require 'test_helper' class FiltersTest < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase test "should be registered as filters when including Haml::Filters::Base" do begin refute Haml::Filters.defined.has_key? "bar" {def; "Foo::Bar"; end; include Haml::Filters::Base} assert Haml::Filters.defined.has_key? "bar" ensure Haml::Filters.remove_filter "Bar" end end test "should raise error when attempting to register a defined Tilt filter" do begin assert_raises RuntimeError do 2.times do Haml::Filters.register_tilt_filter "Foo" end end ensure Haml::Filters.remove_filter "Foo" end end test "should raise error when a Tilt filters dependencies are unavailable for extension" do begin assert_raises Haml::Error do Haml::Filters.register_tilt_filter "Textile" Haml::Filters.defined["textile"].template_class end ensure Haml::Filters.remove_filter "Textile" end end test "should raise error when a Tilt filters dependencies are unavailable for filter without extension" do begin assert_raises Haml::Error do Haml::Filters.register_tilt_filter "Maruku" Haml::Filters.defined["maruku"].template_class end ensure Haml::Filters.remove_filter "Maruku" end end test "should raise informative error about Maruku being moved to haml-contrib" do begin render(":maruku\n # foo") flunk("Should have raised error with message about the haml-contrib gem.") rescue Haml::Error => e assert_equal e.message, Haml::Error.message(:install_haml_contrib, "maruku") end end test "should raise informative error about Textile being moved to haml-contrib" do begin render(":textile\n h1. foo") flunk("Should have raised error with message about the haml-contrib gem.") rescue Haml::Error => e assert_equal e.message, Haml::Error.message(:install_haml_contrib, "textile") end end test "should respect escaped newlines and interpolation" do html = "\\n\n" haml = ":plain\n \\n\#{""}" assert_equal(html, render(haml)) end test "should process an filter with no content" do assert_equal("\n", render(':plain')) end test "should be compatible with ugly mode" do expectation = "foo\n" assert_equal(expectation, render(":plain\n foo", :ugly => true)) end test "should pass options to Tilt filters that precompile" do haml = ":erb\n <%= 'foo' %>" refute_match('TEST_VAR', Haml::Filters::Erb.options = {:outvar => 'TEST_VAR'} assert_match('TEST_VAR', end test "should pass options to Tilt filters that don't precompile" do begin filter = do def "Foo" end def prepare @engine = {:data => data, :options => options} end def evaluate(scope, locals, &block) @output = @engine[:options].to_a.join end end Haml::Filters.register_tilt_filter "Foo", :template_class => filter Haml::Filters::Foo.options[:foo] = "bar" haml = ":foo" assert_equal "foobar\n", render(haml) ensure Haml::Filters.remove_filter "Foo" end end end class ErbFilterTest < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase test "multiline expressions should work" do html = "foobarbaz\n" haml = %Q{:erb\n <%= "foo" +\n "bar" +\n "baz" %>} assert_equal(html, render(haml)) end test "should evaluate in the same context as Haml" do haml = ":erb\n <%= foo %>" html = "bar\n" scope = {foo = "bar"; nil if foo; binding} assert_equal(html, render(haml, :scope => scope)) end test "should use Rails's XSS safety features" do assert_equal("<img>\n", render(":erb\n <%= '' %>")) assert_equal("\n", render(":erb\n <%= ''.html_safe %>")) end end class JavascriptFilterTest < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase test "should interpolate" do scope = {foo = "bar"; nil if foo; binding} haml = ":javascript\n \#{foo}" html = render(haml, :scope => scope) assert_match(/bar/, html) end test "should never HTML-escape ampersands" do html = "\n" haml = %Q{:javascript\n & < > \#{"&"}} assert_equal(html, render(haml, :escape_html => true)) end test "should not include type in HTML 5 output" do html = "\n" haml = ":javascript\n foo bar" assert_equal(html, render(haml, :format => :html5)) end test "should always include CDATA when format is xhtml" do html = "\n" haml = ":javascript\n foo bar" assert_equal(html, render(haml, :format => :xhtml, :cdata => false)) end test "should omit CDATA when cdata option is false" do html = "\n" haml = ":javascript\n foo bar" assert_equal(html, render(haml, :format => :html5, :cdata => false)) end test "should include CDATA when cdata option is true" do html = "\n" haml = ":javascript\n foo bar" assert_equal(html, render(haml, :format => :html5, :cdata => true)) end test "should default to no CDATA when format is html5" do haml = ":javascript\n foo bar" out = render(haml, :format => :html5) refute_match('//', out) end end class CSSFilterTest < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase test "should wrap output in CDATA and a CSS tag when output is XHTML" do html = "\n" haml = ":css\n foo" assert_equal(html, render(haml, :format => :xhtml)) end test "should not include type in HTML 5 output" do html = "\n" haml = ":css\n foo bar" assert_equal(html, render(haml, :format => :html5)) end test "should always include CDATA when format is xhtml" do html = "\n" haml = ":css\n foo bar" assert_equal(html, render(haml, :format => :xhtml, :cdata => false)) end test "should omit CDATA when cdata option is false" do html = "\n" haml = ":css\n foo bar" assert_equal(html, render(haml, :format => :html5, :cdata => false)) end test "should include CDATA when cdata option is true" do html = "\n" haml = ":css\n foo bar" assert_equal(html, render(haml, :format => :html5, :cdata => true)) end test "should default to no CDATA when format is html5" do haml = ":css\n foo bar" out = render(haml, :format => :html5) refute_match('', out) end end class CDATAFilterTest < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase test "should wrap output in CDATA tag" do html = "\n" haml = ":cdata\n foo" assert_equal(html, render(haml)) end end class EscapedFilterTest < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase test "should escape ampersands" do html = "&\n" haml = ":escaped\n &" assert_equal(html, render(haml)) end end class RubyFilterTest < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase test "can write to haml_io" do haml = ":ruby\n haml_io.puts 'hello'\n" html = "hello\n" assert_equal(html, render(haml)) end test "haml_io appends to output" do haml = "hello\n:ruby\n haml_io.puts 'hello'\n" html = "hello\nhello\n" assert_equal(html, render(haml)) end test "can create local variables" do haml = ":ruby\n a = 7\n=a" html = "7\n" assert_equal(html, render(haml)) end end