/* * Author: Kazushi SUGYO * * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 NEC Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include <inttypes.h> #include <openflow.h> #include <string.h> #include "cookie_table.h" #include "trema.h" static cookie_table_t cookie_table; static uint64_t cookie_dough = 0; static uint64_t INVALID_COOKIE = UINT64_MAX; static const time_t COOKIE_ENTRY_LIFETIME = 86400 * 30; static const unsigned int BUCKETS_SIZE = 131063; static uint64_t generate_cookie( void ) { uint64_t initial_value = ( cookie_dough != ( INVALID_COOKIE - 1 ) ) ? ++cookie_dough : 1; cookie_dough = initial_value; while ( lookup_cookie_entry_by_cookie( &cookie_dough ) != NULL ) { if ( cookie_dough != ( INVALID_COOKIE - 1 ) ) { cookie_dough++; } else { cookie_dough = 1; } if ( initial_value == cookie_dough ) { error( "Failed to generate cookie value." ); cookie_dough = RESERVED_COOKIE; break; } } return cookie_dough; } static bool compare_cookie( const void *x, const void *y ) { return ( *( ( const uint64_t * ) x ) == *( ( const uint64_t * ) y ) ? true : false ); } static unsigned int hash_cookie_entry( const void *key ) { return hash_core( key, ( int ) sizeof( uint64_t ) ); } static bool compare_application( const void *x, const void *y ) { const application_entry_t *ex = x; const application_entry_t *ey = y; if ( ex->cookie != ey->cookie ) { return false; } if ( strcmp( ex->service_name, ey->service_name ) != 0 ) { return false; } return true; } static unsigned int hash_application( const void *key ) { return hash_core( key, ( int ) sizeof( uint64_t ) ); } static cookie_entry_t * allocate_cookie_entry( uint64_t *original_cookie, char *service_name, uint16_t flags ) { cookie_entry_t *new_entry; new_entry = xmalloc( sizeof( cookie_entry_t ) ); memset( new_entry, 0, sizeof( cookie_entry_t ) ); new_entry->cookie = generate_cookie(); new_entry->application.cookie = *original_cookie; if ( strlen( service_name ) + 1 > MESSENGER_SERVICE_NAME_LENGTH ) { warn( "Too long service name ( service_name = %s ).", service_name ); } strncpy( new_entry->application.service_name, service_name, MESSENGER_SERVICE_NAME_LENGTH ); new_entry->application.service_name[ MESSENGER_SERVICE_NAME_LENGTH - 1 ] = '\0'; new_entry->application.flags = flags; new_entry->reference_count = 1; new_entry->expire_at = time( NULL ) + COOKIE_ENTRY_LIFETIME; return new_entry; } static void free_cookie_entry( cookie_entry_t *free_entry ) { xfree( free_entry ); } static void free_cookie_table_walker( void *key, void *value, void *user_data ) { cookie_entry_t *entry = value; UNUSED( key ); UNUSED( user_data ); free_cookie_entry( entry ); } void init_cookie_table( void ) { cookie_table.global = create_hash_with_size( compare_cookie, hash_cookie_entry, BUCKETS_SIZE ); cookie_table.application = create_hash_with_size( compare_application, hash_application, BUCKETS_SIZE ); } void finalize_cookie_table( void ) { foreach_hash( cookie_table.global, free_cookie_table_walker, NULL ); delete_hash( cookie_table.global ); delete_hash( cookie_table.application ); cookie_table.global = NULL; cookie_table.application = NULL; } uint64_t * insert_cookie_entry( uint64_t *original_cookie, char *service_name, uint16_t flags ) { cookie_entry_t *new_entry, *conflict_entry; debug( "Inserting cookie entry ( original_cookie = %#" PRIx64 ", service_name = %s, flags = %#x ).", *original_cookie, service_name, flags ); new_entry = lookup_cookie_entry_by_application( original_cookie, service_name ); if ( new_entry != NULL ) { new_entry->reference_count++; new_entry->expire_at = time( NULL ) + COOKIE_ENTRY_LIFETIME; new_entry->application.flags |= flags; // FIXME: save flags for each flow individually return &new_entry->cookie; } new_entry = allocate_cookie_entry( original_cookie, service_name, flags ); conflict_entry = lookup_cookie_entry_by_cookie( &new_entry->cookie ); if ( conflict_entry != NULL ) { warn( "Conflicted cookie ( cookie = %#" PRIx64 " ).", new_entry->cookie ); delete_cookie_entry( conflict_entry ); } insert_hash_entry( cookie_table.global, &new_entry->cookie, new_entry ); insert_hash_entry( cookie_table.application, &new_entry->application, new_entry ); return &new_entry->cookie; } void delete_cookie_entry( cookie_entry_t *entry ) { debug( "Deleting cookie entry ( cookie = %#" PRIx64 ", application = [ cookie = %#" PRIx64 ", service_name = %s, " "flags = %#x ], reference_count = %d, expire_at = %" PRIu64 " ).", entry->cookie, entry->application.cookie, entry->application.service_name, entry->application.flags, entry->reference_count, ( int64_t ) entry->expire_at ); if ( entry->reference_count > 1 ) { debug( "Decrementing reference counter ( reference_count = %d ).", entry->reference_count ); entry->reference_count--; return; } cookie_entry_t *delete_entry_global = delete_hash_entry( cookie_table.global, &entry->cookie ); if ( delete_entry_global == NULL ) { error( "No cookie entry found ( cookie = %#" PRIx64 " ).", entry->cookie ); } cookie_entry_t *delete_entry_application = delete_hash_entry( cookie_table.application, &entry->application ); if ( delete_entry_application == NULL ) { error( "No cookie entry found ( cookie = %#" PRIx64 ", service_name = %s ).", entry->application.cookie, entry->application.service_name ); } free_cookie_entry( entry ); } cookie_entry_t * lookup_cookie_entry_by_cookie( uint64_t *cookie ) { return lookup_hash_entry( cookie_table.global, cookie ); } cookie_entry_t * lookup_cookie_entry_by_application( uint64_t *cookie, char *service_name ) { application_entry_t key; cookie_entry_t *entry; memset( &key, 0, sizeof( application_entry_t ) ); key.cookie = *cookie; strncpy( key.service_name, service_name, MESSENGER_SERVICE_NAME_LENGTH ); key.service_name[ MESSENGER_SERVICE_NAME_LENGTH - 1 ] = '\0'; entry = lookup_hash_entry( cookie_table.application, &key ); return entry; } static void age_cookie_entry( cookie_entry_t *entry ) { if ( entry->expire_at < time( NULL ) ) { // TODO: check if the target flow is still alive or not warn( "Aging out cookie entry ( cookie = %#" PRIx64 ", application = [ cookie = %#" PRIx64 ", service_name = %s, " "flags = %#x ], reference_count = %d, expire_at = %" PRIu64 " ).", entry->cookie, entry->application.cookie, entry->application.service_name, entry->application.flags, entry->reference_count, ( int64_t ) entry->expire_at ); delete_hash_entry( cookie_table.global, &entry->cookie ); delete_hash_entry( cookie_table.application, &entry->application ); free_cookie_entry( entry ); } } void age_cookie_table( void *user_data ) { UNUSED( user_data ); hash_iterator iter; hash_entry *e; init_hash_iterator( cookie_table.global, &iter ); while ( ( e = iterate_hash_next( &iter ) ) != NULL ) { age_cookie_entry( e->value ); } } static void dump_cookie_entry( cookie_entry_t *entry ) { info( "cookie = %#" PRIx64 ", application = [ cookie = %#" PRIx64 ", service_name = %s, " "flags = %#x ], reference_count = %d, expire_at = %" PRIu64 "", entry->cookie, entry->application.cookie, entry->application.service_name, entry->application.flags, entry->reference_count, ( int64_t ) entry->expire_at ); } void dump_cookie_table( void ) { hash_iterator iter; hash_entry *e; info( "#### COOKIE TABLE ####" ); info( "[global]" ); init_hash_iterator( cookie_table.global, &iter ); while ( ( e = iterate_hash_next( &iter ) ) != NULL ) { dump_cookie_entry( e->value ); } info( "[application]" ); init_hash_iterator( cookie_table.application, &iter ); while ( ( e = iterate_hash_next( &iter ) ) != NULL ) { dump_cookie_entry( e->value ); } info( "#### END ####" ); } /* * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 2 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: */