# semantic_logger ![](https://img.shields.io/gem/v/semantic_logger.svg) ![](https://img.shields.io/travis/rocketjob/semantic_logger.svg) ![](https://img.shields.io/gem/dt/semantic_logger.svg) ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/status-production%20ready-blue.svg) Low latency, high throughput, enterprise-scale logging system for Ruby * http://github.com/rocketjob/semantic_logger ## Documentation [Semantic Logger Guide](http://rocketjob.github.io/semantic_logger) [Reference Documentation](http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/semantic_logger/) ## Supports Logging to the following destinations are all supported "out-of-the-box": * File * Screen * MongoDB * BugSnag * NewRelic * Splunk * Syslog * Roll-your-own Semantic Logger is capable of logging thousands of lines per second without slowing down the application. Traditional logging systems make the application wait while the log information is being saved. Semantic Logger avoids this slowdown by pushing log events to an in-memory queue that is serviced by a separate thread that only handles saving log information to multiple destinations at the same time. ## Rails When running Rails, use [rails_semantic_logger](http://github.com/rocketjob/rails_semantic_logger) instead of Semantic Logger directly since it will automatically replace the Rails default logger with Semantic Logger. ## Supports Semantic Logger is tested and supported on the following Ruby platforms: - Ruby 2.0 and above - JRuby 1.7 and above - JRuby 9.0 and above - Rubinius 2.5 and above The following gems are only required when their corresponding appenders are being used, and are therefore not automatically included by this gem: - Bugsnag Appender: gem 'bugsnag' - MongoDB Appender: gem 'mongo' 1.9.2 or above - NewRelic Appender: gem 'newrelic_rpm' - Syslog Appender: gem 'syslog_protocol' 0.9.2 or above - Syslog Appender to a remote syslogng server over TCP or UDP: gem 'net_tcp_client' - Splunk Appender: gem 'splunk-sdk-ruby' ## Install gem install semantic_logger ## Author [Reid Morrison](https://github.com/reidmorrison) [Contributors](https://github.com/rocketjob/semantic_logger/graphs/contributors) ## Versioning This project uses [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/).