require 'brakeman/checks/base_check' require 'brakeman/processors/lib/processor_helper' #Checks for user input in methods which open or manipulate files class Brakeman::CheckFileAccess < Brakeman::BaseCheck Brakeman::Checks.add self @description = "Finds possible file access using user input" def run_check Brakeman.debug "Finding possible file access" methods = tracker.find_call :targets => [:Dir, :File, :IO, :Kernel, :"Net::FTP", :"Net::HTTP", :PStore, :Pathname, :Shell], :methods => [:[], :chdir, :chroot, :delete, :entries, :foreach, :glob, :install, :lchmod, :lchown, :link, :load, :load_file, :makedirs, :move, :new, :open, :read, :readlines, :rename, :rmdir, :safe_unlink, :symlink, :syscopy, :sysopen, :truncate, :unlink] methods.concat tracker.find_call :target => :YAML, :methods => [:load_file, :parse_file] methods.concat tracker.find_call :target => nil, :method => [:open] Brakeman.debug "Finding calls to load()" methods.concat tracker.find_call :target => false, :method => :load Brakeman.debug "Finding calls using FileUtils" methods.concat tracker.find_call :target => :FileUtils Brakeman.debug "Processing found calls" methods.each do |call| process_result call end end def process_result result return unless original? result call = result[:call] file_name = call.first_arg if match = has_immediate_user_input?(file_name) confidence = :high elsif match = has_immediate_model?(file_name) match =, match) confidence = :medium elsif tracker.options[:check_arguments] and match = include_user_input?(file_name) #Check for string building in file name if call?(file_name) and (file_name.method == :+ or file_name.method == :<<) confidence = :high else confidence = :weak end end if match and not temp_file? match.match message = "#{friendly_type_of(match).capitalize} used in file name" warn :result => result, :warning_type => "File Access", :warning_code => :file_access, :message => message, :confidence => confidence, :code => call, :user_input => match end end def temp_file? exp if call? exp return true if exp.call_chain.include? :tempfile params? and exp.method == :path end end end