begin require 'rbbt/persist/tsv/tokyocabinet' rescue Exception Log.warn "The tokyocabinet gem could not be loaded: persistence over TSV files will fail" end begin require 'rbbt/persist/tsv/lmdb' rescue Exception Log.debug "The lmdb gem could not be loaded. Persistance using this engine will fail." end begin require 'rbbt/persist/tsv/leveldb' rescue Exception Log.debug "The LevelDB gem could not be loaded. Persistance using this engine will fail." end begin require 'rbbt/persist/tsv/cdb' rescue Exception Log.debug "The CDB gem could not be loaded. Persistance using this engine will fail." end begin require 'rbbt/persist/tsv/kyotocabinet' rescue Exception Log.debug "The kyotocabinet gem could not be loaded. Persistance using this engine will fail." end require 'rbbt/persist/tsv/sharder' module Persist CONNECTIONS = {} def self.get_filename(source) case when Path === source source when (source.respond_to?(:filename) and source.filename) source.filename when source.respond_to?(:cmd) "CMD-#{Misc.digest(source.cmd)}" when TSV === source "TSV[#{Misc.digest Misc.fingerprint(source)}]" end || source.object_id.to_s end def self.open_database(path, write, serializer = nil, type = "HDB") case type when "LevelDB" Persist.open_leveldb(path, write, serializer) when "CDB" Persist.open_cdb(path, write, serializer) when "LMDB" Persist.open_lmdb(path, write, serializer) when 'kch', 'kct' Persist.open_kyotocabinet(path, write, serializer, type) else Persist.open_tokyocabinet(path, write, serializer, type) end end def self.persist_tsv(source, filename, options = {}, persist_options = {}, &block) persist_options[:prefix] ||= "TSV" if data = persist_options[:data] yield data return data end filename ||= get_filename(source) if not persist_options[:persist] data = {} yield(data) return data end path = persistence_path(filename, persist_options, options) lock_filename = Persist.persistence_path(path, {:dir => TSV.lock_dir}) if is_persisted?(path) and not persist_options[:update] Log.debug "TSV persistence up-to-date: #{ path }" return open_database(path, false, nil, persist_options[:engine] || TokyoCabinet::HDB) end Misc.lock lock_filename do begin if is_persisted?(path) and not persist_options[:update] Log.debug "TSV persistence (suddenly) up-to-date: #{ path }" return open_database(path, false, nil, persist_options[:engine] || TokyoCabinet::HDB) end FileUtils.rm path if File.exists? path Log.medium "TSV persistence creating: #{ path }" tmp_path = path + '.persist' data = open_database(tmp_path, true, persist_options[:serializer], persist_options[:engine] || TokyoCabinet::HDB) data.serializer = :type if TSV === data and data.serializer.nil? data.write_and_read do yield data end data.persistence_path, path if File.exists? data.persistence_path and not File.exists? path tsv = CONNECTIONS[path] = CONNECTIONS.delete tmp_path tsv.persistence_path = path tsv.fix_io if tsv.respond_to? :fix_io data rescue Exception Log.error "Captured error during persist_tsv. Erasing: #{path}" FileUtils.rm_rf tmp_path if tmp_path and File.exists? tmp_path FileUtils.rm_rf path if path and File.exists? path raise $! end end end end