require 'faraday' # HTTP Client require 'faraday_middleware' require 'spaceship/ui' require 'spaceship/helper/plist_middleware' require 'spaceship/helper/net_http_generic_request' if ENV['DEBUG'] require 'pry' # TODO: Remove require 'openssl' OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end module Spaceship class Client PROTOCOL_VERSION = "QH65B2" attr_reader :client attr_accessor :cookie class InvalidUserCredentialsError < StandardError; end class UnexpectedResponse < StandardError; end # Authenticates with Apple's web services. This method has to be called once # to generate a valid session. The session will automatically be used from then # on. # # This method will automatically use the username from the Appfile (if available) # and fetch the password from the Keychain (if available) # # @param user (String) (optional): The username (usually the email address) # @param password (String) (optional): The password # # @raise InvalidUserCredentialsError: raised if authentication failed # # @return (Spaceship::Client) The client the login method was called for def self.login(user = nil, password = nil) instance = if instance.login(user, password) instance else raise end end def initialize @client ="{PROTOCOL_VERSION}/") do |c| c.response :json, :content_type => /\bjson$/ c.response :xml, :content_type => /\bxml$/ c.response :plist, :content_type => /\bplist$/ c.adapter Faraday.default_adapter if ENV['DEBUG'] # for debugging: c.response :logger c.proxy "" end end end def api_key page = @client.get("").body if page =~ %r{ 1 puts "The current user is in #{teams.count} teams. Pass a team ID or call `select_team` to choose a team. Using the first one for now." end @current_team_id ||= teams[0]['teamId'] end def select_team @current_team_id = self.UI.select_team end def current_team_id=(team_id) @current_team_id = team_id end def apps paging do |page_number| r = request(:post, 'account/ios/identifiers/listAppIds.action', { teamId: team_id, pageNumber: page_number, pageSize: page_size, sort: 'name=asc' }) parse_response(r, 'appIds') end end def create_app!(type, name, bundle_id) ident_params = case type.to_sym when :explicit { type: 'explicit', explicitIdentifier: bundle_id, appIdentifierString: bundle_id, push: 'on', inAppPurchase: 'on', gameCenter: 'on' } when :wildcard { type: 'wildcard', wildcardIdentifier: bundle_id, appIdentifierString: bundle_id } end params = { appIdName: name, teamId: team_id } params.merge!(ident_params) r = request(:post, 'account/ios/identifiers/addAppId.action', params) parse_response(r, 'appId') end def delete_app!(app_id) r = request(:post, 'account/ios/identifiers/deleteAppId.action', { teamId: team_id, appIdId: app_id }) parse_response(r) end def devices paging do |page_number| r = request(:post, 'account/ios/device/listDevices.action', { teamId: team_id, pageNumber: page_number, pageSize: page_size, sort: 'name=asc' }) parse_response(r, 'devices') end end def create_device!(device_name, device_id) r = request(:post) do |r| r.url "{PROTOCOL_VERSION}/ios/addDevice.action" r.params = { teamId: team_id, deviceNumber: device_id, name: device_name } end parse_response(r, 'device') end def certificates(types) paging do |page_number| r = request(:post, 'account/ios/certificate/listCertRequests.action', { teamId: team_id, types: types.join(','), pageNumber: page_number, pageSize: page_size, sort: 'certRequestStatusCode=asc' }) parse_response(r, 'certRequests') end end def create_certificate!(type, csr, app_id = nil) r = request(:post, 'account/ios/certificate/submitCertificateRequest.action', { teamId: team_id, type: type, csrContent: csr, appIdId: app_id #optional }) parse_response(r, 'certRequest') end def download_certificate(certificate_id, type) {type: type, certificate_id: certificate_id}.each { |k, v| raise "#{k} must not be nil" if v.nil? } r = request(:post, '', { displayId: certificate_id, type: type }) parse_response(r) end def revoke_certificate!(certificate_id, type) r = request(:post, 'account/ios/certificate/revokeCertificate.action', { teamId: team_id, certificateId: certificate_id, type: type }) parse_response(r, 'certRequests') end def provisioning_profiles r = request(:post) do |r| r.url "{PROTOCOL_VERSION}/ios/listProvisioningProfiles.action" r.params = { teamId: team_id, includeInactiveProfiles: true, onlyCountLists: true, } end parse_response(r, 'provisioningProfiles') end def create_provisioning_profile!(name, distribution_method, app_id, certificate_ids, device_ids) r = request(:post, 'account/ios/profile/createProvisioningProfile.action', { teamId: team_id, provisioningProfileName: name, appIdId: app_id, distributionType: distribution_method, certificateIds: certificate_ids, deviceIds: device_ids }) parse_response(r, 'provisioningProfile') end def download_provisioning_profile(profile_id) r = request(:get, '', { teamId: team_id, displayId: profile_id }) parse_response(r) end def delete_provisioning_profile!(profile_id) r = request(:post, 'account/ios/profile/deleteProvisioningProfile.action', { teamId: team_id, provisioningProfileId: profile_id }) parse_response(r) end def repair_provisioning_profile!(profile_id, name, distribution_method, app_id, certificate_ids, device_ids) r = request(:post, 'account/ios/profile/regenProvisioningProfile.action', { teamId: team_id, provisioningProfileId: profile_id, provisioningProfileName: name, appIdId: app_id, distributionType: distribution_method, certificateIds: certificate_ids, deviceIds: device_ids }) parse_response(r, 'provisioningProfile') end private # Is called from `parse_response` to store def store_csrf_tokens(response) if response and response.headers tokens = { |k, v| %w[csrf csrf_ts].include?(k) } if tokens and not tokens.empty? @csrf_tokens = tokens end end end ## # memoize the last csrf tokens from responses def csrf_tokens @csrf_tokens || {} end def request(method, url_or_path = nil, params = nil, headers = {}, &block) if session? headers.merge!({'Cookie' => cookie}) headers.merge!(csrf_tokens) end headers.merge!({'User-Agent' => 'spaceship'}) # form-encode the params only if there are params, and the block is not supplied. # this is so that certain requests can be made using the block for more control if method == :post && params && !block_given? params, headers = encode_params(params, headers) end send_request(method, url_or_path, params, headers, &block) end # Actually sends the request to the remote server # Automatically retries the request up to 3 times if something goes wrong def send_request(method, url_or_path, params, headers, &block) tries ||= 5 return @client.send(method, url_or_path, params, headers, &block) rescue Faraday::TimeoutError => ex unless (tries -= 1).zero? sleep 3 retry end raise ex # re-raise the exception end def parse_response(response, expected_key = nil) if expected_key content = response.body[expected_key] else content = response.body end if content.nil? raise else store_csrf_tokens(response) content end end def encode_params(params, headers) params = Faraday::Utils::ParamsHash[params].to_query headers = {'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}.merge(headers) return params, headers end end end