module ActiveScaffold module Helpers # Helpers that assist with the rendering of a Form Column module FormColumnHelpers # This method decides which input to use for the given column. # It does not do any rendering. It only decides which method is responsible for rendering. def active_scaffold_input_for(column, scope = nil, options = nil) options ||= active_scaffold_input_options(column, scope) options = update_columns_options(column, scope, options) active_scaffold_render_input(column, options) end def active_scaffold_render_input(column, options) record = options[:object] ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn 'Relying on @record is deprecated, include :object in options with record.', caller if record.nil? # TODO: Remove when relying on @record is removed record ||= @record # TODO: Remove when relying on @record is removed # first, check if the dev has created an override for this specific field if (method = override_form_field(column)) send(method, record, options) # second, check if the dev has specified a valid form_ui for this column elsif column.form_ui && (method = override_input(column.form_ui)) send(method, column, options) # fallback: we get to make the decision else if column.association if column.form_ui.nil? # its an association and nothing is specified, we will assume form_ui :select active_scaffold_input_select(column, options) else # if we get here, it's because the column has a form_ui but not one ActiveScaffold knows about. raise "Unknown form_ui `#{column.form_ui}' for column `#{}'" end elsif column.virtual? options[:value] = format_number_value(record.send(, column.options) if column.number? active_scaffold_input_virtual(column, options) else # regular model attribute column # if we (or someone else) have created a custom render option for the column type, use that if (method = override_input(column.column.type)) send(method, column, options) # final ultimate fallback: use rails' generic input method else # for textual fields we pass different options text_types = [:text, :string, :integer, :float, :decimal, :date, :time, :datetime] options = active_scaffold_input_text_options(options) if text_types.include?(column.column.type) if column.column.type == :string && options[:maxlength].blank? options[:maxlength] = column.column.limit options[:size] ||= options[:maxlength].to_i > 30 ? 30 : options[:maxlength] end options[:include_blank] = true if column.column.null && [:date, :datetime, :time].include?(column.column.type) options[:value] = format_number_value(record.send(, column.options) if column.number? text_field(:record,, options.merge(column.options)) end end end rescue StandardError => e logger.error "#{}: #{e.message} -- on the ActiveScaffold column = :#{} in #{controller.class}" raise e end def active_scaffold_render_subform_column(column, scope, crud_type, readonly, add_class = false, record = nil) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn 'Relying on @record is deprecated, call with record.', caller if record.nil? # TODO: Remove when relying on @record is removed record ||= @record # TODO: Remove when relying on @record is removed if add_class col_class = [] col_class << 'required' if column.required? col_class << column.css_class unless column.css_class.nil? || column.css_class.is_a?(Proc) col_class << 'hidden' if column_renders_as(column) == :hidden col_class << 'checkbox' if column.form_ui == :checkbox col_class = col_class.join(' ') end if readonly && !record.new_record? || !record.authorized_for?(:crud_type => crud_type, :column => options = active_scaffold_input_options(column, scope).except(:name) options[:class] = "#{options[:class]} #{col_class}" if col_class content_tag :span, get_column_value(record, column), options else renders_as = column_renders_as(column) html = render_column(column, record, renders_as, scope, false, col_class) html = content_tag(:div, html, active_scaffold_subform_attributes(column)) if renders_as == :subform html end end def active_scaffold_subform_attributes(column, column_css_class = nil) { :class => "sub-form #{active_scaffold_config_for(column.association.klass).subform.layout}-sub-form #{column_css_class} #{}-sub-form", :id => sub_form_id(:association => } end # the standard active scaffold options used for textual inputs def active_scaffold_input_text_options(options = {}) options[:autocomplete] = 'off' options[:class] = "#{options[:class]} text-input".strip options end # the standard active scaffold options used for class, name and scope def active_scaffold_input_options(column, scope = nil, options = {}) name = scope ? "record#{scope}[#{}]" : "record[#{}]" record = options[:object] # Add some HTML5 attributes for in-browser validation and better user experience if column.required? && (!@disable_required_for_new || scope.nil? || record.try(:persisted?)) options[:required] = true end options[:placeholder] = column.placeholder if column.placeholder.present? # Fix for keeping unique IDs in subform id_control = "record_#{}_#{[params[:eid], params[:parent_id] || params[:id]].compact.join '_'}" id_control += scope_id(scope) if scope classes = "#{}-input" classes += ' numeric-input' if column.number? {:name => name, :class => classes, :id => id_control}.merge(options) end def current_form_columns(record, scope, subform_controller = nil) if scope subform_controller.active_scaffold_config.subform.columns.names elsif [:new, :create, :edit, :update, :render_field].include? action_name.to_sym active_scaffold_config.send(record.new_record? ? :create : :update).columns.names end end def update_columns_options(column, scope, options, force = false) record = options[:object] ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn 'Relying on @record is deprecated, include :object in options with record.', caller if record.nil? # TODO: Remove when relying on @record is removed record ||= @record # TODO: Remove when relying on @record is removed subform_controller = controller.class.active_scaffold_controller_for(record.class) if scope form_columns = @main_columns.try(:names) if scope.nil? || subform_controller == controller.class form_columns ||= current_form_columns(record, scope, subform_controller) if force || (form_columns && column.update_columns && (column.update_columns & form_columns).present?) url_params = params_for(:action => 'render_field', :column =>, :id => record.to_param) url_params = url_params.except(:parent_scaffold, :association, nested.param_name) if nested? && scope url_params[:eid] = params[:eid] if params[:eid] if scope url_params[:parent_controller] ||= url_params[:controller].gsub(/^\//, '') url_params[:controller] = subform_controller.controller_path url_params[:scope] = scope url_params[:parent_id] = params[:parent_id] || params[:id] end options[:class] = "#{options[:class]} update_form".strip options['data-update_url'] = url_for(url_params.merge(:_added => nil, :_removed => nil)) options['data-update_send_form'] = column.send_form_on_update_column options['data-update_send_form_selector'] = column.options[:send_form_selector] if column.options[:send_form_selector] end options end def field_attributes(column, record) {} end def render_column(column, record, renders_as, scope = nil, only_value = false, col_class = nil) if override_form_field_partial?(column) render :partial => override_form_field_partial(column), :locals => {:column => column, :only_value => only_value, :scope => scope, :col_class => col_class, :record => record} elsif renders_as == :field || override_form_field?(column) form_attribute(column, record, scope, only_value, col_class) elsif renders_as == :subform render :partial => 'form_association', :locals => {:column => column, :scope => scope, :parent_record => record} else form_hidden_attribute(column, record, scope) end end def form_attribute(column, record, scope = nil, only_value = false, col_class = nil) column_options = active_scaffold_input_options(column, scope, :object => record) attributes = field_attributes(column, record) attributes[:class] = "#{attributes[:class]} #{col_class}" if col_class.present? field = if only_value content_tag(:span, get_column_value(record, column), column_options.except(:name, :object)) << hidden_field(:record, column.association ? column.association.foreign_key :, column_options) else active_scaffold_input_for column, scope, column_options end content_tag :dl, attributes do %(
#{label_tag label_for(column, column_options), column.label}
#{field} #{loading_indicator_tag(:action => :render_field, :id => params[:id]) if column.update_columns} #{content_tag :span, column.description, :class => 'description' if column.description.present?}
).html_safe end end def label_for(column, options) options[:id] unless column.form_ui == :select && column.plural_association? end def subform_label(column, hidden) column.label unless hidden end def form_hidden_attribute(column, record, scope = nil) %(
#{hidden_field :record,, active_scaffold_input_options(column, scope).merge(:object => record)}
).html_safe end # Should this column be displayed in the subform? def in_subform?(column, parent_record) return true unless column.association # Polymorphic associations can't appear because they *might* be the reverse association, and because you generally don't assign an association from the polymorphic side ... I think. return false if column.polymorphic_association? # A column shouldn't be in the subform if it's the reverse association to the parent return false if column.association.inverse_for?(parent_record.class) true end def column_show_add_existing(column, record = nil) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn 'Relying on @record is deprecated, call with record.', caller if record.nil? # TODO: Remove when relying on @record is removed record ||= @record # TODO: Remove when relying on @record is removed (column.allow_add_existing && options_for_association_count(column.association, record) > 0) end def column_show_add_new(column, associated, record) value = (column.plural_association? && !column.readonly_association?) || column.singular_association? value &&= false unless column.association.klass.authorized_for?(:crud_type => :create) value end ## ## Form input methods ## def active_scaffold_grouped_options(column, select_options, optgroup) group_column = active_scaffold_config_for(column.association.klass).columns[optgroup] group_label = group_column.options[:label_method] if group_column group_label ||= group_column.try(:association) ? :to_label : :to_s select_options.group_by(&optgroup.to_sym).collect do |group, options| [group.send(group_label), options.collect { |r| [r.send(column.options[:label_method] || :to_label),] }] end end def active_scaffold_translate_select_options(options) options[:include_blank] = as_(options[:include_blank].to_s) if options[:include_blank].is_a? Symbol options[:prompt] = as_(options[:prompt].to_s) if options[:prompt].is_a? Symbol options end def active_scaffold_input_singular_association(column, html_options) record = html_options.delete(:object) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn 'Relying on @record is deprecated, include :object in html_options with record.', caller if record.nil? # TODO: Remove when relying on @record is removed record ||= @record # TODO: Remove when relying on @record is removed associated = record.send( select_options = sorted_association_options_find(column.association, nil, record) select_options.unshift(associated) unless associated.nil? || select_options.include?(associated) method = options = {:selected => associated.try(:id), :include_blank => as_(:_select_), :object => record} html_options.merge!(column.options[:html_options] || {}) options.merge!(column.options) html_options[:name] = "#{html_options[:name]}[]" if html_options[:multiple] == true && !html_options[:name].to_s.ends_with?('[]') active_scaffold_translate_select_options(options) html = if (optgroup = options.delete(:optgroup)) select(:record, method, active_scaffold_grouped_options(column, select_options, optgroup), options, html_options) else collection_select(:record, method, select_options, :id, column.options[:label_method] || :to_label, options, html_options) end html << active_scaffold_refresh_link(column, html_options, record) if column.options[:refresh_link] html end def active_scaffold_refresh_link(column, html_options, record) link_options = {:object => record} if html_options['data-update_url'] link_options['data-update_send_form'] = html_options['data-update_send_form'] link_options['data-update_send_form_selector'] = html_options['data-update_send_form_selector'] else scope = html_options[:name].scan(/^record((\[[^\]]*\])*)\[#{}\]/)[0].try(:first) if html_options[:name] link_options = update_columns_options(column, scope.presence, link_options, true) end link_options[:class] = 'refresh-link' link_to(as_(:refresh), link_options.delete('data-update_url') || html_options['data-update_url'], link_options) end def active_scaffold_plural_association_options(column, record = nil) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn 'Relying on @record is deprecated, call with record.', caller if record.nil? # TODO: Remove when relying on @record is removed record ||= @record # TODO: Remove when relying on @record is removed associated_options = record.send( [associated_options, associated_options | sorted_association_options_find(column.association, nil, record)] end def active_scaffold_input_plural_association(column, options) record = options.delete(:object) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn 'Relying on @record is deprecated, include :object in options with record.', caller if record.nil? # TODO: Remove when relying on @record is removed record ||= @record # TODO: Remove when relying on @record is removed associated_options, select_options = active_scaffold_plural_association_options(column, record) html = if select_options.empty? content_tag(:span, as_(:no_options), :class => "#{options[:class]} no-options", :id => options[:id]) else active_scaffold_checkbox_list(column, select_options, associated_options.collect(&:id), options) end html << active_scaffold_refresh_link(column, options, record) if column.options[:refresh_link] html end def active_scaffold_checkbox_option(option, label_method, associated_ids, checkbox_options, li_options = {}) content_tag(:li, li_options) do option_id = option.is_a?(Array) ? option[1] : label = option.is_a?(Array) ? option[0] : option.send(label_method) check_box_tag(checkbox_options[:name], option_id, associated_ids.include?(option_id), checkbox_options) << content_tag(:label, label, :for => checkbox_options[:id]) end end def active_scaffold_checkbox_list(column, select_options, associated_ids, options) label_method = column.options[:label_method] || :to_label html = hidden_field_tag("#{options[:name]}[]", '', :id => nil) html << content_tag(:ul, options.merge(:class => "#{options[:class]} checkbox-list#{' draggable-lists' if column.options[:draggable_lists]}")) do content = ''.html_safe select_options.each_with_index do |option, i| content << active_scaffold_checkbox_option(option, label_method, associated_ids, :name => "#{options[:name]}[]", :id => "#{options[:id]}_#{i}_id") end content end html end def active_scaffold_translated_option(column, text, value = nil) value = text if value.nil? [(text.is_a?(Symbol) ? column.active_record_class.human_attribute_name(text) : text), value] end def active_scaffold_enum_options(column, record = nil) column.options[:options] end def active_scaffold_input_enum(column, html_options) record = html_options.delete(:object) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn 'Relying on @record is deprecated, include :object in html_options with record.', caller if record.nil? # TODO: Remove when relying on @record is removed record ||= @record # TODO: Remove when relying on @record is removed options = {:selected => record.send(, :object => record} options_for_select = active_scaffold_enum_options(column, record).collect do |text, value| active_scaffold_translated_option(column, text, value) end html_options.merge!(column.options[:html_options] || {}) options.merge!(column.options) active_scaffold_translate_select_options(options) select(:record,, options_for_select, options, html_options) end def active_scaffold_input_select(column, html_options) if column.singular_association? active_scaffold_input_singular_association(column, html_options) elsif column.plural_association? active_scaffold_input_plural_association(column, html_options) else active_scaffold_input_enum(column, html_options) end end def active_scaffold_input_radio(column, html_options) record = html_options[:object] html_options.merge!(column.options[:html_options] || {}) options = if column.association sorted_association_options_find(column.association, nil, record) else active_scaffold_enum_options(column, record) end id_key = html_options[:"data-id"] ? :"data-id" : :id label_method = column.options[:label_method] || :to_label if column.association options.each_with_object('') do |(text, value), html| if column.association text, value = [text.send(label_method),] checked = {:checked => html_options[:object].send( == value} else text, value = active_scaffold_translated_option(column, text, value) end radio_options = html_options.merge(id_key => html_options[id_key] + '-' + value.to_s.parameterize) radio_options.merge!(checked) if checked html << content_tag(:label, radio_button(:record,, value, radio_options) + text) end.html_safe end def active_scaffold_input_checkbox(column, options) check_box(:record,, options.merge(column.options)) end def active_scaffold_input_password(column, options) options = active_scaffold_input_text_options(options) password_field :record,, options.merge(column.options) end def active_scaffold_input_textarea(column, options) text_area(:record,, options.merge(:cols => column.options[:cols], :rows => column.options[:rows], :size => column.options[:size])) end def active_scaffold_input_virtual(column, options) options = active_scaffold_input_text_options(options) text_field :record,, options.merge(column.options) end # Some fields from HTML5 (primarily for using in-browser validation) # Sadly, many of them lacks browser support # A text box, that accepts only valid email address (in-browser validation) def active_scaffold_input_email(column, options) options = active_scaffold_input_text_options(options) email_field :record,, options.merge(column.options) end # A text box, that accepts only valid URI (in-browser validation) def active_scaffold_input_url(column, options) options = active_scaffold_input_text_options(options) url_field :record,, options.merge(column.options) end # A text box, that accepts only valid phone-number (in-browser validation) def active_scaffold_input_telephone(column, options) options = active_scaffold_input_text_options(options) telephone_field :record,, options.merge(column.options) end # A spinbox control for number values (in-browser validation) def active_scaffold_input_number(column, options) options = numerical_constraints_for_column(column, options) options = active_scaffold_input_text_options(options) number_field :record,, options.merge(column.options) end # A slider control for number values (in-browser validation) def active_scaffold_input_range(column, options) options = numerical_constraints_for_column(column, options) options = active_scaffold_input_text_options(options) range_field :record,, options.merge(column.options) end # # Column.type-based inputs # def active_scaffold_input_boolean(column, options) record = options.delete(:object) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn 'Relying on @record is deprecated, include :object in options with record.', caller if record.nil? # TODO: Remove when relying on @record is removed record ||= @record # TODO: Remove when relying on @record is removed select_options = [] select_options << [as_(:_select_), nil] if !column.virtual? && column.column.null select_options << [as_(:true), true] select_options << [as_(:false), false] select_tag(options[:name], options_for_select(select_options, record.send(, options) end def onsubmit end ## ## Form column override signatures ## # add functionality for overriding subform partials from association class path def override_subform_partial?(column, subform_partial) template_exists?(override_subform_partial(column, subform_partial), true) end def override_subform_partial(column, subform_partial) File.join(active_scaffold_controller_for(column.association.klass).controller_path, subform_partial) if column_renders_as(column) == :subform end def override_form_field_partial?(column) template_exists?(override_form_field_partial(column), true) end # the naming convention for overriding form fields with helpers def override_form_field_partial(column) path = active_scaffold_controller_for(column.active_record_class).controller_path File.join(path, "#{clean_column_name(}_form_column") end def override_form_field(column) override_helper column, 'form_column' end alias_method :override_form_field?, :override_form_field # the naming convention for overriding form input types with helpers def override_input(form_ui) method = "active_scaffold_input_#{form_ui}" method if respond_to? method end alias_method :override_input?, :override_input def subform_partial_for_column(column) subform_partial = "#{active_scaffold_config_for(column.association.klass).subform.layout}_subform" if override_subform_partial?(column, subform_partial) override_subform_partial(column, subform_partial) else subform_partial end end ## ## Macro-level rendering decisions for columns ## def column_renders_as(column) if column.respond_to? :each return :subsection elsif column.active_record_class.locking_column.to_s == || column.form_ui == :hidden return :hidden elsif column.association.nil? || column.form_ui || !active_scaffold_config_for(column.association.klass).actions.include?(:subform) || override_form_field?(column) return :field else return :subform end end def column_scope(column, scope = nil, record = nil) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn 'Relying on @record is deprecated, call with record.', caller if record.nil? # TODO: Remove when relying on @record is removed if column.plural_association? "#{scope}[#{}][#{ || generate_temporary_id(record)}]" else "#{scope}[#{}]" end end def active_scaffold_add_existing_input(options) record = options.delete(:object) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn 'Relying on @record is deprecated, include :object in options with record.', caller if record.nil? # TODO: Remove when relying on @record is removed record ||= @record # TODO: Remove when relying on @record is removed if !ActiveScaffold.js_framework.nil? && controller.respond_to?(:record_select_config, true) remote_controller = active_scaffold_controller_for(record_select_config.model).controller_path options.merge!(:controller => remote_controller) options.merge!(active_scaffold_input_text_options) record_select_field(options[:name], record, options) else select_options = sorted_association_options_find(nested.association, nil, record) select_options ||= active_scaffold_config.model.all select_options = options_from_collection_for_select(select_options, :id, :to_label) select_tag 'associated_id', ('' + select_options).html_safe unless select_options.empty? end end def active_scaffold_add_existing_label if controller.respond_to?(:record_select_config, true) record_select_config.model.model_name.human else active_scaffold_config.model.model_name.human end end # Try to get numerical constraints from model's validators def numerical_constraints_for_column(column, options) if column.numerical_constraints.nil? numerical_constraints = {} validators = do |v| v.is_a?(ActiveModel::Validations::NumericalityValidator) && v.attributes.include?( end equal_to = (val = validators.find { |v| v.options[:equal_to] }) ? val.options[:equal_to] : nil # If there is equal_to constraint - use it (unless otherwise specified by user) if equal_to && !(options[:min] || options[:max]) numerical_constraints[:min] = numerical_constraints[:max] = equal_to else # find minimum and maximum from validators # we can safely modify :min and :max by 1 for :greater_tnan or :less_than value only for integer values only_integer = column.column.type == :integer if column.column only_integer ||= validators.find { |v| v.options[:only_integer] }.present? margin = only_integer ? 1 : 0 # Minimum unless options[:min] min = { |v| v.options[:greater_than_or_equal] }.compact.max greater_than = { |v| v.options[:greater_than] }.compact.max numerical_constraints[:min] = [min, (greater_than + margin if greater_than)].compact.max end # Maximum unless options[:max] max = { |v| v.options[:less_than_or_equal] }.compact.min less_than = { |v| v.options[:less_than] }.compact.min numerical_constraints[:max] = [max, (less_than - margin if less_than)].compact.min end # Set step = 2 for column values restricted to be odd or even (but only if minimum is set) unless options[:step] only_odd_valid = validators.any? { |v| v.options[:odd] } only_even_valid = validators.any? { |v| v.options[:even] } unless only_odd_valid if !only_integer numerical_constraints[:step] ||= "0.#{'0' * (column.column.scale - 1)}1" if column.column && column.column.scale.to_i > 0 elsif options[:min] && options[:min].respond_to?(:even?) && (only_odd_valid || only_even_valid) numerical_constraints[:step] = 2 numerical_constraints[:min] += 1 if only_odd_valid && !options[:min].odd? numerical_constraints[:min] += 1 if only_even_valid && !options[:min].even? end numerical_constraints[:step] ||= 'any' unless only_integer end end column.numerical_constraints = numerical_constraints end column.numerical_constraints.merge(options) end end end end