/* * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * In addition to the permissions in the GNU General Public License, * the authors give you unlimited permission to link the compiled * version of this file into combinations with other programs, * and to distribute those combinations without any restriction * coming from the use of this file. (The General Public License * restrictions do apply in other respects; for example, they cover * modification of the file, and distribution when not linked into * a combined executable.) * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "test_lib.h" #include "vector.h" #include "fileops.h" #include "filebuf.h" BEGIN_TEST(string0, "compare prefixes") must_be_true(git__prefixcmp("", "") == 0); must_be_true(git__prefixcmp("a", "") == 0); must_be_true(git__prefixcmp("", "a") < 0); must_be_true(git__prefixcmp("a", "b") < 0); must_be_true(git__prefixcmp("b", "a") > 0); must_be_true(git__prefixcmp("ab", "a") == 0); must_be_true(git__prefixcmp("ab", "ac") < 0); must_be_true(git__prefixcmp("ab", "aa") > 0); END_TEST BEGIN_TEST(string1, "compare suffixes") must_be_true(git__suffixcmp("", "") == 0); must_be_true(git__suffixcmp("a", "") == 0); must_be_true(git__suffixcmp("", "a") < 0); must_be_true(git__suffixcmp("a", "b") < 0); must_be_true(git__suffixcmp("b", "a") > 0); must_be_true(git__suffixcmp("ba", "a") == 0); must_be_true(git__suffixcmp("zaa", "ac") < 0); must_be_true(git__suffixcmp("zaz", "ac") > 0); END_TEST BEGIN_TEST(vector0, "initial size of 1 would cause writing past array bounds") git_vector x; int i; git_vector_init(&x, 1, NULL); for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { git_vector_insert(&x, (void*) 0xabc); } git_vector_free(&x); END_TEST BEGIN_TEST(vector1, "don't read past array bounds on remove()") git_vector x; // make initial capacity exact for our insertions. git_vector_init(&x, 3, NULL); git_vector_insert(&x, (void*) 0xabc); git_vector_insert(&x, (void*) 0xdef); git_vector_insert(&x, (void*) 0x123); git_vector_remove(&x, 0); // used to read past array bounds. git_vector_free(&x); END_TEST static int test_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { return *(const int *)a - *(const int *)b; } BEGIN_TEST(vector2, "remove duplicates") git_vector x; int *ptrs[2]; ptrs[0] = git__malloc(sizeof(int)); ptrs[1] = git__malloc(sizeof(int)); *ptrs[0] = 2; *ptrs[1] = 1; must_pass(git_vector_init(&x, 5, test_cmp)); must_pass(git_vector_insert(&x, ptrs[0])); must_pass(git_vector_insert(&x, ptrs[1])); must_pass(git_vector_insert(&x, ptrs[1])); must_pass(git_vector_insert(&x, ptrs[0])); must_pass(git_vector_insert(&x, ptrs[1])); must_be_true(x.length == 5); git_vector_uniq(&x); must_be_true(x.length == 2); git_vector_free(&x); git__free(ptrs[0]); git__free(ptrs[1]); END_TEST BEGIN_TEST(path0, "get the dirname of a path") char dir[64], *dir2; #define DIRNAME_TEST(A, B) { \ must_be_true(git_path_dirname_r(dir, sizeof(dir), A) >= 0); \ must_be_true(strcmp(dir, B) == 0); \ must_be_true((dir2 = git_path_dirname(A)) != NULL); \ must_be_true(strcmp(dir2, B) == 0); \ git__free(dir2); \ } DIRNAME_TEST(NULL, "."); DIRNAME_TEST("", "."); DIRNAME_TEST("a", "."); DIRNAME_TEST("/", "/"); DIRNAME_TEST("/usr", "/"); DIRNAME_TEST("/usr/", "/"); DIRNAME_TEST("/usr/lib", "/usr"); DIRNAME_TEST("/usr/lib/", "/usr"); DIRNAME_TEST("/usr/lib//", "/usr"); DIRNAME_TEST("usr/lib", "usr"); DIRNAME_TEST("usr/lib/", "usr"); DIRNAME_TEST("usr/lib//", "usr"); DIRNAME_TEST(".git/", "."); #undef DIRNAME_TEST END_TEST BEGIN_TEST(path1, "get the base name of a path") char base[64], *base2; #define BASENAME_TEST(A, B) { \ must_be_true(git_path_basename_r(base, sizeof(base), A) >= 0); \ must_be_true(strcmp(base, B) == 0); \ must_be_true((base2 = git_path_basename(A)) != NULL); \ must_be_true(strcmp(base2, B) == 0); \ git__free(base2); \ } BASENAME_TEST(NULL, "."); BASENAME_TEST("", "."); BASENAME_TEST("a", "a"); BASENAME_TEST("/", "/"); BASENAME_TEST("/usr", "usr"); BASENAME_TEST("/usr/", "usr"); BASENAME_TEST("/usr/lib", "lib"); BASENAME_TEST("/usr/lib//", "lib"); BASENAME_TEST("usr/lib", "lib"); #undef BASENAME_TEST END_TEST BEGIN_TEST(path2, "get the latest component in a path") const char *dir; #define TOPDIR_TEST(A, B) { \ must_be_true((dir = git_path_topdir(A)) != NULL); \ must_be_true(strcmp(dir, B) == 0); \ } TOPDIR_TEST(".git/", ".git/"); TOPDIR_TEST("/.git/", ".git/"); TOPDIR_TEST("usr/local/.git/", ".git/"); TOPDIR_TEST("./.git/", ".git/"); TOPDIR_TEST("/usr/.git/", ".git/"); TOPDIR_TEST("/", "/"); TOPDIR_TEST("a/", "a/"); must_be_true(git_path_topdir("/usr/.git") == NULL); must_be_true(git_path_topdir(".") == NULL); must_be_true(git_path_topdir("") == NULL); must_be_true(git_path_topdir("a") == NULL); #undef TOPDIR_TEST END_TEST static int ensure_joinpath(const char *path_a, const char *path_b, const char *expected_path) { char joined_path[GIT_PATH_MAX]; git_path_join(joined_path, path_a, path_b); return strcmp(joined_path, expected_path) == 0 ? GIT_SUCCESS : GIT_ERROR; } BEGIN_TEST(path5, "properly join path components") must_pass(ensure_joinpath("", "", "")); must_pass(ensure_joinpath("", "a", "a")); must_pass(ensure_joinpath("", "/a", "/a")); must_pass(ensure_joinpath("a", "", "a/")); must_pass(ensure_joinpath("a", "/", "a/")); must_pass(ensure_joinpath("a", "b", "a/b")); must_pass(ensure_joinpath("/", "a", "/a")); must_pass(ensure_joinpath("/", "", "/")); must_pass(ensure_joinpath("/a", "/b", "/a/b")); must_pass(ensure_joinpath("/a", "/b/", "/a/b/")); must_pass(ensure_joinpath("/a/", "b/", "/a/b/")); must_pass(ensure_joinpath("/a/", "/b/", "/a/b/")); END_TEST static int ensure_joinpath_n(const char *path_a, const char *path_b, const char *path_c, const char *path_d, const char *expected_path) { char joined_path[GIT_PATH_MAX]; git_path_join_n(joined_path, 4, path_a, path_b, path_c, path_d); return strcmp(joined_path, expected_path) == 0 ? GIT_SUCCESS : GIT_ERROR; } BEGIN_TEST(path6, "properly join path components for more than one path") must_pass(ensure_joinpath_n("", "", "", "", "")); must_pass(ensure_joinpath_n("", "a", "", "", "a/")); must_pass(ensure_joinpath_n("a", "", "", "", "a/")); must_pass(ensure_joinpath_n("", "", "", "a", "a")); must_pass(ensure_joinpath_n("a", "b", "", "/c/d/", "a/b/c/d/")); must_pass(ensure_joinpath_n("a", "b", "", "/c/d", "a/b/c/d")); END_TEST typedef struct name_data { int count; /* return count */ char *name; /* filename */ } name_data; typedef struct walk_data { char *sub; /* sub-directory name */ name_data *names; /* name state data */ } walk_data; static char path_buffer[GIT_PATH_MAX]; static char *top_dir = "dir-walk"; static walk_data *state_loc; static int error(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); return -1; } static int setup(walk_data *d) { name_data *n; if (p_mkdir(top_dir, 0777) < 0) return error("can't mkdir(\"%s\")", top_dir); if (p_chdir(top_dir) < 0) return error("can't chdir(\"%s\")", top_dir); if (strcmp(d->sub, ".") != 0) if (p_mkdir(d->sub, 0777) < 0) return error("can't mkdir(\"%s\")", d->sub); strcpy(path_buffer, d->sub); state_loc = d; for (n = d->names; n->name; n++) { git_file fd = p_creat(n->name, 0666); if (fd < 0) return GIT_ERROR; p_close(fd); n->count = 0; } return 0; } static int knockdown(walk_data *d) { name_data *n; for (n = d->names; n->name; n++) { if (p_unlink(n->name) < 0) return error("can't unlink(\"%s\")", n->name); } if (strcmp(d->sub, ".") != 0) if (p_rmdir(d->sub) < 0) return error("can't rmdir(\"%s\")", d->sub); if (p_chdir("..") < 0) return error("can't chdir(\"..\")"); if (p_rmdir(top_dir) < 0) return error("can't rmdir(\"%s\")", top_dir); return 0; } static int check_counts(walk_data *d) { int ret = 0; name_data *n; for (n = d->names; n->name; n++) { if (n->count != 1) ret = error("count (%d, %s)", n->count, n->name); } return ret; } static int one_entry(void *state, char *path) { walk_data *d = (walk_data *) state; name_data *n; if (state != state_loc) return GIT_ERROR; if (path != path_buffer) return GIT_ERROR; for (n = d->names; n->name; n++) { if (!strcmp(n->name, path)) { n->count++; return 0; } } return GIT_ERROR; } static name_data dot_names[] = { { 0, "./a" }, { 0, "./asdf" }, { 0, "./pack-foo.pack" }, { 0, NULL } }; static walk_data dot = { ".", dot_names }; BEGIN_TEST(dirent0, "make sure that the '.' folder is not traversed") must_pass(setup(&dot)); must_pass(git_futils_direach(path_buffer, sizeof(path_buffer), one_entry, &dot)); must_pass(check_counts(&dot)); must_pass(knockdown(&dot)); END_TEST static name_data sub_names[] = { { 0, "sub/a" }, { 0, "sub/asdf" }, { 0, "sub/pack-foo.pack" }, { 0, NULL } }; static walk_data sub = { "sub", sub_names }; BEGIN_TEST(dirent1, "traverse a subfolder") must_pass(setup(&sub)); must_pass(git_futils_direach(path_buffer, sizeof(path_buffer), one_entry, &sub)); must_pass(check_counts(&sub)); must_pass(knockdown(&sub)); END_TEST static walk_data sub_slash = { "sub/", sub_names }; BEGIN_TEST(dirent2, "traverse a slash-terminated subfolder") must_pass(setup(&sub_slash)); must_pass(git_futils_direach(path_buffer, sizeof(path_buffer), one_entry, &sub_slash)); must_pass(check_counts(&sub_slash)); must_pass(knockdown(&sub_slash)); END_TEST static name_data empty_names[] = { { 0, NULL } }; static walk_data empty = { "empty", empty_names }; static int dont_call_me(void *GIT_UNUSED(state), char *GIT_UNUSED(path)) { GIT_UNUSED_ARG(state) GIT_UNUSED_ARG(path) return GIT_ERROR; } BEGIN_TEST(dirent3, "make sure that empty folders are not traversed") must_pass(setup(&empty)); must_pass(git_futils_direach(path_buffer, sizeof(path_buffer), one_entry, &empty)); must_pass(check_counts(&empty)); /* make sure callback not called */ must_pass(git_futils_direach(path_buffer, sizeof(path_buffer), dont_call_me, &empty)); must_pass(knockdown(&empty)); END_TEST static name_data odd_names[] = { { 0, "odd/.a" }, { 0, "odd/..c" }, /* the following don't work on cygwin/win32 */ /* { 0, "odd/.b." }, */ /* { 0, "odd/..d.." }, */ { 0, NULL } }; static walk_data odd = { "odd", odd_names }; BEGIN_TEST(dirent4, "make sure that strange looking filenames ('..c') are traversed") must_pass(setup(&odd)); must_pass(git_futils_direach(path_buffer, sizeof(path_buffer), one_entry, &odd)); must_pass(check_counts(&odd)); must_pass(knockdown(&odd)); END_TEST BEGIN_TEST(filebuf0, "make sure git_filebuf_open doesn't delete an existing lock") git_filebuf file = GIT_FILEBUF_INIT; int fd; char test[] = "test", testlock[] = "test.lock"; fd = p_creat(testlock, 0744); must_pass(fd); must_pass(p_close(fd)); must_fail(git_filebuf_open(&file, test, 0)); must_pass(git_futils_exists(testlock)); must_pass(p_unlink(testlock)); END_TEST BEGIN_TEST(filebuf1, "make sure GIT_FILEBUF_APPEND works as expected") git_filebuf file = GIT_FILEBUF_INIT; int fd; char test[] = "test"; fd = p_creat(test, 0666); must_pass(fd); must_pass(p_write(fd, "libgit2 rocks\n", 14)); must_pass(p_close(fd)); must_pass(git_filebuf_open(&file, test, GIT_FILEBUF_APPEND)); must_pass(git_filebuf_printf(&file, "%s\n", "libgit2 rocks")); must_pass(git_filebuf_commit(&file, 0666)); must_pass(p_unlink(test)); END_TEST BEGIN_TEST(filebuf2, "make sure git_filebuf_write writes large buffer correctly") git_filebuf file = GIT_FILEBUF_INIT; char test[] = "test"; unsigned char buf[4096 * 4]; /* 2 * WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE */ memset(buf, 0xfe, sizeof(buf)); must_pass(git_filebuf_open(&file, test, 0)); must_pass(git_filebuf_write(&file, buf, sizeof(buf))); must_pass(git_filebuf_commit(&file, 0666)); must_pass(p_unlink(test)); END_TEST static char *empty_tmp_dir = "test_gitfo_rmdir_recurs_test"; static int setup_empty_tmp_dir(void) { char path[GIT_PATH_MAX]; if (p_mkdir(empty_tmp_dir, 0777)) return -1; git_path_join(path, empty_tmp_dir, "/one"); if (p_mkdir(path, 0777)) return -1; git_path_join(path, empty_tmp_dir, "/one/two_one"); if (p_mkdir(path, 0777)) return -1; git_path_join(path, empty_tmp_dir, "/one/two_two"); if (p_mkdir(path, 0777)) return -1; git_path_join(path, empty_tmp_dir, "/one/two_two/three"); if (p_mkdir(path, 0777)) return -1; git_path_join(path, empty_tmp_dir, "/two"); if (p_mkdir(path, 0777)) return -1; return 0; } BEGIN_TEST(rmdir0, "make sure empty dir can be deleted recusively") must_pass(setup_empty_tmp_dir()); must_pass(git_futils_rmdir_r(empty_tmp_dir, 0)); END_TEST BEGIN_TEST(rmdir1, "make sure non-empty dir cannot be deleted recusively") char file[GIT_PATH_MAX]; int fd; must_pass(setup_empty_tmp_dir()); git_path_join(file, empty_tmp_dir, "/two/file.txt"); fd = p_creat(file, 0777); must_pass(fd); must_pass(p_close(fd)); must_fail(git_futils_rmdir_r(empty_tmp_dir, 0)); must_pass(p_unlink(file)); must_pass(git_futils_rmdir_r(empty_tmp_dir, 0)); END_TEST BEGIN_TEST(strtol0, "parsing out 32 integers from a string") int32_t i; must_pass(git__strtol32(&i, "123", NULL, 10)); must_be_true(i == 123); must_pass(git__strtol32(&i, " +123 ", NULL, 10)); must_be_true(i == 123); must_pass(git__strtol32(&i, " +2147483647 ", NULL, 10)); must_be_true(i == 2147483647); must_pass(git__strtol32(&i, " -2147483648 ", NULL, 10)); must_be_true(i == -2147483648LL); must_fail(git__strtol32(&i, " 2147483657 ", NULL, 10)); must_fail(git__strtol32(&i, " -2147483657 ", NULL, 10)); END_TEST BEGIN_TEST(strtol1, "parsing out 64 integers from a string") int64_t i; must_pass(git__strtol64(&i, "123", NULL, 10)); must_be_true(i == 123); must_pass(git__strtol64(&i, " +123 ", NULL, 10)); must_be_true(i == 123); must_pass(git__strtol64(&i, " +2147483647 ", NULL, 10)); must_be_true(i == 2147483647); must_pass(git__strtol64(&i, " -2147483648 ", NULL, 10)); must_be_true(i == -2147483648LL); must_pass(git__strtol64(&i, " 2147483657 ", NULL, 10)); must_be_true(i == 2147483657LL); must_pass(git__strtol64(&i, " -2147483657 ", NULL, 10)); must_be_true(i == -2147483657LL); END_TEST BEGIN_SUITE(core) ADD_TEST(string0); ADD_TEST(string1); ADD_TEST(vector0); ADD_TEST(vector1); ADD_TEST(vector2); ADD_TEST(path0); ADD_TEST(path1); ADD_TEST(path2); ADD_TEST(path5); ADD_TEST(path6); ADD_TEST(dirent0); ADD_TEST(dirent1); ADD_TEST(dirent2); ADD_TEST(dirent3); ADD_TEST(dirent4); ADD_TEST(filebuf0); ADD_TEST(filebuf1); ADD_TEST(filebuf2); ADD_TEST(rmdir0); ADD_TEST(rmdir1); ADD_TEST(strtol0); ADD_TEST(strtol1); END_SUITE