# encoding: utf-8 -- You should see a paragraph character: ยง # File: engine_spec.rb require_relative '../../spec_helper' # Load the class under test require_relative '../../../lib/macros4cuke/templating/engine' module Macros4Cuke module Templating # Open this namespace to get rid of module qualifier prefixes describe Engine do # Sample template (consisting of a sequence of steps) let(:sample_template) do source = <<-SNIPPET Given I landed in the homepage # The credentials are entered here And I fill in "Username" with "" And I fill in "Password" with "" And I click "Sign in" SNIPPET source end # Template containing two conditional sections let(:sophisticated_template) do source = <<-SNIPPET When I fill in "firstname" with "" And I fill in "lastname" with "" And I fill in "address" with "
And I fill in "birthdate" with "" And I click "Register" SNIPPET source end # Rule for default instantiation subject { Engine.new sample_template } context "Class services" do # Helper method. # Remove enclosing chevrons <..> (if any) def strip_chevrons(aText) return aText.gsub(/^<|>$/, '') end it "should parse an empty text line" do # Expectation: result should be an empty array. Engine.parse('').should be_empty end it "should parse a text line without tag" do sample_text = 'Mary has a little lamb' result = Engine.parse(sample_text) # Expectation: an array with one couple: # [:static, the source text] result.should have(1).items result[0].should == [:static, sample_text] end it "should parse a text line that consists of just a tag" do sample_text = '' result = Engine.parse(sample_text) # Expectation: an array with one couple: # [:static, the source text] result.should have(1).items result[0].should == [:dynamic, strip_chevrons(sample_text)] end it "should parse a text line with a tag at the start" do sample_text = 'some text' result = Engine.parse(sample_text) # Expectation: an array with two couples: # [dynamic, 'some_tag'][:static, some text] result.should have(2).items result[0].should == [:dynamic, 'some_tag'] result[1].should == [:static, 'some text'] end it "should parse a text line with a tag at the end" do sample_text = 'some text' result = Engine.parse(sample_text) # Expectation: an array with two couples: # [:static, some text] [dynamic, 'some_tag'] result.should have(2).items result[0].should == [:static, 'some text'] result[1].should == [:dynamic, 'some_tag'] end it "should parse a text line with a tag in the middle" do sample_text = 'begin end' result = Engine.parse(sample_text) # Expectation: an array with three couples: result.should have(3).items result[0].should == [:static, 'begin '] result[1].should == [:dynamic, 'some_tag'] result[2].should == [:static, ' end'] end it "should parse a text line with two tags in the middle" do sample_text = 'begin middle end' result = Engine.parse(sample_text) # Expectation: an array with items couples: result.should have(5).items result[0].should == [:static , 'begin '] result[1].should == [:dynamic, 'some_tag'] result[2].should == [:static , 'middle'] result[3].should == [:dynamic, 'another_tag'] result[4].should == [:static, ' end'] # Case: two consecutive tags sample_text = 'begin end' result = Engine.parse(sample_text) # Expectation: an array with four couples: result.should have(4).items result[0].should == [:static, 'begin '] result[1].should == [:dynamic, 'some_tag'] result[2].should == [:dynamic, 'another_tag'] result[3].should == [:static, ' end'] end it "should parse a text line with escaped chevrons" do sample_text = 'Mary has a \ lamb' result = Engine.parse(sample_text) # Expectation: an array with one couple: [:static, the source text] result.should have(1).items result[0].should == [:static, sample_text] end it "should parse a text line with escaped chevrons in a tag" do sample_text = 'begin weird\>_tag> end' result = Engine.parse(sample_text) # Expectation: an array with three couples: result.should have(3).items result[0].should == [:static, 'begin '] result[1].should == [:dynamic, 'some_\<\\>weird\>_tag'] result[2].should == [:static, ' end'] end it "should complain if a tag misses an closing chevron" do sample_text = 'begin end' error_message = "Missing closing chevron '>'." ->(){ Engine.parse(sample_text) }.should raise_error( StandardError, error_message) end it "should complain if a text misses an opening chevron" do sample_text = 'begin > end' error_message = "Missing opening chevron '<'." ->(){ Engine.parse(sample_text) }.should raise_error( StandardError, error_message) end it "should complain if a text has nested opening chevrons" do sample_text = 'begin < > end' error_message = "Nested opening chevron '<'." ->(){ Engine.parse(sample_text) }.should raise_error( StandardError, error_message) end end # context context "Creation and initialization" do it "should accept an empty template text" do ->(){ Engine.new '' }.should_not raise_error end it "should be created with a template text" do ->(){ Engine.new sample_template }.should_not raise_error end it "should know the source text" do subject.source.should == sample_template # Case of an empty template instance = Engine.new '' instance.source.should be_empty end it "should accept conditional section" do ->(){ Engine.new sophisticated_template }.should_not raise_error instance = Engine.new sophisticated_template elements = instance.instance_variable_get(:@representation) sections = elements.select { |e| e.is_a?(Section) } names = sections.map { |e| e.to_s } names.should == %w( ) end it "should complain when a placeholder is empty or blank" do text_w_empty_arg = sample_template.sub(/userid/, '') msg = %q(An empty or blank argument occurred in 'And I fill in "Username" with "<>"'.) ->(){ Engine.new text_w_empty_arg }.should raise_error( Macros4Cuke::EmptyArgumentError, msg) end it "should complain when a placeholder contains an invalid character" do text_w_empty_arg = sample_template.sub(/userid/, 'user%id') msg = "The invalid sign '%' occurs in the argument 'user%id'." ->(){ Engine.new text_w_empty_arg }.should raise_error( Macros4Cuke::InvalidCharError, msg) end it "should complain when a section has no closing tag" do # Removing an end of section tag... text_w_open_section = sophisticated_template.sub(/<\/address>/, '') error_message = "Unterminated section ." ->(){ Engine.new text_w_open_section}.should raise_error( StandardError, error_message) end it "should complain when a closing tag has no corresponding opening tag" do # Replacing an end of section tag by another... text_w_wrong_end = sophisticated_template.sub(/<\/address>/, '') msg = "End of section doesn't match current section 'address'." ->(){ Engine.new text_w_wrong_end }.should raise_error( StandardError, msg) end it "should complain when a closing tag is found without opening tag" do # Replacing an end of section tag by another... wrong_end = sophisticated_template.sub(/<\?birthdate>/, '') msg = "End of section found while no corresponding section is open." ->(){ Engine.new wrong_end }.should raise_error(StandardError, msg) end end # context context "Provided services" do it "should know the variable(s) it contains" do # Case using the sample template subject.variables == [:userid, :password] # Case of an empty source template text instance = Engine.new '' instance.variables.should be_empty end it "should ignore variables/placeholders in comments" do substeps = " # Comment 1 \n" + sample_template substeps += " #\n Comment 2 " instance = Engine.new substeps instance.variables == [:userid, :password] end it "should render the text given the actuals" do locals = { 'userid' => "johndoe" } rendered_text = subject.render(Object.new, locals) expected = <<-SNIPPET Given I landed in the homepage # The credentials are entered here And I fill in "Username" with "johndoe" And I fill in "Password" with "" And I click "Sign in" SNIPPET rendered_text.should == expected # Case of an actual that's not a String locals = { 'userid' => "johndoe", "password" => 12345 } rendered_text = subject.render(Object.new, locals) expected = <<-SNIPPET Given I landed in the homepage # The credentials are entered here And I fill in "Username" with "johndoe" And I fill in "Password" with "12345" And I click "Sign in" SNIPPET rendered_text.should == expected # Place actual value in context object Context = Struct.new(:userid, :password) context = Context.new("sherlock", "holmes") rendered_text = subject.render(context, { 'userid' => 'susan' }) expected = <<-SNIPPET Given I landed in the homepage # The credentials are entered here And I fill in "Username" with "susan" And I fill in "Password" with "holmes" And I click "Sign in" SNIPPET rendered_text.should == expected # Case of an empty source template text instance = Engine.new '' instance.render(nil, {}).should be_empty end it "should render conditional sections" do instance = Engine.new(sophisticated_template) locals = { 'firstname' => "Anon", "lastname" => "Eemoos" , "birthdate" => "1976-04-21" } rendered_text = instance.render(Object.new, locals) expected = <<-SNIPPET When I fill in "firstname" with "Anon" And I fill in "lastname" with "Eemoos" And I fill in "birthdate" with "1976-04-21" And I click "Register" SNIPPET rendered_text.should == expected # Redo with another context locals["birthdate"] = nil locals["address"] = "122, Mercer Street" rendered_text = instance.render(Object.new, locals) expected = <<-SNIPPET When I fill in "firstname" with "Anon" And I fill in "lastname" with "Eemoos" And I fill in "address" with "122, Mercer Street" And I click "Register" SNIPPET rendered_text.should == expected end it "should render multivalued actuals" do locals = { 'userid' => %w(johndoe yeti) } # Silly case rendered_text = subject.render(Object.new, locals) expected = <<-SNIPPET Given I landed in the homepage # The credentials are entered here And I fill in "Username" with "johndoe
yeti" And I fill in "Password" with "" And I click "Sign in" SNIPPET rendered_text.should == expected end end # context end # describe end # module end # module # End of file