require: - rubocop-rspec - rubocop-rails - rubocop-performance AllCops: Exclude: - "vendor/**/*" - "db/**/*" - "bin/**/*" TargetRubyVersion: 2.7 Rails: Enabled: true Performance: Enabled: true Layout/ParameterAlignment: Description: Align the parameters of a method call if they span more than one line. StyleGuide: Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: with_fixed_indentation SupportedStyles: - with_first_parameter - with_fixed_indentation Metrics/BlockLength: Enabled: false Style/ClassAndModuleChildren: Description: Checks style of children classes and modules. Enabled: false EnforcedStyle: nested SupportedStyles: - nested - compact Style/CommentAnnotation: Description: Checks formatting of special comments (TODO, FIXME, OPTIMIZE, HACK, REVIEW). StyleGuide: Enabled: false Keywords: - TODO - FIXME - OPTIMIZE - HACK - REVIEW Naming/FileName: Description: Use snake_case for source file names. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Exclude: [] Style/FormatString: Description: Enforce the use of Kernel#sprintf, Kernel#format or String#%. StyleGuide: Enabled: false EnforcedStyle: format SupportedStyles: - format - sprintf - percent Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Enabled: false Style/GlobalVars: Description: Do not introduce global variables. StyleGuide: Enabled: false AllowedVariables: [] Style/GuardClause: Description: Check for conditionals that can be replaced with guard clauses StyleGuide: Enabled: false MinBodyLength: 1 Style/IfUnlessModifier: Description: Favor modifier if/unless usage when you have a single-line body. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Style/LambdaCall: Description: Use instead of lambda.(...). StyleGuide: Enabled: false EnforcedStyle: call SupportedStyles: - call - braces Style/Next: Description: Use `next` to skip iteration instead of a condition at the end. StyleGuide: Enabled: false EnforcedStyle: skip_modifier_ifs MinBodyLength: 3 SupportedStyles: - skip_modifier_ifs - always Layout/MultilineOperationIndentation: Description: Checks indentation of binary operations that span more than one line. Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: indented SupportedStyles: - aligned - indented Style/MutableConstant: Description: Do not assign mutable objects to constants. Enabled: false Style/NumericLiterals: Description: Add underscores to large numeric literals to improve their readability. StyleGuide: Enabled: false MinDigits: 5 Style/PercentLiteralDelimiters: Description: Use `%`-literal delimiters consistently StyleGuide: Enabled: false PreferredDelimiters: "%": "()" "%i": "()" "%q": "()" "%Q": "()" "%r": "{}" "%s": "()" "%w": "()" "%W": "()" "%x": "()" Naming/PredicateName: Description: Check the names of predicate methods. StyleGuide: Enabled: true NamePrefix: - is_ - has_ - have_ ForbiddenPrefixes: - is_ Style/RaiseArgs: Description: Checks the arguments passed to raise/fail. StyleGuide: Enabled: false EnforcedStyle: exploded SupportedStyles: - compact - exploded Style/SignalException: Description: Checks for proper usage of fail and raise. StyleGuide: Enabled: false EnforcedStyle: semantic SupportedStyles: - only_raise - only_fail - semantic Style/SingleLineMethods: Description: Avoid single-line methods. StyleGuide: Enabled: false AllowIfMethodIsEmpty: true Style/StringLiterals: Description: Checks if uses of quotes match the configured preference. StyleGuide: Enabled: false EnforcedStyle: double_quotes SupportedStyles: - single_quotes - double_quotes Style/TrailingCommaInArguments: Description: Checks for trailing comma in argument lists. StyleGuide: Enabled: true Style/TrailingCommaInArrayLiteral: Description: Checks for trailing comma in array and hash literals. StyleGuide: Enabled: true Style/TrailingCommaInHashLiteral: Description: Checks for trailing comma in array and hash literals. StyleGuide: Enabled: true Style/TrivialAccessors: Description: Prefer attr_* methods to trivial readers/writers. StyleGuide: Enabled: false ExactNameMatch: false AllowPredicates: false AllowDSLWriters: false AllowedMethods: - to_ary - to_a - to_c - to_enum - to_h - to_hash - to_i - to_int - to_io - to_open - to_path - to_proc - to_r - to_regexp - to_str - to_s - to_sym Style/WhileUntilModifier: Description: Favor modifier while/until usage when you have a single-line body. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Style/WordArray: Description: Use %w or %W for arrays of words. StyleGuide: Enabled: false MinSize: 0 WordRegex: !ruby/regexp /\A[\p{Word}]+\z/ Style/ExponentialNotation: Enabled: true Style/HashEachMethods: Description: Use Hash#each_key and Hash#each_value. Enabled: true Style/HashTransformKeys: Description: Prefer `transform_keys` over `each_with_object` and `map`. Enabled: true Style/HashTransformValues: Description: Prefer `transform_values` over `each_with_object` and `map`. Enabled: true Metrics/AbcSize: Description: A calculated magnitude based on number of assignments, branches, and conditions. Enabled: true Max: 25 Metrics/BlockNesting: Description: Avoid excessive block nesting StyleGuide: Enabled: true Max: 3 Metrics/ClassLength: Description: Avoid classes longer than 100 lines of code. Enabled: false CountComments: false Max: 100 Metrics/MethodLength: Description: Avoid methods longer than 15 lines of code. StyleGuide: Enabled: true CountComments: true Max: 15 Exclude: - "spec/**/*" Metrics/ParameterLists: Description: Avoid long parameter lists. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Max: 5 CountKeywordArgs: true Lint/AssignmentInCondition: Description: Don't use assignment in conditions. StyleGuide: Enabled: false AllowSafeAssignment: true Layout/LineLength: Description: Limit lines to 100 characters. StyleGuide: Enabled: true Max: 100 AllowURI: true URISchemes: - http - https Layout/EndAlignment: Description: Align ends correctly. Enabled: true EnforcedStyleAlignWith: keyword SupportedStylesAlignWith: - keyword - variable Layout/DefEndAlignment: Description: Align ends corresponding to defs correctly. Enabled: true EnforcedStyleAlignWith: start_of_line SupportedStylesAlignWith: - start_of_line - def Layout/SpaceAroundMethodCallOperator: Description: Checks method call operators to not have spaces around them. Enabled: true Style/SymbolArray: Description: Use %i or %I for arrays of symbols. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Layout/ExtraSpacing: Description: Do not use unnecessary spacing. Enabled: false Naming/AccessorMethodName: Description: Check the naming of accessor methods for get_/set_. Enabled: false Style/Alias: Description: Use alias_method instead of alias. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Style/ArrayJoin: Description: Use Array#join instead of Array#*. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Style/AsciiComments: Description: Use only ascii symbols in comments. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Naming/AsciiIdentifiers: Description: Use only ascii symbols in identifiers. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Style/Attr: Description: Checks for uses of Module#attr. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Style/BlockComments: Description: Do not use block comments. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Style/CaseEquality: Description: Avoid explicit use of the case equality operator(===). StyleGuide: Enabled: false Style/CharacterLiteral: Description: Checks for uses of character literals. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Style/ClassVars: Description: Avoid the use of class variables. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Style/ColonMethodCall: Description: 'Do not use :: for method call.' StyleGuide: Enabled: false Style/PreferredHashMethods: Description: Checks for use of deprecated Hash methods. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Style/Documentation: Description: Document classes and non-namespace modules. Enabled: false Style/DoubleNegation: Description: Checks for uses of double negation (!!). StyleGuide: Enabled: false Style/EachWithObject: Description: Prefer `each_with_object` over `inject` or `reduce`. Enabled: false Style/EmptyElse: Description: Avoid empty else-clauses. Enabled: true Style/EmptyLiteral: Description: Prefer literals to StyleGuide: Enabled: false Layout/EndOfLine: Description: Use Unix-style line endings. StyleGuide: Enabled: true Style/EvenOdd: Description: Favor the use of Fixnum#even? && Fixnum#odd? StyleGuide: Enabled: false Lint/FlipFlop: Description: Checks for flip flops StyleGuide: Enabled: false Style/IfWithSemicolon: Description: Do not use if x; .... Use the ternary operator instead. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Style/Lambda: Description: Use the new lambda literal syntax for single-line blocks. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Style/LineEndConcatenation: Description: Use \ instead of + or << to concatenate two string literals at line end. Enabled: false Style/ModuleFunction: Description: Checks for usage of `extend self` in modules. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Style/MultilineBlockChain: Description: Avoid multi-line chains of blocks. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Layout/MultilineBlockLayout: Description: Ensures newlines after multiline block do statements. Enabled: false Style/NegatedIf: Description: Favor unless over if for negative conditions (or control flow or). StyleGuide: Enabled: false Style/NegatedWhile: Description: Favor until over while for negative conditions. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Style/NilComparison: Description: Prefer x.nil? to x == nil. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Style/OneLineConditional: Description: Favor the ternary operator(?:) over if/then/else/end constructs. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Naming/BinaryOperatorParameterName: Description: When defining binary operators, name the argument other. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Style/PerlBackrefs: Description: Avoid Perl-style regex back references. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Style/Proc: Description: Use proc instead of StyleGuide: Enabled: false Style/SelfAssignment: Description: Checks for places where self-assignment shorthand should have been used. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Layout/SpaceBeforeFirstArg: Description: Put a space between a method name and the first argument in a method call without parentheses. Enabled: true Layout/SpaceAroundOperators: Description: Use spaces around operators. StyleGuide: Enabled: true Layout/SpaceInsideParens: Description: No spaces after ( or before ). StyleGuide: Enabled: true Style/SpecialGlobalVars: Description: Avoid Perl-style global variables. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Style/VariableInterpolation: Description: Don't interpolate global, instance and class variables directly in strings. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Style/WhenThen: Description: Use when x then ... for one-line cases. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Lint/AmbiguousOperator: Description: Checks for ambiguous operators in the first argument of a method invocation without parentheses. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Lint/AmbiguousRegexpLiteral: Description: Checks for ambiguous regexp literals in the first argument of a method invocation without parenthesis. Enabled: false Layout/BlockAlignment: Description: Align block ends correctly. Enabled: true Layout/ConditionPosition: Description: Checks for condition placed in a confusing position relative to the keyword. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Lint/DeprecatedClassMethods: Description: Check for deprecated class method calls. Enabled: false Lint/ElseLayout: Description: Check for odd code arrangement in an else block. Enabled: false Lint/SuppressedException: Description: Don't suppress exception. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Lint/LiteralAsCondition: Description: Checks of literals used in conditions. Enabled: false Lint/LiteralInInterpolation: Description: Checks for literals used in interpolation. Enabled: false Lint/Loop: Description: Use Kernel#loop with break rather than begin/end/until or begin/end/while for post-loop tests. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Lint/ParenthesesAsGroupedExpression: Description: Checks for method calls with a space before the opening parenthesis. StyleGuide: Enabled: false Lint/RequireParentheses: Description: Use parentheses in the method call to avoid confusion about precedence. Enabled: false Lint/UnderscorePrefixedVariableName: Description: Do not use prefix `_` for a variable that is used. Enabled: false Lint/Void: Description: Possible use of operator/literal/variable in void context. Enabled: false Lint/RaiseException: Description: Checks for `raise` or `fail` statements which are raising `Exception` class. Enabled: true Lint/StructNewOverride: Description: Disallow overriding the `Struct` built-in methods via ``. Enabled: true Rails/Delegate: Description: Prefer delegate method for delegations. Enabled: false Performance/RedundantBlockCall: Description: Use `yield` instead of ``. Reference: Enabled: false Style/OptionalBooleanParameter: Description: 'Use keyword arguments when defining method with boolean argument.' Enabled: false Lint/MissingSuper: Description: >- This cop checks for the presence of constructors and lifecycle callbacks without calls to `super`'. Enabled: false Style/RedundantFileExtensionInRequire: Description: >- Checks for the presence of superfluous `.rb` extension in the filename provided to `require` and `require_relative`. Enabled: false RSpec/MultipleExpectations: Max: 5 RSpec/NestedGroups: Max: 5 RSpec/ExampleLength: Max: 10 RSpec/LetSetup: Enabled: false RSpec/ExpectChange: Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: block