module Disposable class Twin # Allows setting a twin class for a host object (e.g. a cell, a form, or a representer) using ::twin # and imports a method #build_twin to initialize this twin. # # Example: # # class SongTwin < Disposable::Twin # properties :id, :title # option :is_released # end # # class Cell # include Disposable::Twin::Builder # twin SongTwin # # def initialize(model, options) # @twin = build_twin(model, options) # end # end # # An optional block passed to ::twin will be called per property yielding the Definition instance. module Builder def self.included(base) base.class_eval do extend Uber::InheritableAttr inheritable_attr :twin_class extend ClassMethods end end module ClassMethods def twin(twin_class, &block) twin_class.representer_class.representable_attrs.each { |dfn| yield(dfn) } if block_given? self.twin_class = twin_class end end private def build_twin(*args)*args) end end end end