= Documentation for Create Account Feature The create account feature allows users to create new accounts. == Auth Value Methods create_account_additional_form_tags :: HTML fragment containing additional form tags to use on the create account form. create_account_button :: The text to use for the create account button. create_account_error_flash :: The flash error to show for unsuccessful account creation. create_account_notice_flash :: The flash notice to show after successful create_account_redirect :: Where to redirect after creating the account. create_account_route :: The route to the create account action. Defaults to +create-account+. create_account_set_password? :: Whether to ask for a password to be set on the create account form. Defaults to true. If set to false, an alternative method to set the password should be used. == Auth Methods after_create_account :: Run arbitrary code after creating the account. before_create_account :: Run arbitrary code before creating the account. before_create_account_route :: Run arbitrary code before handling a create account route. create_account_autologin? :: Whether to autologin the user upon successful account creation, true by default unless verifying accounts. create_account_link :: HTML fragment to display with a link to the create account form. create_account_view :: The HTML to use for the create account form. new_account(login) :: Instantiate a new account model instance for the given login, without saving it. save_account :: Insert the account into the database, or return nil/false if that was not successful. set_new_account_password :: Set the password for a new account if +account_password_hash_column+ is set, without saving.