## 0.4.0 2015-07-17 * `Element#[]=` now removes the attribute when the assigned value is nil. * `Element#attr` now better follows jQuery's behaviour by checking the number of arguments passed. Also it's now just a proxy to `Element#[]` and `Element#[]=` * `Element#[]` now returns `nil` only for attributes that are missing, better following jQuery behaviour (which is to return `undefined` on such attributes). `Element#has_attribute?` has been updated accordingly. * Add `Element#prepend` method. ## 0.3.0 2015-02-03 * Move all files under `opal/jquery` require namespace, rather than current `opal-jquery` require paths. * Add `Browser::Window` class, and make `::Window` an instance of it. * Make `Document` include `Browser::DocumentMethods` which is a simple module to define custom methods for `Document`. * Cleanup HTTP implementation. * `Element#[]` and `Element#attr` now return `nil` for empty attributes, instead of returning an empty string. * Add `HTTP.setup` and `HTTP.setup=` to access `$.ajaxSetup` * Add PATCH and HEAD support to `HTTP` * Let `Element` accept previously defined `JQUERY_CLASS` and `JQUERY_SELECTOR` for environments such as node-webkit where `$` can't be found in the global object. * Add Promise support to `HTTP` get/post/put/delete methods. Also remove `HTTP#callback` and `#errback` methods. ## 0.2.0 2014-03-12 * Add `Document.body` and `Document.head` shortcut to element instances. * Add `Event` methods: `prevented?`, `prevent`, `stopped?` and `stop` to replace longer javascript names. * Add `LocalStorage` implementation. * Fix `Element#data()` to return `nil` for an undefined data attribute instead of null. * Expose `#detach` method on `Element`. ## 0.1.2 2013-12-01 * Support setting html content through `Element#html()`. * Add `Element` methods: `#get`, `#attr` and `#prop` by aliasing them to jquery implementations. ## 0.1.1 2013-11-03 * Require `native` from stdlib for `HTTP` to use. ## 0.1.0 2013-11-03 * Add `Window` and `$window` alias. * Support `Zepto` as well as `jQuery`. * `Event` is now a wrapper around native event from dom listeners. ## 0.0.9 2013-06-15 * Revert earlier commit, and use `$document` as reference to jquery wrapped `document`. * Introduce Element.document as wrapped document element * Depreceate $document.title and $document.title=. ## 0.0.8 2013-05-02 * Depreceate Document in favor of $document global. * Add HTTP.delete() for creating DELETE request. ## 0.0.7 2013-02-20 * Add Element#method\_missing which forwards missing calls to try and call method as a native jquery function/plugin. * Depreceate Document finder methods (Document.find, Document[]). The finder methods on Element now replace them. Updated specs to suit.