# frozen_string_literal: true class Capybara::RackTest::Form < Capybara::RackTest::Node # This only needs to inherit from Rack::Test::UploadedFile because Rack::Test checks for # the class specifically when determining whether to construct the request as multipart. # That check should be based solely on the form element's 'enctype' attribute value, # which should probably be provided to Rack::Test in its non-GET request methods. class NilUploadedFile < Rack::Test::UploadedFile def initialize @empty_file = Tempfile.new("nil_uploaded_file") @empty_file.close end def original_filename; ""; end def content_type; "application/octet-stream"; end def path; @empty_file.path; end def size; 0; end def read; ""; end end def params(button) params = make_params form_element_types = %i[input select textarea] form_elements_xpath = XPath.generate do |x| xpath = x.descendant(*form_element_types).where(!x.attr(:form)) xpath += x.anywhere(*form_element_types).where(x.attr(:form) == native[:id]) if native[:id] xpath.where(!x.attr(:disabled)) end.to_s native.xpath(form_elements_xpath).map do |field| case field.name when 'input' then add_input_param(field, params) when 'select' then add_select_param(field, params) when 'textarea' then add_textarea_param(field, params) end end merge_param!(params, button[:name], button[:value] || "") if button[:name] params.to_params_hash end def submit(button) action = button&.[]('formaction') || native['action'] method = button&.[]('formmethod') || request_method driver.submit(method, action.to_s, params(button)) end def multipart? self[:enctype] == "multipart/form-data" end private class ParamsHash < Hash def to_params_hash self end end def request_method self[:method] =~ /post/i ? :post : :get end def merge_param!(params, key, value) key = key.to_s if Rack::Utils.respond_to?(:default_query_parser) Rack::Utils.default_query_parser.normalize_params(params, key, value, Rack::Utils.param_depth_limit) else Rack::Utils.normalize_params(params, key, value) end end def make_params if Rack::Utils.respond_to?(:default_query_parser) Rack::Utils.default_query_parser.make_params else ParamsHash.new end end def add_input_param(field, params) if %w[radio checkbox].include? field['type'] if field['checked'] node = Capybara::RackTest::Node.new(driver, field) merge_param!(params, field['name'], node.value.to_s) end elsif %w[submit image].include? field['type'] # TODO: identify the click button here (in document order, rather # than leaving until the end of the params) elsif field['type'] == 'file' if multipart? file = if (value = field['value']).to_s.empty? NilUploadedFile.new else mime_info = MiniMime.lookup_by_filename(value) Rack::Test::UploadedFile.new(value, mime_info&.content_type&.to_s) end merge_param!(params, field['name'], file) else merge_param!(params, field['name'], File.basename(field['value'].to_s)) end else merge_param!(params, field['name'], field['value'].to_s) end end def add_select_param(field, params) if field.has_attribute?('multiple') field.xpath(".//option[@selected]").each do |option| merge_param!(params, field['name'], (option['value'] || option.text).to_s) end else option = field.xpath('.//option[@selected]').first || field.xpath('.//option').first merge_param!(params, field['name'], (option['value'] || option.text).to_s) if option end end def add_textarea_param(field, params) merge_param!(params, field['name'], field['_capybara_raw_value'].to_s.gsub(/\n/, "\r\n")) end end