# All classes which are capable of handling events inherit from # EvtHandler. This includes all Wx::Window subclasses and Wx::App. class Wx::EvtHandler # EventType is an internal class that's used to set up event handlers # and mappings. # * 'name' is the name of the event handler method in ruby # * 'arity' is the number of id arguments that method should accept # * 'const' is the Wx EventType constant that identifies the event # * 'evt_class' is the WxRuby event class which is passed to the event # handler block # # NB: Some event types currently pass a Wx::Event into the event # handler block; when the appropriate classes are added to wxRuby, the # binding can be updated here. EventType = Struct.new(:name, :arity, :const, :evt_class) # Fast look-up hash to map event type ids to ruby event classes EVENT_TYPE_CLASS_MAP = {} # Hash to look up EVT constants from symbol names of evt handler # methods; used internally by disconnect (see EvtHandler.i) EVENT_NAME_TYPE_MAP = {} # Given a Wx EventType id (eg Wx::EVT_MENU), returns a WxRuby Event # class which should be passed to event handler blocks. The actual # EVT_XXX constants themselves are in the compiled libraries. def self.event_class_for_type(id) if evt_klass = EVENT_TYPE_CLASS_MAP[id] return evt_klass else if Wx::DEBUG warn "No event class defined for event type #{id}" end return Wx::Event end end # Given the symbol name of an evt_xxx handler method, returns the # Integer Wx::EVT_XXX constant associated with that handler. def self.event_type_for_name(name) EVENT_NAME_TYPE_MAP[name] end # Given the Integer constant Wx::EVT_XXX, returns the convenience # handler method name associated with that type of event. def self.event_name_for_type(name) EVENT_NAME_TYPE_MAP.key(name) end # Given an integer value +int_val+, returns the name of the EVT_xxx # constant which points to it. Mainly useful for debugging. def self.const_to_name(int_val) Wx::constants.grep(/^EVT/).find do | c_name | Wx::const_get(c_name) == int_val end end # Public method to register the mapping of a custom event type # +konstant+ (which should be a unique integer; one will be created if # not supplied) to a custom event class +klass+. If +meth+ and +arity+ # are given, a convenience evt_handler method called +meth+ will be # created, which accepts +arity+ arguments. def self.register_class( klass, konstant = nil, meth = nil, arity = nil) konstant ||= Wx::Event.new_user_event_type unless klass < Wx::Event Kernel.raise TypeError, "Event class should be a subclass of Wx::Event" end ev_type = EventType.new(meth, arity, konstant, klass) register_event_type(ev_type) return konstant end # Registers the event type +ev_type+, which should be an instance of # the Struct class +Wx::EvtHandler::EventType+. This sets up the # mapping of events of that type (identified by integer id) to the # appropriate ruby event class, and defines a convenience evt_xxx # instance method in the class EvtHandler. def self.register_event_type(ev_type) # set up the event type mapping EVENT_TYPE_CLASS_MAP[ev_type.const] = ev_type.evt_class EVENT_NAME_TYPE_MAP[ev_type.name.intern] = ev_type.const unless ev_type.arity and ev_type.name return end # set up the evt_xxx method case ev_type.arity when 0 # events without an id class_eval %Q| def #{ev_type.name}(meth = nil, &block) handler = acquire_handler(meth, block) connect(Wx::ID_ANY, Wx::ID_ANY, #{ev_type.const}, handler) end | when 1 # events with an id class_eval %Q| def #{ev_type.name}(id, meth = nil, &block) handler = acquire_handler(meth, block) id = acquire_id(id) connect(id, Wx::ID_ANY, #{ev_type.const}, handler) end | when 2 # events with id range class_eval %Q| def #{ev_type.name}(first_id, last_id, meth = nil, &block) handler = acquire_handler(meth, block) first_id = acquire_id(first_id) last_id = acquire_id(last_id) connect(first_id, last_id, #{ev_type.const}, handler) end | end end # Not for external use; determines whether to use a block or call a # method in self to handle an event, passed to connect. Makes evt_xxx # liberal about what it accepts - aside from a block, it can be a # method name (as Symbol or String), a (bound) method object, or a # Proc object def acquire_handler(meth, block) if block and not meth return block elsif meth and not block h_meth = case meth when Symbol, String then self.method(meth) when Proc then meth when Method then meth end # check arity <= 1 if h_meth.arity>1 Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "Event handler should not accept more than at most a single argument" caller end # wrap method without any argument in anonymous proc to prevent strict argument checking if Method === h_meth && h_meth.arity == 0 Proc.new { h_meth.call } else h_meth end else Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "Specify event handler with a method, name, proc OR block" caller end end # Not for external use; acquires an id either from an explicit Fixnum # parameter or by calling the wx_id method of a passed Window. def acquire_id(window_or_id) case window_or_id when ::Integer, Wx::Enum window_or_id when Wx::Window, Wx::MenuItem, Wx::ToolBarTool, Wx::Timer window_or_id.wx_id else Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "Must specify Wx::Window event source or its Wx id, " + "not '#{window_or_id.inspect}'", caller end end private :acquire_id, :acquire_handler wx_call_after = instance_method(:call_after) define_method(:call_after) do |*args, &block| async_proc = if block block elsif !args.empty? case args.first when Symbol, String then self.method(args.shift) when Proc then args.shift when Method then args.shift else nil end else nil end Kernel.raise ArgumentError, 'Missing async call handler' unless async_proc wx_call_after.bind(self).call(args.unshift(async_proc)) end # Process a command, supplying the window identifier, command event identifier, and member function or proc. def evt_command(id, evt_id, meth = nil, &block) handler = acquire_handler(meth, block) id = acquire_id(id) connect(id, Wx::ID_ANY, evt_id, handler) end # Process a command for a range of window identifiers, supplying the minimum and maximum window identifiers, command event identifier, and member function or proc. def evt_command_range(id1, id2, evt_id, meth = nil, &block) handler = acquire_handler(meth, block) id = acquire_id(id) connect(id, Wx::ID_ANY, evt_id, handler) end # Convenience evt_handler to listen to all mouse events. def evt_mouse_events(&block) evt_left_down(&block) evt_left_up(&block) evt_middle_down(&block) evt_middle_up(&block) evt_right_down(&block) evt_right_up(&block) evt_motion(&block) evt_left_dclick(&block) evt_middle_dclick(&block) evt_right_dclick(&block) evt_leave_window(&block) evt_enter_window(&block) evt_mousewheel(&block) end # Convenience evt handler to listen to all scrollwin events. def evt_scrollwin(&block) evt_scrollwin_top(&block) evt_scrollwin_bottom(&block) evt_scrollwin_lineup(&block) evt_scrollwin_linedown(&block) evt_scrollwin_pageup(&block) evt_scrollwin_pagedown(&block) evt_scrollwin_thumbtrack(&block) evt_scrollwin_thumbrelease(&block) end if Wx.const_defined?(:EVT_DESTROY) # evt_window_destroy is a special case in that evt.skip # should always be called when handling the event # as otherwise the OnWindowDestroy handler of Wx::App will not # be called to deregister the windows on destruction which # may lead to segfaults during the GC marking phase. # Thus we register the event here explicitly as well as the # event hook method. EVENT_TYPE_CLASS_MAP[Wx::EVT_DESTROY] = Wx::WindowDestroyEvent EVENT_NAME_TYPE_MAP['evt_window_destroy'.intern] = Wx::EVT_DESTROY def evt_window_destroy(meth = nil, &block) handler = acquire_handler(meth, block) connect(Wx::ID_ANY, Wx::ID_ANY, Wx::EVT_DESTROY, Proc.new { |evt| handler.call(evt); evt.skip }) end end end if Wx.const_defined?(:EVT_SASH_DRAGGED) && !Wx.const_defined?(:EVT_SASH_DRAGGED_RANGE) Wx.const_set(:EVT_SASH_DRAGGED_RANGE, Wx::EVT_SASH_DRAGGED) end # Definitions for all event types that are part by core wxRuby. require_relative './events/evt_list'