{I" class:ETI"BundledAsset;FI"logical_path;TI""blogelator/codemirror/yaml.js;FI" pathname;TI"f/Users/brian/github/codelation/blogelator/vendor/assets/javascripts/blogelator/codemirror/yaml.js;FI"content_type;TI"application/javascript;TI" mtime;Tl+ªÃSI" length;TiÞ I" digest;TI"%f31393e38c27e72c82c7524eb831a521;FI" source;TI"Þ CodeMirror.defineMode("yaml", function() { var cons = ['true', 'false', 'on', 'off', 'yes', 'no']; var keywordRegex = new RegExp("\\b(("+cons.join(")|(")+"))$", 'i'); return { token: function(stream, state) { var ch = stream.peek(); var esc = state.escaped; state.escaped = false; /* comments */ if (ch == "#" && (stream.pos == 0 || /\s/.test(stream.string.charAt(stream.pos - 1)))) { stream.skipToEnd(); return "comment"; } if (state.literal && stream.indentation() > state.keyCol) { stream.skipToEnd(); return "string"; } else if (state.literal) { state.literal = false; } if (stream.sol()) { state.keyCol = 0; state.pair = false; state.pairStart = false; /* document start */ if(stream.match(/---/)) { return "def"; } /* document end */ if (stream.match(/\.\.\./)) { return "def"; } /* array list item */ if (stream.match(/\s*-\s+/)) { return 'meta'; } } /* inline pairs/lists */ if (stream.match(/^(\{|\}|\[|\])/)) { if (ch == '{') state.inlinePairs++; else if (ch == '}') state.inlinePairs--; else if (ch == '[') state.inlineList++; else state.inlineList--; return 'meta'; } /* list seperator */ if (state.inlineList > 0 && !esc && ch == ',') { stream.next(); return 'meta'; } /* pairs seperator */ if (state.inlinePairs > 0 && !esc && ch == ',') { state.keyCol = 0; state.pair = false; state.pairStart = false; stream.next(); return 'meta'; } /* start of value of a pair */ if (state.pairStart) { /* block literals */ if (stream.match(/^\s*(\||\>)\s*/)) { state.literal = true; return 'meta'; }; /* references */ if (stream.match(/^\s*(\&|\*)[a-z0-9\._-]+\b/i)) { return 'variable-2'; } /* numbers */ if (state.inlinePairs == 0 && stream.match(/^\s*-?[0-9\.\,]+\s?$/)) { return 'number'; } if (state.inlinePairs > 0 && stream.match(/^\s*-?[0-9\.\,]+\s?(?=(,|}))/)) { return 'number'; } /* keywords */ if (stream.match(keywordRegex)) { return 'keyword'; } } /* pairs (associative arrays) -> key */ if (!state.pair && stream.match(/^\s*\S+(?=\s*:($|\s))/i)) { state.pair = true; state.keyCol = stream.indentation(); return "atom"; } if (state.pair && stream.match(/^:\s*/)) { state.pairStart = true; return 'meta'; } /* nothing found, continue */ state.pairStart = false; state.escaped = (ch == '\\'); stream.next(); return null; }, startState: function() { return { pair: false, pairStart: false, keyCol: 0, inlinePairs: 0, inlineList: 0, literal: false, escaped: false }; } }; }); CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-yaml", "yaml"); ;TI"required_assets_digest;TI"%9325df4e68d11183d14d7edeecf8b0a0;FI" _version;TI"%a56df69ef97ba4d9f1a23bf9b0add58a;F