= effective_form_with(model: [:admin, event_ticket], engine: true) do |f| = f.hidden_field :event_id = card(et(Effective::EventTicket)) do = f.text_field :title .row .col = f.select :category, Effective::EventTicket::CATEGORIES, hint: "Determines who can purchase this ticket at which price. Also determines if the dropdown of related members is displayed to the purchaser." = f.show_if(:category, 'Regular') do .alert.alert-info.mb-4 %strong Regular Ticket: Anyone will be able to purchase this ticket. They will be asked for a first name, last name and email. Will not display the dropdown list of related members. Only the regular price applies. = f.show_if(:category, 'Member Only') do .alert.alert-info.mb-4 %strong Member Only Ticket: Only members will be able to purchase this ticket. They must select a member from the dropdown list of related members. Only the member price applies. = f.show_if(:category, 'Member or Non-Member') do .alert.alert-info.mb-4 %strong Member or Non-Member Ticket: Anyone will be able to purchase this ticket. They can select a member from the dropdown list of related members to receive the member pricing. Or, they can enter a first name, last name and email to receive the regular pricing. .col = f.number_field :capacity, hint: "The number of registrations will be limited to capacity.
Leave blank for unlimited capacity." - if f.object.event&.delayed? = f.check_box :waitlist, label: "Yes, add to waitlist once capacity is reached", hint: "requires a delayed payment event. Once capacity is reached, new registrations will be added to the waitlist. Payment information is collected but not charged for waitlisted registrants." .row .col-md-6 - if f.object.event&.early_bird_end_at.present? = f.price_field :early_bird_price, hint: 'A price of $0 will allow a checkout for free. Leave blank for no early bird price.' = f.show_if_any(:category, ['Regular', 'Member or Non-Member']) do = f.price_field :regular_price, hint: 'A price of $0 will allow a checkout for free.' = f.show_if_any(:category, ['Member Only', 'Member or Non-Member']) do = f.price_field :member_price, hint: 'A price of $0 will allow a checkout for free when selecting a member.' .row - if defined?(EffectiveQbSync) .col-md-6= f.text_field :qb_item_name, label: 'QuickBooks item name' = f.check_box :tax_exempt = f.check_box :archived, label: 'Archive this ticket. It will be unavailable for purchase.' = card('Questions') do %p Add upto 3 questions = f.text_field :question1, label: 'Question 1' = f.text_field :question2, label: 'Question 2' = f.text_field :question3, label: 'Question 3' = effective_submit(f)