# beaker-docker Beaker library to use docker hypervisor # How to use this wizardry This gem that allows you to use hosts with [docker](docker.md) hypervisor with [beaker](https://github.com/puppetlabs/beaker). Beaker will automatically load the appropriate hypervisors for any given hosts file, so as long as your project dependencies are satisfied there's nothing else to do. No need to `require` this library in your tests. In order to use a specific hypervisor or DSL extension library in your project, you will need to include them alongside Beaker in your Gemfile or project.gemspec. E.g. ~~~ruby # Gemfile gem 'beaker', '~> 4.0' gem 'beaker-docker' # project.gemspec s.add_runtime_dependency 'beaker', '~> 4.0' s.add_runtime_dependency 'beaker-docker' ~~~ ## Nodeset Options The following is a sample nodeset: ~~~yaml HOSTS: el8: platform: el-8-x86_64 hypervisor: docker image: centos:8 docker_cmd: '["/sbin/init"]' # Run arbitrary things docker_image_commands: - 'touch /tmp/myfile' dockeropts: Labels: thing: 'stuff' HostConfig: Privileged: true el7: platform: el-7-x86_64 hypervisor: docker image: centos:7 # EL7 images do not support nested systemd docker_cmd: '/usr/sbin/sshd -D -E /var/log/sshd.log' CONFIG: docker_cap_add: - AUDIT_WRITE ~~~ ## Privileged containers Containers are **not** run in privileged mode by default for safety. If you wish to enable privileged mode, simply set the following in your node: ~~~yaml dockeropts: HostConfig: Privileged: true ~~~ ## Cleaning up after tests Containers created by this plugin may not be destroyed unless the tests complete successfully. Each container created is prefixed by `beaker-` to make filtering for clean up easier. A quick way to clean up all nodes is as follows: ~~~sh podman rm -f $( podman ps -q -f name="beaker-*" ) ~~~ # Working with `podman` If you're using a version of `podman` that has API socket support then you should be able to simply set `DOCKER_HOST` to your socket and connect as usual. You also need to ensure that you're using a version of the `docker-api` gem that supports `podman`. You may find that not all of your tests work as expected. This will be due to the tighter system restrictions placed on containers by `podman`. You may need to edit the `dockeropts` hash in your nodeset to include different flags in the `HostConfig` section. See the [HostConfig](https://any-api.com/docker_com/engine/docs/Definitions/HostConfig) portion of the docker API for more information. # Spec tests Spec test live under the `spec` folder. There are the default rake task and therefore can run with a simple command: ```bash bundle exec rake test:spec ``` # Acceptance tests There is a simple rake task to invoke acceptance test for the library: ```bash bundle exec rake test:acceptance ``` # Contributing Please refer to puppetlabs/beaker's [contributing](https://github.com/puppetlabs/beaker/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) guide. # Releasing To release new versions of beaker-docker, please use this [jenkins job](https://cinext-jenkinsmaster-sre-prod-1.delivery.puppetlabs.net/view/all/job/qe_beaker-docker_init-multijob_master/). This job lives on Puppet-internal infrastructure, so you'll need to be a part of the Puppet org to do this. To run the job, click on `Build with Parameters` in the menu on the left. Make sure you check the box next to `PUBLIC` and enter the appropriate version. The version should adhere to [semantic version standards](https://semver.org). When in doubt, consult the [maintainers of Beaker](https://github.com/puppetlabs/beaker/blob/master/CODEOWNERS) for guidance.