class Lono::Cfn::Preview < Lono::Cfn::Base # Override run from Base superclass, the run method is different enough with Preview def run if @options[:noop] puts "NOOP CloudFormation preview for #{@stack_name} update" else params = generate_all success = preview_change_set(params) delete_change_set if success && !@options[:keep] # Clean up and delete the change set end end def preview_change_set(params) success = create_change_set(params) display_change_set if success end def create_change_set(params) unless stack_exists?(@stack_name) puts "WARN: Cannot create a change set for the stack because the #{@stack_name} does not exists.".color(:yellow) return false end exit_unless_updatable!(stack_status(@stack_name)) params = { change_set_name: change_set_name, stack_name: @stack_name, parameters: params, capabilities: capabilities, # ["CAPABILITY_IAM", "CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM"], } params[:tags] = tags unless tags.empty? set_template_body!(params) show_parameters(params, "cfn.create_change_set") begin cfn.create_change_set(params) rescue Aws::CloudFormation::Errors::ValidationError => e handle_error(e) end true end # Example errors: # "Template error: variable names in Fn::Sub syntax must contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, periods, and colons" def handle_error(e) raise if ENV['FULL_BACKTRACE'] if e.message =~ /^Parameters: / || e.message =~ /^Template error: / puts "Error creating CloudFormation preview because invalid CloudFormation parameters. Full error message:".color(:red) puts e.message puts "For full backtrace run command again with FULL_BACKTRACE=1" quit(1) else raise end end def display_change_set print "Generating CloudFormation Change Set for preview.." change_set = describe_change_set until change_set_finished?(change_set) do change_set = describe_change_set sleep 1 print '.' end puts case change_set.status when "CREATE_COMPLETE" puts "CloudFormation preview for '#{@stack_name}' stack update. Changes:" changes = change_set.changes.sort_by do |change| change["resource_change"]["action"] end changes.each do |change| display_change(change) end when "FAILED" puts "WARN: Fail to create a CloudFormation preview for '#{@stack_name}' stack update. Reason:".color(:yellow) puts change_set.status_reason quit(0) else raise "hell: never come here" end end def delete_change_set cfn.delete_change_set( change_set_name: change_set_name, stack_name: @stack_name ) end def execute_change_set cfn.execute_change_set( change_set_name: change_set_name, stack_name: @stack_name ) end # generates a change set name def change_set_name @change_set_name ||= "changeset-#{"%Y%d%m%H%M%S")}" end private # Private: formats a Aws::CloudFormation::Types::Change in pretty human readable form # # change - Aws::CloudFormation::Types::Change # # Examples # # display_change(change) # => Remove AWS::Route53::RecordSet: DnsRecord # # Returns nil # # change.to_h # {:type=>"Resource", # :resource_change=> # {:action=>"Remove", # :logical_resource_id=>"DnsRecord", # :physical_resource_id=>"", # :resource_type=>"AWS::Route53::RecordSet", # :scope=>[], # :details=>[]}} def display_change(change) message = if change.type == "Resource" c = change.resource_change "#{c.action} #{c.resource_type}: #{c.logical_resource_id} #{c.physical_resource_id}" else change.to_h end colors = { Remove: :red, Add: :green, Modify: :yellow } action = change.resource_change.action.to_sym message = message.color(colors[action]) if colors.has_key?(action) puts message end def change_set_finished?(change_set) change_set.status =~ /_COMPLETE/ || change_set.status == "FAILED" end def describe_change_set cfn.describe_change_set( change_set_name: change_set_name, stack_name: @stack_name ) end end