# Files in the config/locales directory are used for internationalization # and are automatically loaded by Rails. If you want to use locales other # than English, add the necessary files in this directory. # # To use the locales, use `I18n.t`: # # I18n.t 'hello' # # In views, this is aliased to just `t`: # # <%= t('hello') %> # # To use a different locale, set it with `I18n.locale`: # # I18n.locale = :es # # This would use the information in config/locales/es.yml. # # To learn more, please read the Rails Internationalization guide # available at http://guides.rubyonrails.org/i18n.html. en: # global people translations mp: 'MP' mp_plural: 'MPs' lord: 'Lord' lord_plural: 'Lords' mps_and_lords: 'MPs and Lords' mp_count: zero: 'MPs' one: 'MP' other: 'MPs' lord_count: zero: 'Lords' one: 'Lord' other: 'Lords' house_of_commons_speaker: 'The Speaker of the House of Commons' # global constituency translations constituency: 'constituency' constituency_plural: 'constituencies' # global party translations party: 'party' party_plural: 'parties' parties_and_groups: 'parties and groups' member: 'member' member_plural: 'members' # global house translations house: 'house' house_plural: 'houses' house_of_commons: 'House of Commons' house_of_lords: 'House of Lords' commons: 'Commons' lords: 'Lords' # global parliaments translations parliament: 'parliament' parliament_plural: 'parliaments' # global generic translations view_all: 'view all' all: 'all' find: 'find' current: 'current' former: 'former' current_and_former: 'current and former' to_present: 'to present' to: 'to' from: 'from' of_the: 'of the' in_the: 'in the' search: 'search' find_results: 'Find results from current parliament.uk websites.' does_not_search_beta: "This search doesn't search beta.parliament.uk" open_new_window: "website opens in a new window" # global a-z navigation translations a_to_z: select_letter: 'select a letter' aria_label: 'Paged navigation' # global time format translations time: formats: default: '%-d %b %Y' # global error message translations error: no_constituency: "we couldn't find the postcode you entered." lookup_unavailable: 'postcode check is currently unavailable.' postcode_invalid: "we couldn't find the postcode you entered." no_mp: "We couldn't find an MP for that postcode. Your constituency is" # people translations people: index: title: '%{current_and_former} %{mps_and_lords}' a_to_z: title: # needs title letters: title: '%{current_and_former} %{mps_and_lords}' lookup_by_letters: title: '%{current_and_former} %{mps_and_lords}' members: index: title: '%{current_and_former} %{mps_and_lords}' a_to_z: title: # needs title letters: title: '%{current_and_former} %{mps_and_lords}' current: title: '%{current} %{mps_and_lords}' current_letters: title: '%{current} %{mps_and_lords}' show: mp_for: 'MP for' contact: 'contact' membership_history: 'membership history' election_history: 'election history' roles: 'roles' check_mp: 'Check if %{name} is your MP' check_mp_alternative: 'Check if this is your MP' correct_mp: '%{name} is the MP for the postcode entered.' incorrect_mp: '%{name} is not the MP for the postcode entered. Your MP is ' constituencies: index: title: '%{current_and_former} %{constituency_plural}' current: title: '%{current} %{constituency}' contact_points: index: houses: index: title: '%{current_and_former} %{house_plural}' current: title: '%{current} %{house}' parties: index: title: '%{current_and_former} %{parties_and_groups}' current: title: '%{current} %{party}' # contact points translations contact_points: index: web-title: 'contact points' page-title: 'contact details' email: 'email' phone: 'phone' fax: 'fax' address: 'address' download: 'download' add_address_book: 'add to address book' # constituencies translations constituencies: index: title: '%{current_and_former} %{constituency_plural}' a_to_z: title: # needs title letters: title: '%{current_and_former} %{constituency_plural}' lookup_by_letters: title: '%{current_and_former} %{constituency_plural}' current: title: '%{current} %{constituency}' a_to_z_current: title: # needs title show: title: # title does not require translation members: index: title: '%{current_and_former} %{mp_plural}' current: title: '%{current} %{mp}' current_letters: title: '%{current} %{constituency_plural}' map: title: # title does not require translation contact_points: index: title: # title does not require translation shared_translations: vacant: 'Vacant' constituency: title: # title does not require translation correct_constituency: "this is the constituency for your postcode" incorrect_constituency: 'this is not your constituency.' constituency_for_postcode: 'is the constituency for' check_constituency: 'check if this is your constituency' former_constituency: 'This is a former constituency. %{current_constituencies_link}.' current_constituencies_link: 'view current constituencies' constituency_map_fallback: 'Map of constituency is unavailable.' # parties translations parties: index: title: '%{current_and_former} %{parties_and_groups}' a_to_z: title: # needs title letters: title: '%{current_and_former} %{parties_and_groups}' lookup_by_letters: title: '%{current_and_former} %{parties_and_groups}' current: title: '%{current} %{parties_and_groups}' show: title: # title does not require translation party_no_current_members: 'There are no MPs or Lords in this party.' members: index: title: '%{current_and_former} %{member_plural}' a_to_z: title: # needs title letters: title: '%{current_and_former} %{member_plural}' current: title: '%{current} %{member_plural}' a_to_z_current: title: # needs title current_letters: title: '%{current} %{member_plural}' # houses translations houses: index: title: '%{house_plural}' all_mps_info: 'MPs, parties and constituencies in the House of Commons' all_lords_info: 'Lords, parties and groups in the House of Lords' show: title: # title does not require translation area_they_represent: 'by the area they represent' members: index: title: '%{current_and_former} %{member_type}' a_to_z: title: # needs title letters: title: '%{current_and_former} %{member_type}' current: title: '%{current} %{member_type}' a_to_z_current: title: # needs title current_letters: title: '%{current} %{member_type}' parties: index: title: '%{current_and_former} %{parties_and_groups}' current: title: '%{current} %{parties_and_groups}' show: title: # title does not require translation house_no_current_party_members: 'There are currently no members of this party in this House.' members: index: title: '%{current_and_former} %{member_type}' a_to_z: title: # needs title letters: title: '%{current_and_former} %{member_type}' current: title: '%{current} %{member_type}' a_to_z_current: title: # needs title current_letters: title: '%{current} %{member_type}' # postcodes translations postcodes: find_mp_constituency: 'Find your MP and constituency' index: title: 'find your constituency' show: title: # title does not require translation check_different_postcode: 'Check for a different postcode' no_mp: 'There is currently no MP for your constituency.' results_for: 'Results for' postcode_lookup: title: # title does not require translation search_by_postcode: 'Enter your full postcode, for example SW1A 0AA.' do_not_know_postcode: "Don't know your postcode? Find it on the %{link}." do_not_know_postcode_link: 'Royal Mail postcode finder' # parliament translations parliaments: find_mp_a_to_z: 'Find an MP by A-Z list' find_mp_area: 'Find an MP by the area they represented' find_party_a_to_z: 'Find a party by A-Z list' a_to_z: 'A to Z' showing_results: 'showing results for' index: show: find_mp_house: 'Find an MP by house' constituencies: find_constituency_a_to_z: 'Find a constituency by A-Z list' # no content translations no_content: empty_list: constituencies: description: "Sorry there are no results for '%{letter}'" houses: description: "Sorry there are no results for '%{letter}'" parties: description: "Sorry there are no results for '%{letter}'" no_mp: 'There is currently no MP for your constituency.' # shared partial translations shared: dissolution_message: description_text: 'There are currently no MPs because Parliament has been dissolved before the general election on 8 June.' description_link: 'Find your constituency' description_text_2: 'to find your constituency and its former MPs.' dissolution_singular: description_text: 'There is currently no MP because Parliament has been dissolved before the general election on 8 June.' election_message: description_singular: 'There is currently no MP. Vote today in the general election to choose yours.' description_text: 'There are currently no MPs. Vote today in the general election to choose yours.' post_election_message: description_text: "As new MPs are announced following the general election, we're updating our pages." # homepage translations home: index: title: 'Welcome to the UK Parliament test website' new_website: 'We’re building a %{link}. These pages are being tested and improved – they may be inaccurate or misleading.' new_website_link: 'new website for Parliament' old_website: 'Test pages are separate from the current %{link} website.' old_website_link: 'parliament.uk' feedback: title: 'Give feedback' provide: 'We want your feedback to %{link} further.' provide_link: 'help us improve these pages' whats_on: title: "What's on our test website" members_info: title: 'MPs and Lords information' current_mps: 'View all current members of the House of Commons.' current_lords: 'View all current members of the House of Lords.' current_constituencies: 'Find current MPs by the area they represent.' current_parties: 'Find current MPs and Lords by their party or group.' latest_members: blog: 'Read the %{link}.' blog_link: 'MPs and Lords information blog post' search: blog: 'Read the %{link}.' blog_link: 'Search blog post' follow_progress: title: 'Follow our progress' blog: 'Follow all %{link}.' blog_link: 'new website developments on our blog' mps: find_mp: 'Find your MP' a_z_surname: 'A - Z by surname' view_list_constituencies: 'View list of constituencies' find_mp_party: 'Find an MP by party.' find_mp_date_range: 'Find a former MP by date range' speaker_link: 'The Speaker' speaker_clarification: '%{speaker_link} is not a member of a party.' # meta information translations meta: index: title: 'Meta information' cookie_policy: title: 'Cookies on beta.parliament.uk' subtitle: ga: 'Google Analytics cookies' hj: 'HotJar cookies' which_cookies: 'Which cookies do we use?' cookie: definition: 'Cookies are small files put on your device to let us know how you use our website.' explanations: ga: 'We use Google Analytics cookies to collect information about how you use our services. This helps us meet your needs and improve our website.' hj: 'We use HotJar to find out how you use our website to improve your experience.' anonymous_statement: 'All the information we collect is anonymous.' cookie_table: meta: name: 'Name' purpose: 'Purpose' expires: 'Expires' expiration: minutes: one: 'After 1 minute.' other: 'After %{count} minutes.' years: one: 'After 1 year.' other: 'After %{count} years.' explanations: ga: 'This helps us know how many people have visited beta.parliament.uk by telling us if you’ve visited before.' gat: 'This helps us know how long you spend on a page.' hjdonepolls: 'This ensures a poll will not reappear once you have completed it.' hjminimizedpolls: 'This ensures a poll remains minimised when you move through our site.' hjdonetesterswidgets: 'This ensures a form does not reappear once you have completed it.' hjminimizedtesterswidgets: 'This ensures a form remains minimised when you move through our site.' hjincludedinsample: 'This informs Hotjar whether your visit is included in their sample set.' managing_cookies: title: 'How to manage your cookies' subtitle: 'Most web browsers allow you to control cookies through browser settings.' find_out: "Find out how to %{link}." find_out_link: "manage and delete cookies" opt_out: "You can %{link}." opt_out_link: "opt out of %{service} cookies"