# @api description
# Root module, containing confguration and pure helpers. For
# the setters, create an initializer `config/initializers/compony.rb` and call
# them from there.
# @see Compony::ViewHelpers Compony::ViewHelpers for helpers that require a view context and render results immediately
module Compony
# Configuration writers
# Setter for the global button component class. This allows you to implement a
# custom button component and have all Compony button helpers use your custom
# button component instead of {Compony::Components::Button}.
# @param button_component_class [String] Name of your custom button component class (inherit from {Compony::Components::Button} or {Compony::Component})
def self.button_component_class=(button_component_class)
@button_component_class = button_component_class
# Setter for the global field namespaces. This allows you to implement custom
# Fields, be it new ones or overrides for existing Compony model fields.
# Must give an array of strings of namespaces that contain field classes named after
# the field type. The array is queried in order, if the first namespace does not
# contain the class we're looking for, the next is considered and so on.
# The classes defined in the namespace must inherit from Compony::ModelFields::Base
# @param model_field_namespaces [Array] Array of strings, the names of the namespaces in the order they should be searched
def self.model_field_namespaces=(model_field_namespaces)
@model_field_namespaces = model_field_namespaces
# Setter for the name of the Rails `before_action` that should be called to
# ensure that users are authenticated before accessing the component. For
# instance, implement a method `def enforce_authentication` in your
# `ApplicationController`. In the method, make sure the user has a session and
# redirect to the login page if they don't.
The action must be accessible
# by {ComponyController} and the easiest way to achieve this is to implement
# the action in your `ApplicationController`. If this is never called,
# authentication is disabled.
# @param authentication_before_action [Symbol] Name of the method you want to call for authentication
def self.authentication_before_action=(authentication_before_action)
@authentication_before_action = authentication_before_action.to_sym
# Setter for a content block that runs before the root component gets rendered (standalone only). Usage is the same as `content`.
# The block runs between `before_render` and `render`, i.e. before the first `content` block.
def self.content_before_root_comp(&block)
fail('`Compony.content_before` requires a block.') unless block_given?
@content_before_root_comp_block = block
# Setter for a content block that runs after the root component gets rendered (standalone only). Usage is the same as `content`.
# The block runs after `render`, i.e. after the last `content` block.
def self.content_after_root_comp(&block)
fail('`Compony.content_after` requires a block.') unless block_given?
@content_after_root_comp_block = block
# Configuration readers
# Getter for the global button component class.
# @see Compony#button_component_class= Explanation of button_component_class (documented in the corresponding setter)
def self.button_component_class
@button_component_class ||= Components::Button
@button_component_class = const_get(@button_component_class) if @button_component_class.is_a?(String)
return @button_component_class
# Getter for the global field namespaces.
# @see Compony#model_field_namespaces= Explanation of model_field_namespaces (documented in the corresponding setter)
def self.model_field_namespaces
return @model_field_namespaces ||= ['Compony::ModelFields']
# Getter for the name of the Rails `before_action` that enforces authentication.
# @see Compony#authentication_before_action= Explanation of authentication_before_action (documented in the corresponding setter)
def self.authentication_before_action
# Getter for content_before_root_comp_block
# @see Compony#content_before_root_comp
def self.content_before_root_comp_block
# Getter for content_after_root_comp_block
# @see Compony#content_after_root_comp
def self.content_after_root_comp_block
# Application-wide available pure helpers
# Generates a Rails path to a component. Examples: `Compony.path(:index, :users)`, `Compony.path(:show, User.first)`
# @param comp_name_or_cst [String,Symbol] The component that should be loaded, for instance `ShowForAll`, `'ShowForAll'` or `:show_for_all`
# @param model_or_family_name_or_cst [String,Symbol,ApplicationRecord] Either the family that contains the requested component,
# or an instance implementing `model_name` from which the family name is auto-generated. Examples:
# `Users`, `'Users'`, `:users`, `User.first`
# @param args_for_path_helper [Array] Positional arguments passed to the Rails helper
# @param kwargs_for_path_helper [Hash] Named arguments passed to the Rails helper. If a model is given to `model_or_family_name_or_cst`,
# the param `id` defaults to the passed model's ID.
def self.path(comp_name_or_cst, model_or_family_name_or_cst, *args_for_path_helper, **kwargs_for_path_helper)
# Extract model if any, to get the ID
kwargs_for_path_helper.merge!(id: model_or_family_name_or_cst.id) if model_or_family_name_or_cst.respond_to?(:model_name)
return Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.send(
"#{path_helper_name(comp_name_or_cst, model_or_family_name_or_cst)}_path",
# Given a component and a family/model, this returns the matching component class if any, or nil if the component does not exist.
# @param comp_name_or_cst [String,Symbol] The component that should be loaded, for instance `ShowForAll`, `'ShowForAll'` or `:show_for_all`
# @param model_or_family_name_or_cst [String,Symbol,ApplicationRecord] Either the family that contains the requested component,
# or an instance implementing `model_name` from which the family name is auto-generated. Examples:
# `Users`, `'Users'`, `:users`, `User.first`
def self.comp_class_for(comp_name_or_cst, model_or_family_name_or_cst)
family_cst_str = family_name_for(model_or_family_name_or_cst).camelize
comp_cst_str = comp_name_or_cst.to_s.camelize
return nil unless ::Components.const_defined?(family_cst_str)
family_constant = ::Components.const_get(family_cst_str)
return nil unless family_constant.const_defined?(comp_cst_str)
return family_constant.const_get(comp_cst_str)
# Same as Compony#comp_class_for but fails if none found
# @see Compony#comp_class_for
def self.comp_class_for!(comp_name_or_cst, model_or_family_name_or_cst)
comp_class_for(comp_name_or_cst, model_or_family_name_or_cst) || fail(
"No component found for [#{comp_name_or_cst.inspect}, #{model_or_family_name_or_cst.inspect}]"
# Given a component and a family, this returns the name of the Rails URL helper returning the path to this component.
# The parameters are the same as for {Compony#rails_action_name}.
# Example usage: `send("#{path_helper_name(:index, :users)}_url)`
# @see Compony#path
# @see Compony#rails_action_name rails_action_name for the accepted params
def self.path_helper_name(...)
# Given a component and a family, this returns the name of the ComponyController action for this component.
# Optionally can pass a name for extra standalone configs.
# @param comp_name_or_cst [String,Symbol] Name of the component the action points to.
# @param model_or_family_name_or_cst [String,Symbol] Name of the family the action points to.
# @param name [String,Symbol] If referring to an extra standalone entrypoint, specify its name using this param.
# @see Compony#path
def self.rails_action_name(comp_name_or_cst, model_or_family_name_or_cst, name = nil)
[name.presence, comp_name_or_cst.to_s.underscore, family_name_for(model_or_family_name_or_cst)].compact.join('_')
# Given a component and a family/model, this instanciates and returns a button component.
# @param comp_name_or_cst [String,Symbol] The component that should be loaded, for instance `ShowForAll`, `'ShowForAll'` or `:show_for_all`
# @param model_or_family_name_or_cst [String,Symbol,ApplicationRecord] Either the family that contains the requested component,
# or an instance implementing `model_name` from which the family name is auto-generated. Examples:
# `Users`, `'Users'`, `:users`, `User.first`
# @param label_opts [Hash] Options hash that will be passed to the label method (see {Compony::ComponentMixins::Default::Labelling#label})
# @param params [Hash] GET parameters to be inclued into the path this button points to. Special case: e.g. format: :pdf -> some.url/foo/bar.pdf
# @param feasibility_action [Symbol] Name of the feasibility action that should be checked for this button, defaults to the component name
# @param feasibility_target [Symbol] Name of the feasibility target (subject) that the feasibility should be checked on, defaults to the model if given
# @param override_kwargs [Hash] Override button options, see options for {Compony::Components::Button}
# @see Compony::ViewHelpers#compony_button View helper providing a wrapper for this method that immediately renders a button.
# @see Compony::Components::Button Compony::Components::Button: the default underlying implementation
def self.button(comp_name_or_cst,
label_opts: nil,
params: nil,
feasibility_action: nil,
feasibility_target: nil,
method: nil,
label_opts ||= button_defaults[:label_opts] || {}
params ||= button_defaults[:params] || {}
model = model_or_family_name_or_cst.respond_to?(:model_name) ? model_or_family_name_or_cst : nil
target_comp_instance = Compony.comp_class_for!(comp_name_or_cst, model_or_family_name_or_cst).new(data: model)
feasibility_action ||= button_defaults[:feasibility_action] || comp_name_or_cst.to_s.underscore.to_sym
feasibility_target ||= button_defaults[:feasibility_target] || model
options = {
label: target_comp_instance.label(model, **label_opts),
icon: target_comp_instance.icon,
color: target_comp_instance.color,
path: Compony.path(target_comp_instance.comp_name, target_comp_instance.family_name, model, **params),
visible: ->(controller) { target_comp_instance.standalone_access_permitted_for?(controller, verb: method) }
if feasibility_target
enabled: feasibility_target.feasible?(feasibility_action),
title: feasibility_target.full_feasibility_messages(feasibility_action).presence
return Compony.button_component_class.new(**options.symbolize_keys)
# Returns the current root component, if any
def self.root_comp
# Given a family name or a model-like class, this returns the suitable family name as String.
# @param model_or_family_name_or_cst [String,Symbol,ApplicationRecord] Either the family that contains the requested component,
# or an instance implementing `model_name` from which the family name is auto-generated. Examples:
# `Users`, `'Users'`, `:users`, `User.first`
def self.family_name_for(model_or_family_name_or_cst)
if model_or_family_name_or_cst.respond_to?(:model_name)
return model_or_family_name_or_cst.model_name.plural
return model_or_family_name_or_cst.to_s.underscore
# Getter for current button defaults
# @todo document params
def self.button_defaults
RequestStore.store[:button_defaults] || {}
# Overwrites the keys of the current button defaults by the ones provided during the execution of a given block and restores them afterwords.
# This method is useful when the same set of options is to be given to a multitude of buttons.
# @param keys_to_overwrite [Hash] Options that should be given to the buttons within the block, with their values
# @param block [Block] Within this block, all omitted button options point to `keys_to_overwrite`
def self.with_button_defaults(**keys_to_overwrite, &block)
# Lazy initialize butto_defaults store if it hasn't been yet
RequestStore.store[:button_defaults] ||= {}
old_values = {}
newly_defined_keys = keys_to_overwrite.keys - RequestStore.store[:button_defaults].keys
keys_to_overwrite.each do |key, new_value|
# Assign new value
old_values[key] = RequestStore.store[:button_defaults][key]
RequestStore.store[:button_defaults][key] = new_value
return_value = block.call
# Restore previous value
keys_to_overwrite.each do |key, _new_value|
RequestStore.store[:button_defaults][key] = old_values[key]
# Undefine keys that were not there previously
newly_defined_keys.each { |key| RequestStore.store[:button_defaults].delete(key) }
return return_value
# Goes through model_field_namespaces and returns the first hit for the given constant
# @param constant [Constant] The constant that is searched, e.g. RichText -> would return e.g. Compony::ModelFields::RichText
def self.model_field_class_for(constant)
model_field_namespaces.each do |model_field_namespace|
model_field_namespace = model_field_namespace.constantize if model_field_namespace.is_a?(::String)
if model_field_namespace.const_defined?(constant, false)
return model_field_namespace.const_get(constant, false)
fail("No `model_field_namespace` implements ...::#{constant}. Configured namespaces: #{Compony.model_field_namespaces.inspect}")
require 'cancancan'
require 'dslblend'
require 'dyny'
require 'request_store'
require 'schemacop'
require 'simple_form'
require 'compony/engine'
require 'compony/model_fields/base'
require 'compony/model_fields/anchormodel'
require 'compony/model_fields/association'
require 'compony/model_fields/attachment'
require 'compony/model_fields/boolean'
require 'compony/model_fields/color'
require 'compony/model_fields/currency'
require 'compony/model_fields/date'
require 'compony/model_fields/datetime'
require 'compony/model_fields/decimal'
require 'compony/model_fields/email'
require 'compony/model_fields/float'
require 'compony/model_fields/integer'
require 'compony/model_fields/percentage'
require 'compony/model_fields/phone'
require 'compony/model_fields/rich_text'
require 'compony/model_fields/string'
require 'compony/model_fields/text'
require 'compony/model_fields/time'
require 'compony/model_fields/url'
require 'compony/component_mixins/default/standalone'
require 'compony/component_mixins/default/standalone/standalone_dsl'
require 'compony/component_mixins/default/standalone/verb_dsl'
require 'compony/component_mixins/default/standalone/resourceful_verb_dsl'
require 'compony/component_mixins/default/labelling'
require 'compony/component_mixins/resourceful'
require 'compony/component'
require 'compony/components/button'
require 'compony/components/form'
require 'compony/components/with_form'
require 'compony/components/new'
require 'compony/components/edit'
require 'compony/components/destroy'
require 'compony/method_accessible_hash'
require 'compony/natural_ordering'
require 'compony/model_mixin'
require 'compony/request_context'
require 'compony/version'
require 'compony/view_helpers'
require 'compony/controller_mixin'