# Formulaic
Remove the tedium of formulaic form filling with Capybara.
Formulaic allows you to specify a hash of attributes to be input rather than
procedurally calling Capybara’s DSL methods.
## Usage
feature 'New user registration' do
scenario 'successfull sign up' do
visit sign_in_path
fill_form(:user, { name: 'Caleb', email: 'caleb@thoughtbot.com', 'Terms of Service': true })
click_on submit(:user)
expect(page).to have_content t('user.create.success')
### `fill_form`
fill_form(model_name, attributes)
`fill_form` provides an interface to completely filling out a form. Provide the
`model_name` as a symbol and `attributes` as a hash of
`column name => database value` or `label string => database value`.
If an `attributes` key is a `String`, it will be used as the literal label.
For `Symbol` we will attempt to translate, fall back to `human_attribute_name`
if available, then call `to_s`.
### `input`
input(model_name, field)
`input` gives an easy way to find the translated text of an input. It is
primarily used internally to fill ``s, but is provided in the public API
as it could be useful.
### `submit`
submit(model_name, action = :create)
`submit` functions like [`input`](#input), but finds the translation for the
submit button of the form. `model_name` should be the same as what you provide
to [`fill_form`](#fill\_form). Typically, the return value of `submit` will be
passed directly to Capybara’s `click_on` method.
If you are submitting a form that is not for the `create` action, you may need
to pass the `action`:
submit(:user, :update)
The `model_name` and `action` should match up to the
`helpers.submit..` translations.
### Integration with RSpec:
# spec/spec_helper.rb
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include Formulaic::Dsl
### Integration with [FactoryGirl](https://github.com/thoughtbot/factory_girl)
fill_form(:user, attributes_for(:user))
You may have attributes included in your `User` factory that don’t pertain to
sign up:
fill_form(:user, attributes_for(:user).slice(sign_up_attributes))
# ...
def sign_up_attributes
[:name, :email, :terms_of_service]
## Known Limitations
* Formulaic currently supports the following mappings from the `#class` of the
attribute values to Capybara method calls:
| Classes | Formulaic’s action |
| --------------------------------------|-------------------------------|
| `String` | `fill_in` |
| `Date`, `ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone` | `select` year, month, and day |
| `TrueClass` | `check` |
| `FalseClass` | `uncheck` |
| `Array` | `check` each array member, which should all be strings |
* Formulaic is currently tied to `simple_form` translations and field structure.
If you pass a string for the attribute, we’ll try to fill the input that
relates to that label. We would be happy to work with you to add support for
other form builders.
* Formulaic currently does not support forms with duplicate labels, as it is
designed to be as similar as possible to a user completing a form—it looks at
the labels to determine where to fill what data.
* Formulaic can’t figure out how to fill fields with HTML labels:
`page.fill_in('Text here', with: 'something')` doesn’t work
with Capybara. The usual workaround is to pass a CSS selector.
## About
Formulaic is maintained by [Caleb Thompson](http://github.com/calebthompson).
It was written by [thoughtbot](http://thoughtbot.com) with the help of our