(function(root) { var store; var query; var recordArray; module("SC.RecordArray - implements array content observers", { setup: function() { }, teardown: function() { root.MyRecord = undefined; } }); test("notifies when a record is added to the store that matches a query", function() { var callCount = 0, lastRemovedCount = 0, lastAddedCount = 0; SC.run(function() { store = SC.Store.create(); root.MyRecord = SC.Record.extend(); query = SC.Query.local(MyRecord); recordArray = store.find(query); recordArray.addArrayObservers({ didChange: function(start, removedCount, addedCount) { lastRemovedCount = removedCount; lastAddedCount = addedCount; }, willChange: function() {} }); store.createRecord(MyRecord, {}); }); equals(lastAddedCount, 1); equals(lastRemovedCount, 0); equals(recordArray.get('length'), 1); }); test("notifies when a record is removed from the store that matches a query", function() { var lastRemovedCount = 0, lastAddedCount = 0; var record; SC.run(function() { store = SC.Store.create(); root.MyRecord = SC.Record.extend(); query = SC.Query.local(MyRecord); recordArray = store.find(query); recordArray.addArrayObservers({ didChange: function(start, removedCount, addedCount) { lastRemovedCount = removedCount; lastAddedCount = addedCount; }, willChange: function() {} }); record = store.createRecord(MyRecord, { guid: 1 }); }); equals(lastAddedCount, 1); equals(lastRemovedCount, 0); SC.run(function() { record.destroy(); }); equals(lastAddedCount, 0); equals(lastRemovedCount, 1); equals(recordArray.get('length'), 0); }); })(this);