<%# gallery.rhtml $Revision: 2.0.1 $ %> <%# Copyright (c) 2005-2012 N.KASHIJUKU %> <%# You can redistribute it and/or modify it under GPL2. %>

<%= CGI::escapeHTML( @conf.html_title ) %> [Image Gallery]

<% if @images.length == 0 %>


<%= format_links_date %> <% else %> <% if @mode == "list" or @mode == "slide" or @mode == "fslide" %> <%= format_links_date %>
<% if @images.length != 0 %>

<%= _(@conf.to_native(@t_page_title)) %>  Page <%=@start / @num + 1 %> [<%= @image_num %> 枚中 <%= @start + 1 %> - <%= @start + @images.length %> 枚目]  <%= get_other_mode_link %>

<% end %>
<% if @mode == "list" %> <% @line.times do |line|%> <% @column.times do |column| %> <% i = line * @column + column %> <% end %> <% break if @images[(line + 1) * @column] == nil %> <% end %>
<% if @images[i] != nil %> <% if @images[i].width.to_i > @images[i].height.to_i %>

<%= @images[i].file %>

<% else %>

<%= @images[i].file %>

<% end %>

<%= CGI::escapeHTML(@images[i].title) %>

<%= @images[i].date.sub(/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/, '\1-\2-\3') %>

<% end %>
<% elsif @mode == "slide" or @mode == "fslide" %> <%= js_start_gallery %>
<% (@line * @column).times do |i| %>

<%= CGI::escapeHTML(@images[i].title) %>[<%= @images[i].date.sub(/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/, '\1-\2-\3') %>]

<%= CGI::escapeHTML(@images[i].subtitle) %>

<% image_file = @images[i].file.dup %> <% if @use_mid_image && @mode == "slide" %> <% if image_file[4] == ?/ %> <% image_file[4] = "/m" %> <% else %> <% image_file = "m" + image_file %> <% end %> <% end %>
<% break if @images[i+1] == nil %> <% end %>
<% end %>
<% if @image_num > 0 %> <%= format_links(@image_num) %> <% end %>
<% elsif @mode == "viewer" %> <%= format_links_viewer %>

 <%= @images[0].date.sub(/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/, '\1-\2-\3') %>  <%= CGI::escapeHTML(@images[0].title) %>  [<%= @images[0].file %>:<%= @images[0].width %>(w)×<%= @images[0].height %>(h)]

<% image_file = @images[0].file.dup %> <% month_filter = ((image_file[4] == ?/) ? %Q[^#{image_file[0,4]}/#{image_file[5,6]}] : %Q[^#{image_file[0,6]}]) %>
<% end %>
<% image_file = @images[0].file.dup %> <% if @use_mid_image %> <% if image_file[4] == ?/ %> <% image_file[4] = "/m" %> <% else %> <% image_file = "m" + image_file %> <% end %> <% end %> alt="<%= CGI::escapeHTML(@images[0].title) %>" title="<%= CGI::escapeHTML(@images[0].title) %>" class="imagebody">
<% if @show_exif and @exifstr.length != 0 %>

- EXIF Data -

<%= @exifstr[0] %>

    <% i = 1 %> <% while i < @exifstr.length %> <% if @exifstr.length > 5 and i == @exifstr.length / 2 %>
    <% end %> <% if @exifstr[i][0,2] == "--" %>

<%= @exifstr[i] %>

    <% else %>
  • <%= @exifstr[i] %>
  • <% end %> <% i = i + 1 %> <% end %>
<% end %> <% end %> <% if @show_inputfield %>

画像の選択: ファイル名:  日記のサブタイトル:  画像のタイトル:

並べ替え:    表示形式:

<% end %>