module RDF; class Query ## # An RDF query pattern normalizer. class HashPatternNormalizer ## # A counter that can be incremented and decremented. class Counter ## # The offset (or initial value) for this counter. # # @return [Numeric] attr_reader :offset ## # The increment for this counter. # # @return [Numeric] attr_reader :increment ## # @param [Numeric] offset # the offset (or initial value) for this counter. # @param [Numeric] increment # the increment for this counter. def initialize(offset = 0, increment = 1) @offset = offset @increment = increment @value = @offset end ## # Decrements this counter, and returns the new value. # # @return [RDF::Query::HashPatternNormalizer::Counter] def decrement! @value -= @increment self end ## # Increments this counter, and returns the new value. # # @return [RDF::Query::HashPatternNormalizer::Counter] def increment! @value += @increment self end ## # Returns a floating point representation of this counter. # # @return [Float] def to_f @value.to_f end ## # Returns an integer representation of this counter. # # @return [Integer] def to_i @value.to_i end ## Returns a string representation of this counter. # # @return [String] def to_s @value.to_s end end # RDF::Query::HashPatternNormalizer::Counter class << self ## # Returns the normalization of the specified `hash_pattern`. # # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] hash_pattern ( # the query pattern as a hash. # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options ( # any additional normalization options. # @option options [String] :anonymous_subject_format ("__%s__") # the string format for anonymous subjects. # @return [Hash{Symbol => Object}] # the resulting query pattern as a normalized hash. def normalize!(hash_pattern = {}, options = {}) raise ArgumentError, "invalid hash pattern: #{hash_pattern.inspect}" unless hash_pattern.is_a?(Hash) counter = anonymous_subject_format = (options[:anonymous_subject_format] || '__%s__').to_s hash_pattern.inject({}) { |acc, pair| subject, predicate_to_object = pair ensure_absence_of_duplicate_subjects!(acc, subject) normalized_predicate_to_object = normalize_hash!(predicate_to_object, acc, counter, anonymous_subject_format) ensure_absence_of_duplicate_subjects!(acc, subject) acc[subject] = normalized_predicate_to_object acc } end private ## # @private def ensure_absence_of_duplicate_subjects!(acc, subject) raise "duplicate subject #{subject.inspect} in normalized hash pattern: #{acc.inspect}" if acc.key?(subject) return end ## # @private def normalize_array!(array, *args) raise ArgumentError, "invalid array pattern: #{array.inspect}" unless array.is_a?(Array) array.collect { |object| normalize_object!(object, *args) } end ## # @private def normalize_hash!(hash, *args) raise ArgumentError, "invalid hash pattern: #{hash.inspect}" unless hash.is_a?(Hash) hash.inject({}) { |acc, pair| acc[pair.first] = normalize_object!(pair.last, *args) acc } end ## # @private def normalize_object!(object, *args) case object when Array then normalize_array!(object, *args) when Hash then replace_hash_with_anonymous_subject!(object, *args) else object end end ## # @private def replace_hash_with_anonymous_subject!(hash, acc, counter, anonymous_subject_format) raise ArgumentError, "invalid hash pattern: #{hash.inspect}" unless hash.is_a?(Hash) subject = (anonymous_subject_format % counter.increment!).to_sym ensure_absence_of_duplicate_subjects!(acc, subject) normalized_hash = normalize_hash!(hash, acc, counter, anonymous_subject_format) ensure_absence_of_duplicate_subjects!(acc, subject) acc[subject] = normalized_hash subject end end ## # The options for this hash pattern normalizer. # # @return [Hash{Symbol => Object}] attr_reader :options ## # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options ( # any additional normalization options. # @option options [String] :anonymous_subject_format ("__%s__") # the string format for anonymous subjects. def initialize(options = {}) @options = options.dup end ## # Equivalent to calling `self.class.normalize!(hash_pattern, self.options)`. # # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] hash_pattern # the query pattern as a hash. # @return [Hash{Symbol => Object}] # the resulting query pattern as a normalized hash. def normalize!(hash_pattern = {}) self.class.normalize!(hash_pattern, @options) end end # RDF::Query::HashPatternNormalizer end; end # RDF::Query