require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../spec_helper" describe Admin::UsersController do dataset :users it "should be a ResourceController" do controller.should be_kind_of(Admin::ResourceController) end it "should handle Users" do controller.class.model_class.should == User end { :get => [:index, :new, :edit, :remove], :post => [:create], :put => [:update], :delete => [:destroy] }.each do |method, actions| actions.each do |action| it "should require login to access the #{action} action" do logout lambda { send(method, action, :id => user_id(:existing)).should require_login } end it "should allow you to access to #{action} action if you are an admin" do lambda { send(method, action, :id => user_id(:existing)) }.should restrict_access(:allow => users(:admin), :url => '/admin/page') end it "should deny you access to #{action} action if you are not an admin" do lambda { send(method, action, :id => user_id(:existing)) }.should restrict_access(:deny => [users(:developer), users(:existing)], :url => '/admin/page') end end end it "should not allow you to delete yourself" do user = users(:admin) login_as user get :remove, { :id => } response.should redirect_to(admin_users_url) flash[:error].should match(/cannot.*self/i) User.find( be_nil end end