describe("Jelly", function () { var our_token; beforeEach(function () { spyOn($, 'ajax'); our_token = "authenticity token"; window._token = our_token; Jelly.init(); }); describe(".add", function () { afterEach(function () { delete Jelly.Pages.all["test-name"]; }); it("instantiates a Page with the passed-in name and attaches the set of passed-in functions to the Page object", function () { expect(Jelly.Pages.all["test-name"]).toEqual(undefined); var showFn = function () { }; var newFn = function () { }; var indexFn = function () { }; var newPage = Jelly.Pages.add("test-name", {show:showFn}, {'new':newFn}, {index:indexFn}); expect(Jelly.Pages.all["test-name"]).toNotEqual(undefined); expect(newPage).toEqual(Jelly.Pages.all["test-name"]); expect(; expect(newPage['new']).toEqual(newFn); expect(newPage.index).toEqual(indexFn); }); }); describe(".run", function () { describe("attach", function () { describe("when the component does not respond to init", function () { describe("when the component is referenced as a String", function () { beforeEach(function () { window.MyComponent = { }; }); afterEach(function () { delete window.MyComponent; }); it("attaches the component to Jelly.observers", function () {["attach", "MyComponent"]); expect(Jelly.observers).toContain(MyComponent); }); }); describe("when the component is referenced as itself", function () { it("attaches the component to Jelly.observers", function () { var component = {};["attach", component]); expect(Jelly.observers).toContain(component); }); }); }) describe("when component responds to init", function () { describe("when the component's init method returns undefined", function () { describe("when the component is referenced as a String", function () { beforeEach(function () { window.MyComponent = { init:function () { } }; }); afterEach(function () { delete window.MyComponent; }); it("calls the init method on the component and attaches the component to Jelly.observers", function () { spyOn(MyComponent, 'init');["attach", MyComponent, 1, 2]); expect(MyComponent.init).wasCalledWith(1, 2); expect(Jelly.observers).toContain(MyComponent); }); }); describe("when the component is referenced as itself", function () { var component; beforeEach(function () { component = { init:function () { } }; }); it("calls the init method on the component and attaches the component to Jelly.observers", function () { spyOn(component, 'init');["attach", component, 1, 2]); expect(component.init).wasCalledWith(1, 2); expect(Jelly.observers).toContain(component); }); }); }); describe("when the component's init method returns false", function () { var component; beforeEach(function () { component = { init:function () { component.initCalled = true; return false; } }; }); it("calls the init method on the component and does not attaches an observer to Jelly.observers", function () { var originalObserversLength = Jelly.observers.length;["attach", component, 1, 2]); expect(component.initCalled).toBeTruthy(); expect(Jelly.observers.length).toEqual(originalObserversLength); expect(Jelly.observers).toNotContain(component); }); }); describe("when the component's init method returns null", function () { var component; beforeEach(function () { component = { init:function () { component.initCalled = true; return null; } }; }); it("calls the init method on the component and does not attaches an observer to Jelly.observers", function () { var originalObserversLength = Jelly.observers.length;["attach", component, 1, 2]); expect(component.initCalled).toBeTruthy(); expect(Jelly.observers.length).toEqual(originalObserversLength); expect(Jelly.observers).toNotContain(component); }); }); describe("when the component's init method returns an object", function () { it("attaches the returned object (instead of the component) to Jelly.observers", function () { var observer = new Object(); var component = { init:function () { return observer; } };["attach", component, 1, 2]); expect(Jelly.observers).toContain(observer); expect(Jelly.observers).toNotContain(component); }); }); }); }); describe("notify", function () { beforeEach(function () { Jelly.Pages.add("MyPage", { on_my_method:function () { } });["attach", "Jelly.Page", "MyPage", "index"]); }); describe("when bound to the default Jelly.observers collection", function () { describe("the active page object", function () { describe("when the notify method is defined on the page", function () { it("should call the notify method on the page", function () { spyOn(page, 'on_my_method');["notify", "on_my_method", "arg1", "arg2"]); expect(page.on_my_method).wasCalled(); expect(page.on_my_method).wasCalledWith('arg1', 'arg2'); }); describe("when there are attached components", function () { it("calls the notify methods in the order of the attached components", function () { var component = { on_my_method:function () { } }; Jelly.attach(component); var functionsCalledInOrder = []; spyOn(page, 'on_my_method').andCallFake(function () { functionsCalledInOrder.push("page"); }); spyOn(component, 'on_my_method').andCallFake(function () { functionsCalledInOrder.push("component"); });["notify", "on_my_method", "arg1", "arg2"]); expect(page.on_my_method).wasCalled(); expect(page.on_my_method).wasCalledWith('arg1', 'arg2'); expect(component.on_my_method).wasCalled(); expect(component.on_my_method).wasCalledWith('arg1', 'arg2'); expect(functionsCalledInOrder).toEqual(["page", "component"]); }); }); }); describe("when the page object does not define the notify method", function () { it("does not blow up", function () { expect(page.on_my_undefined_method).toBe(undefined);["notify", "on_my_undefined_method", "arg1", "arg2"]); }); }); }); describe("when the 'on' parameter is present", function () { beforeEach(function () { GlobalObject = {on_my_method:function () { }}; GlobalObject.secondObject = {on_my_method:function () { }}; }); afterEach(function () { delete GlobalObject; }); }); }); describe("when bound to an array of custom observers", function () { it("notifies the given observers and not the existing Jelly.observers, unless in the list of observers", function () { var component = { on_my_method:function () { } }; Jelly.attach("Jelly.Page", "MyPage", "index"); Jelly.attach(component); spyOn(page, 'on_my_method'); spyOn(component, 'on_my_method'); var customObserver1 = {on_my_method:function () { }}; spyOn(customObserver1, 'on_my_method'); var customObserver2 = {on_my_method:function () { }}; spyOn(customObserver2, 'on_my_method');[customObserver1, customObserver2], ["notify", "on_my_method", "arg1", "arg2"]); expect(page.on_my_method).wasNotCalled(); expect(component.on_my_method).wasNotCalled(); expect(customObserver1.on_my_method).wasCalled(); expect(customObserver1.on_my_method).wasCalledWith('arg1', 'arg2'); expect(customObserver2.on_my_method).wasCalled(); expect(customObserver2.on_my_method).wasCalledWith('arg1', 'arg2'); }); }); describe("an observer listening to on_notify", function () { it("receives a notify instruction", function () { var observer = { on_notify:function () { } }; spyOn(observer, 'on_notify');[observer], ["notify", "on_my_method", "arg1", "arg2"]); expect(observer.on_notify).wasCalledWith("on_my_method", "arg1", "arg2"); }); }); describe("an observer listening to the notify method", function () { var observer; beforeEach(function () { observer = { on_my_method:function () { } }; Jelly.attach(observer); expect(Jelly.observers).toContain(observer); }); describe("when the observer does not have a detach method defined", function () { beforeEach(function () { expect(observer.detach).toBe(undefined); }); it("leaves the observer in Jelly.observers and calls the notify method on the observer", function () { spyOn(observer, "on_my_method");["notify", "on_my_method"]); expect(Jelly.observers).toContain(observer); expect(observer.on_my_method).wasCalled(); }); }); describe("when the observer a detach method defined", function () { describe("when the detach method is truthy", function () { var anotherObserver; beforeEach(function () { observer.detach = function () { return true; }; anotherObserver = { on_my_method:function () { } }; Jelly.attach(anotherObserver); }); it("removes observer in Jelly.observers, does not call the notify method on the observer, and calls the other observers", function () { spyOn(observer, "on_my_method"); spyOn(anotherObserver, "on_my_method");["notify", "on_my_method"]); expect(Jelly.observers).toNotContain(observer); expect(observer.on_my_method).wasNotCalled(); expect(anotherObserver.on_my_method).wasCalled(); }); }); describe("when the detach method is falsy", function () { beforeEach(function () { observer.detach = function () { return undefined; } }); it("leaves the observer in Jelly.observers and calls the notify method on the observer", function () { spyOn(observer, "on_my_method");["notify", "on_my_method"]); expect(Jelly.observers).toContain(observer); expect(observer.on_my_method).wasCalled(); }); }); }); }); }); }); describe(".attach", function () { describe("when the component does not respond to init", function () { describe("when the component is referenced as a String", function () { beforeEach(function () { window.MyComponent = { }; }); afterEach(function () { delete window.MyComponent; }); it("attaches the component to Jelly.observers", function () { Jelly.attach("MyComponent"); expect(Jelly.observers).toContain(MyComponent); }); }); describe("when the component is referenced as itself", function () { it("attaches the component to Jelly.observers", function () { var component = {}; Jelly.attach(component); expect(Jelly.observers).toContain(component); }); }); }); describe("when component responds to init", function () { describe("when the component's init method returns undefined", function () { describe("when the component is referenced as a String", function () { beforeEach(function () { window.MyComponent = { init:function () { } }; }); afterEach(function () { delete window.MyComponent; }); it("calls the init method on the component and attaches the component to Jelly.observers", function () { spyOn(MyComponent, 'init'); Jelly.attach(MyComponent, 1, 2); expect(MyComponent.init).wasCalledWith(1, 2); expect(Jelly.observers).toContain(MyComponent); }); }); describe("when the component is referenced as itself", function () { var component; beforeEach(function () { component = { init:function () { } }; }); it("calls the init method on the component and attaches the component to Jelly.observers", function () { spyOn(component, 'init'); Jelly.attach(component, 1, 2); expect(component.init).wasCalledWith(1, 2); expect(Jelly.observers).toContain(component); }); }); }); describe("when the component's init method returns false", function () { var component; beforeEach(function () { component = { init:function () { component.initCalled = true; return false; } }; }); it("calls the init method on the component and does not attaches an observer to Jelly.observers", function () { var originalObserversLength = Jelly.observers.length; Jelly.attach(component, 1, 2); expect(component.initCalled).toBeTruthy(); expect(Jelly.observers.length).toEqual(originalObserversLength); expect(Jelly.observers).toNotContain(component); }); }); describe("when the component's init method returns null", function () { var component; beforeEach(function () { component = { init:function () { component.initCalled = true; return null; } }; }); it("calls the init method on the component and does not attaches an observer to Jelly.observers", function () { var originalObserversLength = Jelly.observers.length; Jelly.attach(component, 1, 2); expect(component.initCalled).toBeTruthy(); expect(Jelly.observers.length).toEqual(originalObserversLength); expect(Jelly.observers).toNotContain(component); }); }); describe("when the component's init method returns an object", function () { it("attaches the returned object (instead of the component) to Jelly.observers", function () { var observer = new Object(); var component = { init:function () { return observer; } }; Jelly.attach(component, 1, 2); expect(Jelly.observers).toContain(observer); expect(Jelly.observers).toNotContain(component); }); }); }); }); describe(".Observers.notify", function () { beforeEach(function () { Jelly.Pages.add("MyPage", { on_my_method:function () { } }); Jelly.attach("Jelly.Page", "MyPage", "index"); }); describe("when bound to the default Jelly.observers collection", function () { describe("the active page object", function () { describe("when the notify method is defined on the page", function () { it("should call the notify method on the page", function () { spyOn(page, 'on_my_method'); Jelly.notifyObservers("on_my_method", "arg1", "arg2"); expect(page.on_my_method).wasCalled(); expect(page.on_my_method).wasCalledWith('arg1', 'arg2'); }); describe("when there are attached components", function () { it("calls the notify methods in the order of the attached components", function () { var component = { on_my_method:function () { } }; Jelly.attach(component); var functionsCalledInOrder = []; spyOn(page, 'on_my_method').andCallFake(function () { functionsCalledInOrder.push("page"); }); spyOn(component, 'on_my_method').andCallFake(function () { functionsCalledInOrder.push("component"); }); Jelly.notifyObservers("on_my_method", "arg1", "arg2"); expect(page.on_my_method).wasCalled(); expect(page.on_my_method).wasCalledWith('arg1', 'arg2'); expect(component.on_my_method).wasCalled(); expect(component.on_my_method).wasCalledWith('arg1', 'arg2'); expect(functionsCalledInOrder).toEqual(["page", "component"]); }); }); }); describe("when the page object does not define the notify method", function () { it("does not blow up", function () { expect(page.on_my_undefined_method).toBe(undefined); Jelly.notifyObservers("on_my_undefined_method", "arg1", "arg2"); }); }); }); describe("when the 'on' parameter is present", function () { beforeEach(function () { GlobalObject = {on_my_method:function () { }}; GlobalObject.secondObject = {on_my_method:function () { }}; }); afterEach(function () { delete GlobalObject; }); }); }); describe("when bound to an array of custom observers", function () { it("notifies the given observers and not the existing Jelly.observers, unless in the list of observers", function () { var component = { on_my_method:function () { } }; Jelly.attach("Jelly.Page", "MyPage", "index"); Jelly.attach(component); spyOn(page, 'on_my_method'); spyOn(component, 'on_my_method'); var customObserver1 = {on_my_method:function () { }}; spyOn(customObserver1, 'on_my_method'); var customObserver2 = {on_my_method:function () { }}; spyOn(customObserver2, 'on_my_method');[customObserver1, customObserver2], "on_my_method", "arg1", "arg2"); expect(page.on_my_method).wasNotCalled(); expect(component.on_my_method).wasNotCalled(); expect(customObserver1.on_my_method).wasCalled(); expect(customObserver1.on_my_method).wasCalledWith('arg1', 'arg2'); expect(customObserver2.on_my_method).wasCalled(); expect(customObserver2.on_my_method).wasCalledWith('arg1', 'arg2'); }); }); describe("an observer listening to on_notify", function () { it("receives a notify instruction", function () { var observer = { on_notify:function () { } }; spyOn(observer, 'on_notify');[observer], "on_my_method", "arg1", "arg2"); expect(observer.on_notify).wasCalledWith("on_my_method", "arg1", "arg2"); }); }); describe("an observer listening to the notify method", function () { var observer; beforeEach(function () { observer = { on_my_method:function () { } }; Jelly.attach(observer); expect(Jelly.observers).toContain(observer); }); describe("when the observer does not have a detach method defined", function () { beforeEach(function () { expect(observer.detach).toBe(undefined); }); it("leaves the observer in Jelly.observers and calls the notify method on the observer", function () { spyOn(observer, "on_my_method"); Jelly.notifyObservers("on_my_method"); expect(Jelly.observers).toContain(observer); expect(observer.on_my_method).wasCalled(); }); }); describe("when the observer a detach method defined", function () { describe("when the detach method is truthy", function () { var anotherObserver; beforeEach(function () { observer.detach = function () { return true; }; anotherObserver = { on_my_method:function () { } }; Jelly.attach(anotherObserver); }); it("removes observer in Jelly.observers, does not call the notify method on the observer, and calls the other observers", function () { spyOn(observer, "on_my_method"); spyOn(anotherObserver, "on_my_method"); Jelly.notifyObservers("on_my_method"); expect(Jelly.observers).toNotContain(observer); expect(observer.on_my_method).wasNotCalled(); expect(anotherObserver.on_my_method).wasCalled(); }); }); describe("when the detach method is falsy", function () { beforeEach(function () { observer.detach = function () { return undefined; } }); it("leaves the observer in Jelly.observers and calls the notify method on the observer", function () { spyOn(observer, "on_my_method"); Jelly.notifyObservers("on_my_method"); expect(Jelly.observers).toContain(observer); expect(observer.on_my_method).wasCalled(); }); }); }); }); }); }); describe("Jelly.Page", function () { var our_token; beforeEach(function () { spyOn($, 'ajax'); our_token = "authenticity token"; window._token = our_token; Jelly.init(); }); describe(".init", function () { beforeEach(function () { Jelly.Pages.add("DefinedComponent", { baz:function () { }, all:function () { }, show:function () { } }); spyOn(Jelly.Pages.all["DefinedComponent"], "show"); }); afterEach(function () { delete Jelly.Pages.all["DefinedComponent"]; }); describe("when the passed-in controllerName is defined", function () { describe("when the actionName is defined", function () { it("invokes the page-specific method", function () { var foobar = Jelly.Pages.all["DefinedComponent"]; expect(; Jelly.Page.init("DefinedComponent", "show"); expect(; }); describe("when the 'all' method is defined", function () { var invokedMethods; beforeEach(function () { invokedMethods = []; spyOn(Jelly.Pages.all["DefinedComponent"], "all").andCallFake(function () { invokedMethods.push("all"); }); spyOn(Jelly.Pages.all["DefinedComponent"], "baz").andCallFake(function () { invokedMethods.push("baz"); }); }); it("invokes the all method before invoking the page-specific method", function () { expect(invokedMethods).toEqual([]); Jelly.Page.init("DefinedComponent", "baz"); expect(invokedMethods).toEqual(['all', 'baz']); }); }); }); describe("when the actionName is not defined", function () { it("does not blow up", function () { expect(Jelly.Pages.all["DefinedComponent"].easterBunny).toEqual(undefined); Jelly.Page.init("DefinedComponent", "easterBunny"); }); describe("when the 'all' method is defined", function () { var invokedMethods; beforeEach(function () { invokedMethods = []; Jelly.Pages.all["DefinedComponent"].all = function () { invokedMethods.push("all"); }; }); it("invokes the all method", function () { expect(Jelly.Pages.all["DefinedComponent"].easterBunny).toEqual(undefined); expect(invokedMethods).toEqual([]); Jelly.Page.init("DefinedComponent", "easterBunny"); expect(invokedMethods).toEqual(['all']); }); }); }); }); describe("when the passed-in controllerName is not defined", function () { it("does nothing and does not cause an error", function () { expect(Jelly.Pages.all["UndefinedComponent"]).toEqual(undefined); Jelly.Page.init("UndefinedComponent", "easterBunny"); }); }); }); }); describe("Jelly.Location", function () { var our_token, originalTop; beforeEach(function () { spyOn($, 'ajax'); our_token = "authenticity token"; window._token = our_token; Jelly.init(); originalTop =; }); afterEach(function () { = originalTop; }); describe(".on_redirect", function () { it("sets top.location.href to the given location", function () { var window = {top:{location:{}}}; spyOn(Jelly.Location, "window").andReturn(window); Jelly.Location.on_redirect(""); expect(""); }); }); });