require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), "spec_helper") describe "pg_row extension" do before do @db = Sequel.connect('mock://postgres', :quote_identifiers=>false) @db.extension(:pg_array, :pg_row) @m = Sequel::Postgres::PGRow @db.sqls end it "should parse record objects as arrays" do a = Sequel::Postgres::PG_TYPES[2249].call("(a,b,c)") a.should be_a_kind_of(@m::ArrayRow) a.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array) a[0].should == 'a' a.should == %w'a b c' a.db_type.should == nil @db.literal(a).should == "ROW('a', 'b', 'c')" end it "should parse arrays of record objects as arrays of arrays" do as = Sequel::Postgres::PG_TYPES[2287].call('{"(a,b,c)","(d,e,f)"}') as.should == [%w'a b c', %w'd e f'] as.each do |a| a.should be_a_kind_of(@m::ArrayRow) a.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array) a.db_type.should == nil end @db.literal(as).should == "ARRAY[ROW('a', 'b', 'c'),ROW('d', 'e', 'f')]::record[]" end it "should be able to register custom parsing of row types as array-like objects" do klass = @m::ArrayRow.subclass(:foo) parser =>klass) a ="(a,b,c)") a.should be_a_kind_of(klass) a.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array) a[0].should == 'a' a.should == %w'a b c' a.db_type.should == :foo @db.literal(a).should == "ROW('a', 'b', 'c')::foo" end it "should be able to register custom parsing of row types as hash-like objects" do klass = @m::HashRow.subclass(:foo, [:a, :b, :c]) parser =>klass, :columns=>[:a, :b, :c]) a ="(a,b,c)") a.should be_a_kind_of(klass) a.to_hash.should be_a_kind_of(Hash) a[:a].should == 'a' a.should == {:a=>'a', :b=>'b', :c=>'c'} a.db_type.should == :foo a.columns.should == [:a, :b, :c] @db.literal(a).should == "ROW('a', 'b', 'c')::foo" end it "should raise an error if attempting to literalize a HashRow without column information" do h =>'a', :b=>'b', :c=>'c') proc{@db.literal(h)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end it "should be able to manually override db_type per ArrayRow instance" do a ='a b c') a.db_type = :foo @db.literal(a).should == "ROW('a', 'b', 'c')::foo" end it "should be able to manually override db_type and columns per HashRow instance" do h =>'a', :c=>'c', :b=>'b') h.db_type = :foo h.columns = [:a, :b, :c] @db.literal(h).should == "ROW('a', 'b', 'c')::foo" end it "should correctly split an empty row" do"()").parse.should == [nil] end it "should correctly split a row with a single value" do"(1)").parse.should == %w'1' end it "should correctly split a row with multiple values" do"(1,2)").parse.should == %w'1 2' end it "should correctly NULL values when splitting" do"(1,)").parse.should == ['1', nil] end it "should correctly empty string values when splitting" do'(1,"")').parse.should == ['1', ''] end it "should handle quoted values when splitting" do'("1","2")').parse.should == %w'1 2' end it "should handle escaped backslashes in quoted values when splitting" do'("\\\\1","2\\\\")').parse.should == ['\\1', '2\\'] end it "should handle doubled quotes in quoted values when splitting" do'("""1","2""")').parse.should == ['"1', '2"'] end it "should correctly convert types when parsing into an array" do>[proc{|s| s*2}, proc{|s| s*3}, proc{|s| s*4}]).call("(a,b,c)").should == %w'aa bbb cccc' end it "should correctly convert types into hashes if columns are known" do>[:a, :b, :c]).call("(a,b,c)").should == {:a=>'a', :b=>'b', :c=>'c'} end it "should correctly handle type conversion when converting into hashes" do>[proc{|s| s*2}, proc{|s| s*3}, proc{|s| s*4}], :columns=>[:a, :b, :c]).call("(a,b,c)").should == {:a=>'aa', :b=>'bbb', :c=>'cccc'} end it "should correctly wrap arrays when converting" do>proc{|s| [:foo, s]}).call("(a,b,c)").should == [:foo, %w'a b c'] end it "should correctly wrap hashes when converting" do>proc{|s| [:foo, s]}, :columns=>[:a, :b, :c]).call("(a,b,c)").should == [:foo, {:a=>'a', :b=>'b', :c=>'c'}] end it "should have parser store reflection information" do p =>1, :column_oids=>[2], :columns=>[:a], :converter=>Array, :typecaster=>Hash, :column_converters=>[Array]) p.oid.should == 1 p.column_oids.should == [2] p.columns.should == [:a] p.converter.should == Array p.typecaster.should == Hash p.column_converters.should == [Array] end it "should reload registered row types when reseting conversion procs" do db = Sequel.mock(:host=>'postgres') db.extension(:pg_row) db.conversion_procs[4] = p4 = proc{|s| s.to_i} db.conversion_procs[5] = p5 = proc{|s| s * 2} db.sqls db.fetch = [[{:oid=>1, :typrelid=>2, :typarray=>3}], [{:attname=>'bar', :atttypid=>4}, {:attname=>'baz', :atttypid=>5}]] db.register_row_type(:foo) db.sqls.should == ["SELECT pg_type.oid, typrelid, typarray FROM pg_type WHERE ((typtype = 'c') AND (typname = 'foo')) LIMIT 1", "SELECT attname, atttypid FROM pg_attribute WHERE ((attrelid = 2) AND (attnum > 0) AND NOT attisdropped) ORDER BY attnum"] end it "should handle ArrayRows and HashRows in bound variables" do @db.bound_variable_arg(1, nil).should == 1 @db.bound_variable_arg(["1", "abc\\'\","]), nil).should == '("1","abc\\\\\'\\",")' @db.bound_variable_arg(@m::HashRow.subclass(nil, [:a, :b]).call(:a=>"1", :b=>"abc\\'\","), nil).should == '("1","abc\\\\\'\\",")' end it "should handle ArrayRows and HashRows in arrays in bound variables" do @db.bound_variable_arg(1, nil).should == 1 @db.bound_variable_arg([["1", "abc\\'\","])], nil).should == '{"(\\"1\\",\\"abc\\\\\\\\\'\\\\\\",\\")"}' @db.bound_variable_arg([@m::HashRow.subclass(nil, [:a, :b]).call(:a=>"1", :b=>"abc\\'\",")], nil).should == '{"(\\"1\\",\\"abc\\\\\\\\\'\\\\\\",\\")"}' end it "should handle nils in bound variables" do @db.bound_variable_arg([nil, nil]), nil).should == '(,)' @db.bound_variable_arg(@m::HashRow.subclass(nil, [:a, :b]).call(:a=>nil, :b=>nil), nil).should == '(,)' @db.bound_variable_arg([[nil, nil])], nil).should == '{"(,)"}' @db.bound_variable_arg([@m::HashRow.subclass(nil, [:a, :b]).call(:a=>nil, :b=>nil)], nil).should == '{"(,)"}' end it "should allow registering row type parsers by introspecting system tables" do @db.conversion_procs[4] = p4 = proc{|s| s.to_i} @db.conversion_procs[5] = p5 = proc{|s| s * 2} @db.fetch = [[{:oid=>1, :typrelid=>2, :typarray=>3}], [{:attname=>'bar', :atttypid=>4}, {:attname=>'baz', :atttypid=>5}]] @db.register_row_type(:foo) @db.sqls.should == ["SELECT pg_type.oid, typrelid, typarray FROM pg_type WHERE ((typtype = 'c') AND (typname = 'foo')) LIMIT 1", "SELECT attname, atttypid FROM pg_attribute WHERE ((attrelid = 2) AND (attnum > 0) AND NOT attisdropped) ORDER BY attnum"] p1 = @db.conversion_procs[1] p1.columns.should == [:bar, :baz] p1.column_oids.should == [4, 5] p1.column_converters.should == [p4, p5] p1.oid.should == 1 @db.send(:schema_column_type, 'foo').should == :pg_row_foo @db.send(:schema_column_type, 'integer').should == :integer c = p1.converter c.superclass.should == @m::HashRow c.columns.should == [:bar, :baz] c.db_type.should == :foo p1.typecaster.should == c'(1,b)').should == {:bar=>1, :baz=>'bb'} @db.typecast_value(:pg_row_foo, %w'1 b').should be_a_kind_of(@m::HashRow) @db.typecast_value(:pg_row_foo, %w'1 b').should == {:bar=>'1', :baz=>'b'} @db.typecast_value(:pg_row_foo, :bar=>'1', :baz=>'b').should == {:bar=>'1', :baz=>'b'} @db.literal('(1,b)')).should == "ROW(1, 'bb')::foo" end it "should allow registering row type parsers for schema qualify types" do @db.conversion_procs[4] = p4 = proc{|s| s.to_i} @db.conversion_procs[5] = p5 = proc{|s| s * 2} @db.fetch = [[{:oid=>1, :typrelid=>2, :typarray=>3}], [{:attname=>'bar', :atttypid=>4}, {:attname=>'baz', :atttypid=>5}]] @db.register_row_type(:foo__bar) @db.sqls.should == ["SELECT pg_type.oid, typrelid, typarray FROM pg_type INNER JOIN pg_namespace ON ((pg_namespace.oid = pg_type.typnamespace) AND (pg_namespace.nspname = 'foo')) WHERE ((typtype = 'c') AND (typname = 'bar')) LIMIT 1", "SELECT attname, atttypid FROM pg_attribute WHERE ((attrelid = 2) AND (attnum > 0) AND NOT attisdropped) ORDER BY attnum"] p1 = @db.conversion_procs[1] p1.columns.should == [:bar, :baz] p1.column_oids.should == [4, 5] p1.column_converters.should == [p4, p5] p1.oid.should == 1 c = p1.converter c.superclass.should == @m::HashRow c.columns.should == [:bar, :baz] c.db_type.should == :foo__bar p1.typecaster.should == c'(1,b)').should == {:bar=>1, :baz=>'bb'} @db.typecast_value(:pg_row_foo__bar, %w'1 b').should == {:bar=>'1', :baz=>'b'} @db.typecast_value(:pg_row_foo__bar, :bar=>'1', :baz=>'b').should == {:bar=>'1', :baz=>'b'} @db.literal('(1,b)')).should == "ROW(1, 'bb')" end it "should allow registering with a custom converter" do @db.conversion_procs[4] = p4 = proc{|s| s.to_i} @db.conversion_procs[5] = p5 = proc{|s| s * 2} @db.fetch = [[{:oid=>1, :typrelid=>2, :typarray=>3}], [{:attname=>'bar', :atttypid=>4}, {:attname=>'baz', :atttypid=>5}]] c = proc{|h| [h]} @db.register_row_type(:foo, :converter=>c) o = @db.conversion_procs[1].call('(1,b)') o.should == [{:bar=>1, :baz=>'bb'}] o.first.should be_a_kind_of(Hash) end it "should allow registering with a custom typecaster" do @db.conversion_procs[4] = p4 = proc{|s| s.to_i} @db.conversion_procs[5] = p5 = proc{|s| s * 2} @db.fetch = [[{:oid=>1, :typrelid=>2, :typarray=>3}], [{:attname=>'bar', :atttypid=>4}, {:attname=>'baz', :atttypid=>5}]] @db.register_row_type(:foo, :typecaster=>proc{|h| {:bar=>(h[:bar]||0).to_i, :baz=>(h[:baz] || 'a')*2}}) @db.typecast_value(:pg_row_foo, %w'1 b').should be_a_kind_of(Hash) @db.typecast_value(:pg_row_foo, %w'1 b').should == {:bar=>1, :baz=>'bb'} @db.typecast_value(:pg_row_foo, :bar=>'1', :baz=>'b').should == {:bar=>1, :baz=>'bb'} @db.typecast_value(:pg_row_foo, 'bar'=>'1', 'baz'=>'b').should == {:bar=>0, :baz=>'aa'} @db.fetch = [[{:oid=>1, :typrelid=>2, :typarray=>3}], [{:attname=>'bar', :atttypid=>4}, {:attname=>'baz', :atttypid=>5}]] @db.register_row_type(:foo, :typecaster=>proc{|h| {:bar=>(h[:bar] || h['bar'] || 0).to_i, :baz=>(h[:baz] || h['baz'] || 'a')*2}}) @db.typecast_value(:pg_row_foo, %w'1 b').should == {:bar=>1, :baz=>'bb'} @db.typecast_value(:pg_row_foo, :bar=>'1', :baz=>'b').should == {:bar=>1, :baz=>'bb'} @db.typecast_value(:pg_row_foo, 'bar'=>'1', 'baz'=>'b').should == {:bar=>1, :baz=>'bb'} end it "should handle conversion procs that aren't added until later" do @db.conversion_procs[5] = p5 = proc{|s| s * 2} @db.fetch = [[{:oid=>1, :typrelid=>2, :typarray=>3}], [{:attname=>'bar', :atttypid=>4}, {:attname=>'baz', :atttypid=>5}]] c = proc{|h| [h]} @db.register_row_type(:foo, :converter=>c) @db.conversion_procs[4] = p4 = proc{|s| s.to_i} @db.conversion_procs[1].call('(1,b)').should == [{:bar=>1, :baz=>'bb'}] end it "should handle nil values when converting columns" do @db.conversion_procs[5] = p5 = proc{|s| s * 2} @db.fetch = [[{:oid=>1, :typrelid=>2, :typarray=>3}], [{:attname=>'bar', :atttypid=>4}]] called = false @db.conversion_procs[4] = proc{|s| called = true; s} @db.register_row_type(:foo) @db.conversion_procs[1].call('()').should == {:bar=>nil} called.should be_false end it "should registering array type for row type if type has an array oid" do @db.conversion_procs[4] = p4 = proc{|s| s.to_i} @db.conversion_procs[5] = p5 = proc{|s| s * 2} @db.fetch = [[{:oid=>1, :typrelid=>2, :typarray=>3}], [{:attname=>'bar', :atttypid=>4}, {:attname=>'baz', :atttypid=>5}]] @db.register_row_type(:foo, :typecaster=>proc{|h| {:bar=>(h[:bar]||0).to_i, :baz=>(h[:baz] || 'a')*2}}) p3 = @db.conversion_procs[3]'{"(1,b)"}').should == [{:bar=>1, :baz=>'bb'}] @db.literal('{"(1,b)"}')).should == "ARRAY[ROW(1, 'bb')::foo]::foo[]" @db.typecast_value(:foo_array, [{:bar=>'1', :baz=>'b'}]).should == [{:bar=>1, :baz=>'bb'}] end it "should allow creating unregisted row types via Database#row_type" do @db.literal(@db.row_type(:foo, [1, 2])).should == 'ROW(1, 2)::foo' end it "should allow typecasting of registered row types via Database#row_type" do @db.conversion_procs[4] = p4 = proc{|s| s.to_i} @db.conversion_procs[5] = p5 = proc{|s| s * 2} @db.fetch = [[{:oid=>1, :typrelid=>2, :typarray=>3}], [{:attname=>'bar', :atttypid=>4}, {:attname=>'baz', :atttypid=>5}]] @db.register_row_type(:foo, :typecaster=>proc{|h| @m::HashRow.subclass(:foo, [:bar, :baz]).new({:bar=>(h[:bar]||0).to_i, :baz=>(h[:baz] || 'a')*2})}) @db.literal(@db.row_type(:foo, ['1', 'b'])).should == "ROW(1, 'bb')::foo" @db.literal(@db.row_type(:foo, {:bar=>'1', :baz=>'b'})).should == "ROW(1, 'bb')::foo" end it "should allow parsing when typecasting registered row types via Database#row_type" do @db.conversion_procs[4] = p4 = proc{|s| s.to_i} @db.conversion_procs[5] = p5 = proc{|s| s * 2} @db.fetch = [[{:oid=>1, :typrelid=>2, :typarray=>3}], [{:attname=>'bar', :atttypid=>4}, {:attname=>'baz', :atttypid=>5}]] @db.register_row_type(:foo, :typecaster=>proc{|h| @m::HashRow.subclass(:foo, [:bar, :baz]).new(:bar=>(h[:bar]||0).to_i, :baz=>(h[:baz] || 'a')*2)}) @db.literal(@db.row_type(:foo, ['1', 'b'])).should == "ROW(1, 'bb')::foo" end it "should raise an error if attempt to use Database#row_type with an unregistered type and hash" do proc{@db.literal(@db.row_type(:foo, {:bar=>'1', :baz=>'b'}))}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end it "should raise an error if attempt to use Database#row_type with an unhandled type" do proc{@db.literal(@db.row_type(:foo, 1))}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end it "should return ArrayRow and HashRow values as-is" do h =>1) a =[1]) @db.row_type(:foo, h).should equal(h) @db.row_type(:foo, a).should equal(a) end it "should have Sequel.pg_row return a plain ArrayRow" do @db.literal(Sequel.pg_row([1, 2, 3])).should == 'ROW(1, 2, 3)' end it "should raise an error if attempting to typecast a hash for a parser without columns" do proc{>1)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end it "should raise an error if attempting to typecast a unhandled value for a parser" do proc{}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end it "should handle typecasting for a parser without a typecaster" do[1]).should == [1] end it "should raise an error if no columns are returned when registering a custom row type" do @db.fetch = [[{:oid=>1, :typrelid=>2, :typarray=>3}]] proc{@db.register_row_type(:foo)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end it "should raise an error when registering a custom row type if the type is found found" do @db.fetch = [] proc{@db.register_row_type(:foo)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end end