module RSpec module Rails # Container module for routing spec functionality. module FeatureExampleGroup extend ActiveSupport::Concern include RSpec::Rails::RailsExampleGroup # Default host to be used in Rails route helpers if none is specified. DEFAULT_HOST = "" included do app = ::Rails.application if app.respond_to?(:routes) include app.routes.url_helpers if app.routes.respond_to?(:url_helpers) include app.routes.mounted_helpers if app.routes.respond_to?(:mounted_helpers) if respond_to?(:default_url_options) default_url_options[:host] ||= ::RSpec::Rails::FeatureExampleGroup::DEFAULT_HOST end end end # Shim to check for presence of Capybara. Will delegate if present, raise # if not. We assume here that in most cases `visit` will be the first # Capybara method called in a spec. def visit(*) if defined?(super) super else raise "Capybara not loaded, please add it to your Gemfile:\n\ngem \"capybara\"" end end end end end unless RSpec.respond_to?(:feature) opts = { :capybara_feature => true, :type => :feature, :skip => <<-EOT.squish Feature specs require the Capybara ( gem, version 2.2.0 or later. We recommend version 2.4.0 or later to avoid some deprecation warnings and have support for `config.expose_dsl_globally = false`. EOT } # Capybara's monkey patching causes us to have to jump through some hoops top_level = self main_feature = nil if defined?(Capybara) && ::Capybara::VERSION.to_f < 2.4 # Capybara 2.2 and 2.3 do not use `alias_example_xyz` opts[:skip] = <<-EOT.squish Capybara < 2.4.0 does not support RSpec's namespace or `config.expose_dsl_globally = false`. Upgrade to Capybara >= 2.4.0. EOT main_feature = top_level.method(:feature) if top_level.respond_to?(:feature) end RSpec.configure do |c| main_feature = nil unless c.expose_dsl_globally? c.alias_example_group_to :feature, opts c.alias_example_to :scenario c.alias_example_to :xscenario end # Due to load order issues and `config.expose_dsl_globally?` defaulting to # `true` we need to put Capybara's monkey patch method back. Otherwise, # app upgrades have a high likelyhood of having all feature specs skipped. top_level.define_singleton_method(:feature, &main_feature) if main_feature end