require 'spec_helper' require 'ronin/web/web' describe Web do let(:url) { '' } let(:title) { 'Ronin' } it "should have a VERSION constant" do Web.const_defined?('VERSION').should == true end it "should be able to parse HTML" do doc = Web.html(%{ <html> <body>Hello</body> </html> })'body').inner_text.should == "Hello" end it "should be able to build HTML documents" do doc = Web.build_html do html { body { div { text("hello") } } } end doc.to_html.should include("<html><body><div>hello</div></body></html>") end it "should be able to parse XML" do doc = Web.html(%{ <?xml version="1.0"?> <root> <stuff>Hello</stuff> </root> })'stuff').inner_text.should == "Hello" end it "should be able to build XML documents" do doc = Web.build_xml do root { stuff(:name => 'bla') { text("hello") } } end doc.to_xml.should include("<root>\n <stuff name=\"bla\">hello</stuff>\n</root>") end it "should have a default proxy" do Web.proxy.should_not be_nil end it "should disable the proxy by default" do Web.proxy.should_not be_enabled end it "should provide User-Agent aliases" do Web.user_agent_aliases.should_not be_empty end it "should provide a default User-Agent" do Web.user_agent.should be_nil end it "should allow setting of the User-Agent string using an alias" do Web.user_agent_alias = 'Mac FireFox' Web.user_agent.should == "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6" end it "should open URLs as temporary files" do file = include(title) end describe "agent" do it "should provide Mechanize agents" do Web.agent.class.should == Mechanize end describe ":user_agent" do before(:all) do Web.user_agent = 'test' end it "should default to Web.user_agent" do Web.agent.user_agent.should == 'test' end it "should support using a custom User-Agent string" do agent = Web.agent(:user_agent => 'test2') agent.user_agent.should == 'test2' end it "should support using a custom User-Agent alias" do agent = Web.agent(:user_agent_alias => 'iPhone') agent.user_agent.should == "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/1C28 Safari/419.3" end after(:all) do Web.user_agent = nil end end describe ":proxy" do let(:host) { '' } let(:port) { 8080 } before(:all) do Web.proxy = {:host => '', :port => port} end it "should default to Web.proxy" do agent = Web.agent agent.proxy_addr.should == agent.proxy_port.should == Web.proxy.port end it "should support using custom proxies" do agent = Web.agent(:proxy => :host => host, :port => port )) agent.proxy_addr.should == host agent.proxy_port.should == port end after(:all) do Web.proxy = nil end end end it "should be able to get Mechanize pages" do page = Web.get(url) page.class.should == Mechanize::Page'title').inner_text.should include(title) end it "should be able to get the bodies of Mechanize pages" do body = Web.get_body(url) body.should include(title) end end