= Ruby/GraphViz Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Gregoire Lejeune * Doc : http://rdoc.info/projects/glejeune/Ruby-Graphviz * Sources : http://github.com/glejeune/Ruby-Graphviz * NEW - Mailing List : http://groups.google.com/group/ruby-graphviz == DESCRIPTION Interface to the GraphViz graphing tool == TODO * GraphViz::Parser support block * New FamilyTree == CHANGELOG === 0.9.15 : * Add GraphViz.parser2. WARNING this method will replace GraphViz.parser. So please don't use it, or only for testing. * Bug correction in dot2ruby * Add --output-format option to dot2ruby * Add git2gv * Issue #16 : escape graph ID === 0.9.14 : * Add dot2ruby script * Remove NULL character in the DOT script * WARNING : FamilyTree is (still) broken in this version ! === 0.9.13 : * Add dot2ruby.g * Bug correction with HTML label * The html attribut is deprecated. You can use the label attribut, as dot do it : :label => '<>' * Issue #15 : Thin server * WARNING : FamilyTree is (still) broken in this version ! === 0.9.12 : * GraphViz::Node#name is deprecated, you must use GraphViz::Node#id (issue #14) * Add :nothugly option to GraphViz#output (see sample41.rb and http://www.hokstad.com/making-graphviz-output-pretty-with-xsl.html) * Issue #13 : you must now specify a port in GraphViz::Edge.new with a syntax like this : GraphViz::Edge.new( {nodeOne => :port}, {nodeTwo => :other} ) * Issue #12 : UTF8 support (see sample38.rb) * Move and rename examples + remove maketest.[sh|bat] * WARNING : FamilyTree is broken in this version ! === 0.9.11 : * Issue #11 : Cygwin PATH * Major bugs correction in output * Bug correction in find_executable * Add tests (by Chip Malice : http://github.com/hipe) === 0.9.10 : * Move ChangeLog in README * Add GraphViz::FamilyTree (alpha). See examples/sample33.rb * Major bugs corrections in GraphViz::Parser * Issue #10 : Anonymous graph (see Subgraphs and Clusters at http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/lang.html). See examples/sample34.rb * GraphViz#add_graph can now take a block parameter. See example/sample34.rb * Add GraphViz.digraph and GraphViz.graph (same as GraphViz.new( ..., :type => "digraph" ) and GraphViz.new( ..., :type => "graph" )). See examples/sample35.rb * Add GraphViz#subgraph. See examples/sample35.rb * GraphViz::Parser support anonymous graph * Add lage node example. See examples/sample36.rb === 0.9.9 : * Add graph as an accessor to allow you to set global graph attributs (like edge and node) * Add each_node, each_edge, each_graph (thanks to @metellius) and graph_count * Issue #9 (partial) - Solution : by default, a node will have his label set with the node ID) === 0.9.8 : * Update graph and node posibility to set properties (see sample28.rb) * Issue #7: Path option is never being used to find the executable * Adding classes to check if the attributes are in the correct type * Issue #8: dots in href are escaped with backslash, which corrupts the URL (see sample29.rb) * Add posibility to use external libraries (see sample30.rb) * Add options -u and -s to ruby2gv * Add gem2gv === 0.9.7 : * Issue #2: Small bug correction in escape_path_containing_blanks (by Andreas Ronge) * Issue #4: New find_executable (by reactive) * Issue #3: Tempfiles created in current working directory only in Windows * Issue #6: Respect "none" format in output options hash and respect String output-filename when the "none" format is selected. See examples/sample27.rb (by Dave Burt) === 0.9.6 : * jRuby support (by obruening) * Issue #1 : STDOUT in binmode === 0.9.5 : * Remove 'mkmf' dependency * GraphViz::Edge#[] modification * Small correction to escape the dot ('.') character (by Miguel Cabrera) === 0.9.4 : * Escape nodes and edges attributs * GraphViz::escape corrections (by Dave Burt) * Add :errors option to set level of message suppression (default : suppress warning messages) === 0.9.3 : * Minor bug correction for Windows * Use Open3.popen3 if installed, else use IO.popen (by Dave Burt) * Add '-', '>' and '>>' has aliases of '<<' to create an edge. === 0.9.2 : * Escape nodes (by Dave Burt) * Handle errors from graphviz command (by Dave Burt) * Output as string (if String class is passed as file i.e. output(:pdf => String)) (by Dave Burt) === 0.9.1 : * Bugs corrections * Add the ability to create edge like that : node1 << node2 << node3 ... * Complete README * Add a DOT parser. This parser has a lot of limitations. So don't use it in a production context ! * :output and :file options are deprecated, please use : => : * You can now specify multiple outputs via : => : (see sample 22). === 0.9.0 : * Add fdp example (sample 15) * Add edge between cluster and node and cluster and cluster support * GraphViz.add_node now support array (sample 16) * Bug correction in GraphViz.output (sample 19) * Add GraphViz#default to set default options (:use, :path and :output) * Add possibility to set node or edge attribut via : node.= or node.( ) edge.= or edge.( ) * Add GraphViz::Edge.set and GraphViz::Node.set * Add sample 20 * Add GraphViz.node_count and GraphViz.edge_count by Daniel Cadenas NiĆ³n === 0.8.2 : * Update Node, Edge and Graph Attributes (see http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/attrs.html) * Bugs corrections === 0.8.1 : * Documentation === 0.8.0 : * Add all the features of the current graphviz version === 0.7.0 : * Add option "path" to output === 0.6.0 : * Add undirected graph support === 0.5.0 : * Preserve the original order of creation of nodes and edges === 0.4.0 : * Add HTML-Labels === 0.3.0 : * Bugs corrections === 0.2.0 : * Pure ruby === 0.1.0 : * Initial version == SYNOPSIS A basic example require 'graphviz' # Create a new graph g = GraphViz.new( :G, :type => :digraph ) # Create two nodes hello = g.add_node( "Hello" ) world = g.add_node( "World" ) # Create an edge between the two nodes g.add_edge( hello, world ) # Generate output image g.output( :png => "hello_world.png" ) The same but with a block require 'graphviz' GraphViz::new( :G, :type => :digraph ) { |g| g.world( :label => "World" ) << g.hello( :label => "Hello" ) }.output( :png => "hello_world.png" ) Create a graph from a file require 'graphviz' # In this example, hello.dot is : # digraph G {Hello->World;} GraphViz.parse( "hello.dot", :path => "/usr/local/bin" ) { |g| g.get_node("Hello") { |n| n[:label] = "Bonjour" } g.get_node("World") { |n| n[:label] = "Le Monde" } }.output(:png => "sample.png") At last, you can create familly tree with GraphViz::FamilyTree (beta) : require 'graphviz/family_tree' tree = GraphViz::FamilyTree.new do generation do benoist.is_a_man( "Benoist" ) nathalie.is_a_woman( "Nathalie" ) benoist.is_maried_with nathalie end generation do charlotte.is_a_woman( "Charlotte" ) amelie.is_a_woman( "Amelie" ) clement.is_a_man( "Clement" ) gregoire.is_a_man( "Gregoire" ) muriel.is_a_woman( "Muriel" ) gregoire.is_maried_with muriel end couple( benoist, nathalie ).kids( charlotte, amelie, clement, gregoire ) end tree.graph.save( :png => "#{$0}.png" ) == TOOLS Ruby/GraphViz also include : * ruby2gv, a simple tool that's allow you to create a dependency graph from a ruby script. Example : http://drp.ly/dShaZ ruby2gv -Tpng -oruby2gv.png ruby2gv * gem2gv, a tools that's allow you to create a dependency graph between gems. Example : http://drp.ly/dSj9Y gem2gv -Tpng -oruby-graphviz.png ruby-graphviz * dot2ruby, a tools that's allow you to create a ruby script from a graphviz script $ cat hello.dot digraph G {Hello->World;} $ dot2ruby hello.dot # This code was generated by dot2ruby.g require 'rubygems' require 'graphviz' graph_g = GraphViz.digraph( "G" ) { |graph_g| graph_g[:bb] = '0,0,70,108' node_hello = graph_g.add_node( "Hello", :height => '0.5', :label => '\N', :pos => '35,90', :width => '0.88889' ) graph_g.add_edge( "Hello", "World", :pos => 'e,35,36.413 35,71.831 35,64.131 35,54.974 35,46.417' ) node_world = graph_g.add_node( "World", :height => '0.5', :label => '\N', :pos => '35,18', :width => '0.97222' ) } puts graph_g.output( :canon => String ) * git2gv, a tools that's allow you to show your git commits : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/72629/ruby-graphviz-git.svg == INSTALLATION sudo gem install ruby-graphviz You also need to install GraphViz[http://www.graphviz.org] and Treetop[http://treetop.rubyforge.org/] On *Windows* you also need to install win32-open3. This is not an absolute requirement. == LICENCES === Ruby/GraphViz Ruby/GraphViz is freely distributable according to the terms of the GNU General Public License (see the file 'COPYING'). This program is distributed without any warranty. See the file 'COPYING' for details. GNU General Public Licence: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gpl === nothugly.xsl By Vidar Hokstad and Ryan Shea; Contributions by Jonas Tingborn, Earl Cummings, Michael Kennedy (Graphviz 2.20.2 compatibility, bug fixes, testing, lots of gradients) Copyright (c) 2009 Vidar Hokstad Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. MIT license: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License