true)') expect_compiled('..1').to include('$range(nil, 1, false)') expect_compiled('...1').to include('$range(nil, 1, true)') expect_compiled('1..').to include('$range(1, nil, false)') expect_compiled('1...').to include('$range(1, nil, true)') # Following return Opal.range.$new instead of $range. Some also miss a space. expect_compiled('nil..1').to include('(nil, 1, false)') expect_compiled('nil...1').to include('(nil,1, true)') expect_compiled('"a"..nil').to include('("a", nil, false)') expect_compiled('"a"...nil').to include('("a",nil, true)') expect_compiled('..nil').to include('(nil, nil, false)') expect_compiled('...nil').to include('(nil,nil, true)') end it "should compile method calls" do expect_compiled("self.inspect").to include("$inspect()") expect_compiled(" { |a| a + 10 }").to include("$map") end it "adds method missing stubs" do expect_compiled("self.puts 'hello'").to include("Opal.add_stubs(['$puts'])") end it 'adds method missing stubs with operators' do expect_compiled("class Foo; end; > 5").to include("Opal.add_stubs(['$>', '$new'])") end it "should compile constant lookups" do expect_compiled("Object").to include("Object") expect_compiled("Array").to include("Array") end it "should compile undef calls" do expect_compiled("undef a").to include("Opal.udef(self, '$' + \"a\")") expect_compiled("undef a,b").to match(/Opal.udef\(self, '\$' \+ "a"\);.*Opal.udef\(self, '\$' \+ "b"\);/m) end describe "method names" do it "generates a named function for method" do expect_compiled("def test_method; end").to include("function $$test_method()") end context "when function name is reserved" do it "generates a valid named function for method" do expect_compiled("def Array; end").to include("function $$Array()") end end context "when function name is not valid" do it "skips generating a name" do expect_compiled("def test_method?; end").to include("function()") end end end describe "debugger special method" do it "generates debugger keyword in javascript" do expect_compiled("debugger").to include("debugger") expect_compiled("debugger").to_not include("$debugger") end end describe "extracting __END__ content" do shared_examples "it extracts __END__" do |source, expected_eof_content| it "extracts #{expected_eof_content.inspect} from #{source.inspect}" do compiler = compiler.parse expect(compiler.eof_content).to eq(expected_eof_content) end end include_examples "it extracts __END__", "code", nil include_examples "it extracts __END__", "code\n__END_", nil include_examples "it extracts __END__", "code\n__END__", "" include_examples "it extracts __END__", "code\n\n\n__END__", "" include_examples "it extracts __END__", "code\n__END__data", nil include_examples "it extracts __END__", "code\n__END__\ndata", "data" include_examples "it extracts __END__", "code\n__END__\nline1\nline2", "line1\nline2" include_examples "it extracts __END__", "code\n__END__\nline1\nline2\n", "line1\nline2\n" include_examples "it extracts __END__", "code\n__END__\nline1\nline2\n", "line1\nline2\n" include_examples "it extracts __END__", "code\n __END__\ndata", nil include_examples "it extracts __END__", "\"multiline string\n__END__\nwith data separator\"\n__END__\ndata", "data" end describe "DATA special variable" do it "is not a special case unless __END__ part present in source" do expect_compiled("DATA").to include("DATA") expect_compiled("DATA\nMALFORMED__END__").to include("DATA") expect_compiled("DATA\n__END__").to_not include("DATA") end it "DATA gets compiled as a reference to special $__END__ variable" do expect_compiled("a = DATA\n__END__").to include("a = $__END__") end it "causes the compiler to create a reference to special __END__ variable" do expect_compiled("DATA\n__END__\nFord Perfect").to include("$__END__ = ") end it "does not create a reference to __END__ vairbale unless __END__ content present" do expect_compiled("DATA").to_not include("$__END__ = ") end end describe "escapes in x-strings" do it "compiles the exscapes directly as appearing in x-strings" do expect_compiled('`"hello\nworld"`').to include('"hello\nworld"') expect_compiled('%x{"hello\nworld"}').to include('"hello\nworld"') end end describe 'pre-processing require-ish methods' do describe '#require' do it 'parses and resolve #require argument' do compiler = compiler_for(%Q{require "#{__FILE__}"}) expect(compiler.requires).to eq([__FILE__]) end end describe '#autoload' do it 'parses and resolve second #autoload arguments in top scope' do compiler = compiler_for(%Q{autoload :Whatever, "#{__FILE__}"}) expect(compiler.requires).to eq([__FILE__]) end it 'parses and resolve second #autoload arguments' do compiler = compiler_for(%Q{class Foo; autoload :Whatever, "#{__FILE__}"; end}) expect(compiler.requires).to eq([__FILE__]) end end describe '#require_relative' do it 'parses and resolve #require_relative argument' do compiler = compiler_for(%Q{require_relative "./#{File.basename(__FILE__)}"}, file: __FILE__) expect(compiler.requires).to eq([__FILE__]) end end describe '#require_tree' do require 'pathname' it 'parses and resolve #require argument' do file = Pathname(__FILE__).join('../fixtures/require_tree_test.rb') compiler = compiler_for( expect(compiler.required_trees).to eq(['../fixtures/required_tree_test']) end end end describe 'truthy check' do context 'no parentheses' do context 'with operators' do it 'excludes nil check for primitives' do expect_compiled('foo = 42 if 2 > 3').to include('if ($rb_gt(2, 3))') expect_compiled('foo = 42 if 2.5 > 3.5').to include('if ($rb_gt(2.5, 3.5))') expect_compiled('foo = 42 if true > false').to include('if ($rb_gt(true, false))') expect_compiled('foo = 42 if 2 == 3').to include("if ((2)['$=='](3))") expect_compiled('foo = 42 if 2.5 == 3.5').to include("if ((2.5)['$=='](3.5))") expect_compiled('foo = 42 if true == false').to include("if (true['$=='](false))") end it 'adds nil check for strings' do expect_compiled('foo = 42 if "test" > "bar"').to include('if ($truthy($rb_gt("test", "bar")))') end it 'specifically == excludes nil check for strings' do expect_compiled('foo = 42 if "test" == "bar"').to include("if (\"test\"['$=='](\"bar\"))") end it 'adds nil check for lvars' do expect_compiled("bar = 4\nfoo = 42 if bar > 5").to include('if ($truthy($rb_gt(bar, 5)))') end it 'specifically == excludes nil check for lvars' do expect_compiled("bar = 4\nfoo = 42 if bar == 5").to include("if (bar['$=='](5))") end it 'adds nil check for constants' do expect_compiled("foo = 42 if Test > 4").to include("if ($truthy($rb_gt($$($nesting, 'Test'), 4))) ") end it 'specifically == excludes nil check for constants' do expect_compiled("foo = 42 if Test == 4").to include("if ($$($nesting, 'Test')['$=='](4))") end end context 'without operators' do it 'adds nil check for primitives' do expect_compiled('foo = 42 if 2').to include('if ($truthy(2))') expect_compiled('foo = 42 if 2.5').to include('if ($truthy(2.5))') expect_compiled('foo = 42 if true').to include('if ($truthy(true))') end it 'adds nil check for boolean method calls' do expect_compiled('foo = 42 if true.something').to include('if ($truthy(true.$something()))') end it 'adds nil check for strings' do expect_compiled('foo = 42 if "test"').to include('if ($truthy("test"))') end it 'adds nil check for lvars' do expect_compiled("bar = 4\nfoo = 42 if bar").to include('if ($truthy(bar))') end it 'adds nil check for constants' do expect_compiled("foo = 42 if Test").to include("if ($truthy($$($nesting, 'Test')))") end end end context 'parentheses' do context 'with operators' do it 'adds nil check for primitives' do expect_compiled('foo = 42 if (2 > 3)').to include('if ($truthy($rb_gt(2, 3))') expect_compiled('foo = 42 if (2.5 > 3.5)').to include('if ($truthy($rb_gt(2.5, 3.5))') expect_compiled('foo = 42 if (true > false)').to include('if ($truthy($rb_gt(true, false))') expect_compiled('foo = 42 if (2 == 3)').to include("if ($truthy((2)['$=='](3))") expect_compiled('foo = 42 if (2.5 == 3.5)').to include("if ($truthy((2.5)['$=='](3.5))") expect_compiled('foo = 42 if (true == false)').to include("if ($truthy(true['$=='](false)))") end it 'adds nil check for strings' do expect_compiled('foo = 42 if ("test" > "bar")').to include('if ($truthy($rb_gt("test", "bar"))') expect_compiled('foo = 42 if ("test" == "bar")').to include("if ($truthy(\"test\"['$=='](\"bar\"))") end it 'adds nil check for lvars' do expect_compiled("bar = 4\nfoo = 42 if (bar > 5)").to include('if ($truthy($rb_gt(bar, 5))') expect_compiled("bar = 4\nfoo = 42 if (bar == 5)").to include("if ($truthy(bar['$=='](5))) ") end it 'adds nil check for constants' do expect_compiled("foo = 42 if (Test > 4)").to include("if ($truthy($rb_gt($$($nesting, 'Test'), 4))") expect_compiled("foo = 42 if (Test == 4)").to include("if ($truthy($$($nesting, 'Test')['$=='](4))") end end context 'without operators' do it 'adds nil check for primitives' do expect_compiled('foo = 42 if (2)').to include('if ($truthy(2)') expect_compiled('foo = 42 if (2.5)').to include('if ($truthy(2.5)') expect_compiled('foo = 42 if (true)').to include('if ($truthy(true)') end it 'adds nil check for boolean method calls' do expect_compiled('foo = 42 if (true.something)').to include('if ($truthy(true.$something())') end it 'adds nil check for strings' do expect_compiled('foo = 42 if ("test")').to include('if ($truthy("test")') end it 'adds nil check for lvars' do expect_compiled("bar = 4\nfoo = 42 if (bar)").to include('if ($truthy(bar)') end it 'adds nil check for constants' do expect_compiled("foo = 42 if (Test)").to include("if ($truthy($$($nesting, 'Test'))") end end end end describe 'Regexp flags' do it 'skips the unsupported ones' do expect_compiled("/foobar/nix").to include("/foobar/i") end end describe 'x-strings' do describe 'semicolons handling' do def compiling(code, &block) compiler = yield compiler end it "respects JS returns not doubling the trailing semicolon" do expect_compiled(%q{ def foo `return bar(baz)` end }).to include(" return bar(baz);\n") expect_compiled(%q{ def foo %x{return bar(baz)} end }).to include(" return bar(baz);\n") expect_compiled(%q{ def foo %x{return bar(baz);} end }).to include(" return bar(baz);\n") expect_compiled(%q{ def foo %x{ return bar(baz) } end }).to include(" return bar(baz);\n") expect_compiled(%q{ def foo %x{ return bar(baz); } end }).to include(" return bar(baz);\n") expect_compiled(%q{ def foo 789 `#{123 + bar} * 456;` end }).to include(" return $rb_plus(123, self.$bar()) * 456;\n") expect_compiled(%q{ def foo 789 `#$bar * 456` end }).to include(" return $ * 456;\n") expect_compiled(%q{ def foo 789 `#@bar * 456` end }).to include(" return * 456;\n") expect_compiled(%q{ def foo 789 `456 * #@bar` end }).to include(" return 456 *;\n") expect_compiled(%q{ if `compare === nil` raise ArgumentError, "comparison of #{a.class} with #{b.class} failed" end }).to include(" if ($truthy(compare === nil)) {\n") expect_compiled(%q{ def <<(count) count = Opal.coerce_to! count, Integer, :to_int `#{count} > 0 ? self << #{count} : self >> -#{count}` end }).to include(" return count > 0 ? self << count : self >> -count;\n") expect_compiled(%q{ def self.exist? path path = path.path if path.respond_to? :path `return executeIOAction(function(){return __fs__.existsSync(#{path})})` end }).to include(" return executeIOAction(function(){return __fs__.existsSync(path)});\n") expect_compiled(%q{ def self.exist? path path = path.path if path.respond_to? :path `executeIOAction(function(){return __fs__.existsSync(#{path})})` end }).to include(" return executeIOAction(function(){return __fs__.existsSync(path)});\n") expect_compiled(%q{ def self.exist? path path = path.path if path.respond_to? :path `return executeIOAction(function(){return __fs__.existsSync(#{path})});` end }).to include(" return executeIOAction(function(){return __fs__.existsSync(path)});\n") expect_compiled(%q{ def self.exist? path path = path.path if path.respond_to? :path `executeIOAction(function(){return __fs__.existsSync(#{path})});` end }).to include(" return executeIOAction(function(){return __fs__.existsSync(path)});\n") end it 'warns if a semicolon is used in a single line' do expect_number_of_warnings(%{a = `1;`}).to eq(1) expect_number_of_warnings(%{a = `1;`; return}).to eq(1) expect_number_of_warnings(%{a = `1;`}).to eq(1) expect_number_of_warnings(%{a = ` 1; `}).to eq(1) expect_number_of_warnings(%{a = %x{\n 1; \n}}).to eq(1) expect_number_of_warnings(%{def foo; ` 1; `; end}).to eq(1) end it 'does not warn for statements' do expect_number_of_warnings(%{`foo;`; return}).to eq(0) expect_number_of_warnings(%{`foo;`; 123}).to eq(0) end it 'does not warn for multiline x-strings' do expect_number_of_warnings(%{a = `1;\n2;`}).to eq(0) expect_number_of_warnings(%{a = `1;\n2;3; `}).to eq(0) expect_number_of_warnings(%{def foo;` 1;\n `;end}).to eq(1) end end specify 'when empty' do expect_compiled(%q{ %x{ } }).to include("return nil\n") expect_compiled(%q{ %x{} }).to include("return nil\n") expect_compiled(%q{ ` ` }).to include("return nil\n") expect_compiled(%q{ `` }).to include("return nil\n") end def expect_number_of_warnings(code) warnings_number = 0 compiler = allow(compiler).to receive(:warning) { warnings_number += 1} compiler.compile expect(warnings_number) end end describe '#magic_comments' do def expect_magic_comments_for(*lines) expect(compiler_for(lines.join("\n")).magic_comments) end it 'extracts them in a hash' do expect_magic_comments_for("").to eq({}) expect_magic_comments_for( "", "# foo:true", "", "", "", "#bar : false", "#baz :qux", "#biz :boz", "baz", ).to eq( foo: true, bar: false, baz: "qux", biz: "boz" ) expect_magic_comments_for( "#baz :qux", "#biz :boz", "", "baz", ).to eq( baz: "qux", biz: "boz" ) expect_magic_comments_for( "#-*- baz :qux-*-", "# -*-biz :boz -*- ", ).to eq( baz: "qux", biz: "boz" ) end it 'accepts complex values' do expect_magic_comments_for("").to eq({}) expect_magic_comments_for( "#baz: qux,naz!", "#biz : boz? ,bux, []=", "#buz :<<,+,!@", ).to eq( baz: "qux,naz!", biz: "boz? ,bux, []=", buz: "<<,+,!@", ) end end describe 'magic encoding comment' do let(:diagnostics) { [] } around(:each) do |e| original_diagnostics_consumer = Opal::Parser.default_parser_class.diagnostics_consumer Opal::Parser.default_parser_class.diagnostics_consumer = ->(diagnostic) { diagnostics << diagnostic } Opal::Parser.default_parser_class.diagnostics_consumer = original_diagnostics_consumer end let(:encoding_comment) { '' } let(:string) { '' } let(:file) do <<-RUBY # encoding: #{encoding_comment} "#{string}" RUBY end shared_examples 'it compiles the string as' do |expected| it "compiles the string as #{expected}" do expect_compiled(file).to include(expected) end end shared_examples 'it re-encodes the string using $force_encoding' do it 'it re-encodes the string using $force_encoding' do expect_compiled(file).to include("$force_encoding") end end shared_examples 'it does not re-encode the string using $force_encoding' do it 'it does not re-encode the string using $force_encoding' do expect_compiled(file).to_not include("$force_encoding") end end shared_examples 'it does not print any warnings' do it 'does not print any warnings' do compile(file) expect(diagnostics).to eq([]) end end context 'utf-8 comment' do let(:encoding_comment) { 'utf-8' } context 'valid sequence' do let(:string) { 'λ' } include_examples 'it compiles the string as', 'λ'.inspect include_examples 'it does not re-encode the string using $force_encoding' include_examples 'it does not print any warnings' end context 'invalid sequence' do let(:string) { "\xFF" } it 'raises an error' do expect { compiled(file) }.to raise_error(EncodingError, 'invalid byte sequence in UTF-8') end end end context 'ascii-8bit comment' do let(:encoding_comment) { 'ascii-8bit' } context 'valid sequence' do let(:string) { "\xFF" } include_examples 'it compiles the string as', '$enc("\xFF", "ASCII-8BIT")' include_examples 'it does not print any warnings' end context 'unicode sequence' do let(:string) { 'λ' } encoded_string = 'λ'.force_encoding("ascii-8bit") include_examples 'it compiles the string as', "$enc(#{encoded_string.inspect}, \"ASCII-8BIT\")" include_examples 'it does not print any warnings' end end end describe 'a compilation error' do context 'at compile time' do it 'adds the file and line to the backtrace' do error = nil begin compiled('BEGIN {}', file: 'foobar.js.rb') rescue Opal::SyntaxError => syntax_error error = syntax_error end expect(error.backtrace[0]).to eq("foobar.js.rb:in `BEGIN {}'") expect(compiler_backtrace(error)[0]).to end_with(":in `error'") expect(compiler_backtrace(error)[-3]).to end_with(":in `block in compile'") expect(compiler_backtrace(error)[-1]).to end_with(":in `compile'") expect(error.backtrace.size).to be > 1 end end context 'at parse time' do it 'adds the file and line to the backtrace' do error = nil begin parsed('def foo', file: 'foobar.js.rb') rescue Opal::SyntaxError => syntax_error error = syntax_error end expect(error.backtrace[0]).to eq("foobar.js.rb:1:in `def foo'") expect(compiler_backtrace(error)[0]).to end_with(":in `block in parse'") expect(error.backtrace.size).to be > 1 end end def compiler_backtrace(error) error.backtrace.grep(%r{lib/opal/compiler\.rb}) end end describe '[regressions]' do it 'accepts empty rescue within while loop' do # found running bm_vm1_rescue.rb # was raising: NoMethodError: undefined method `type' for nil:NilClass expect{ compiled <<-RUBY while foo begin rescue end end RUBY }.not_to raise_error end it 'accepts a comment as the sole body of a for loop' do expect{ compiled <<-RUBY for foo in bar # end RUBY }.not_to raise_error end end def compiled(*args)*args).compile end def parsed(*args)*args).parse end alias compile compiled def expect_compiled(*args) expect(compiled(*args)) end def compiler_for(*args)*args).tap(&:compile) end end