require 'gnuplot' module SPCore # Helps make plotting data even easier. Uses gnuplot. class Plotter include Hashmake::HashMakeable # Used to process hashed args passed to #initialize. ARG_SPECS = { :title => arg_spec(:type => String, :reqd => false, :default => ""), :xlabel => arg_spec(:type => String, :reqd => false, :default => "x"), :ylabel => arg_spec(:type => String, :reqd => false, :default => "y"), :linestyle => arg_spec(:type => String, :reqd => false, :default => "lines"), :linewidth => arg_spec(:type => Fixnum, :reqd => false, :default => 1, :validator => ->(a){ a >= 1 }), :logscale => arg_spec(:type => String, :reqd => false, :default => ""), } # A new instance of Plotter. # @param [Hash] hashed_args A hash containing initialization parameters. # All params are optional. See ARG_SPECS for # parameter details. def initialize hashed_args = {} hash_make Plotter::ARG_SPECS, hashed_args end # Plot XY datapoints. # @param [Hash] titled_hashes A hash that maps dataset titles to data. The data itself # is a hash also, that maps x values to y values. # # @example # Plotter.plot_2d "somedata" => {0.0 => 4.0, 1.0 => 2.0} def plot_2d titled_hashes datasets = [] titled_hashes.each do |title, hash| # sort the data sorted = {} hash.keys.sort.each do |key| sorted[key] = hash[key] end dataset = [sorted.keys, sorted.values] ){ |ds| ds.with = @linestyle ds.title = title ds.linewidth = @linewidth } datasets << dataset end plot_datasets datasets end # Plot a sequence of values. # @param [Hash] titled_sequences A hash that maps sequence titles to data. The data itself # is an array of values. In the plot, values will be mapped to # their index in the sequence. # @param plot_against_fraction If true, instead of plotting samples against sample number, plot # them against the fraction (sample_number / total_samples). # # @example # Plotter.plot_1d "somedata" => [0,2,3,6,3,-1] def plot_1d titled_sequences, plot_against_fraction = false datasets = [] titled_sequences.each do |title, sequence| indices = sequence.each_index do |i| indices[i] = i if plot_against_fraction indices[i] /= sequence.size.to_f end end dataset = [indices, sequence] ){ |ds| ds.with = @linestyle ds.title = title ds.linewidth = @linewidth } datasets << dataset end plot_datasets datasets end # Plot Gnuplot::DataSet objects. # @param [Array] datasets An array of Gnuplot::DataSet objects. def plot_datasets datasets do |gp| do |plot| plot.title @title plot.xlabel @xlabel plot.ylabel @ylabel = datasets if @logscale_x plot.logscale "x" end end end end end end