import { invariant } from 'outvariant' import type { WebSocketData } from './WebSocketTransport' import { bindEvent } from './utils/bindEvent' import { CloseEvent } from './utils/events' import { DeferredPromise } from '@open-draft/deferred-promise' export type WebSocketEventListener< EventType extends WebSocketEventMap[keyof WebSocketEventMap] = Event > = (this: WebSocket, event: EventType) => void const WEBSOCKET_CLOSE_CODE_RANGE_ERROR = 'InvalidAccessError: close code out of user configurable range' export const kPassthroughPromise = Symbol('kPassthroughPromise') export const kOnSend = Symbol('kOnSend') export const kClose = Symbol('kClose') export class WebSocketOverride extends EventTarget implements WebSocket { static readonly CONNECTING = 0 static readonly OPEN = 1 static readonly CLOSING = 2 static readonly CLOSED = 3 readonly CONNECTING = 0 readonly OPEN = 1 readonly CLOSING = 2 readonly CLOSED = 3 public url: string public protocol: string public extensions: string public binaryType: BinaryType public readyState: number public bufferedAmount: number private _onopen: WebSocketEventListener | null = null private _onmessage: WebSocketEventListener< MessageEvent > | null = null private _onerror: WebSocketEventListener | null = null private _onclose: WebSocketEventListener | null = null private [kPassthroughPromise]: DeferredPromise private [kOnSend]?: (data: WebSocketData) => void constructor(url: string | URL, protocols?: string | Array) { super() this.url = url.toString() this.protocol = '' this.extensions = '' this.binaryType = 'blob' this.readyState = this.CONNECTING this.bufferedAmount = 0 this[kPassthroughPromise] = new DeferredPromise() queueMicrotask(async () => { if (await this[kPassthroughPromise]) { return } this.readyState = this.OPEN this.protocol = typeof protocols === 'string' ? protocols : Array.isArray(protocols) && protocols.length > 0 ? protocols[0] : '' this.dispatchEvent(bindEvent(this, new Event('open'))) }) } set onopen(listener: WebSocketEventListener | null) { this.removeEventListener('open', this._onopen) this._onopen = listener if (listener !== null) { this.addEventListener('open', listener) } } get onopen(): WebSocketEventListener | null { return this._onopen } set onmessage( listener: WebSocketEventListener> | null ) { this.removeEventListener( 'message', this._onmessage as WebSocketEventListener ) this._onmessage = listener if (listener !== null) { this.addEventListener('message', listener) } } get onmessage(): WebSocketEventListener> | null { return this._onmessage } set onerror(listener: WebSocketEventListener | null) { this.removeEventListener('error', this._onerror) this._onerror = listener if (listener !== null) { this.addEventListener('error', listener) } } get onerror(): WebSocketEventListener | null { return this._onerror } set onclose(listener: WebSocketEventListener | null) { this.removeEventListener('close', this._onclose as WebSocketEventListener) this._onclose = listener if (listener !== null) { this.addEventListener('close', listener) } } get onclose(): WebSocketEventListener | null { return this._onclose } /** * @see */ public send(data: WebSocketData): void { if (this.readyState === this.CONNECTING) { this.close() throw new DOMException('InvalidStateError') } // Sending when the socket is about to close // discards the sent data. if (this.readyState === this.CLOSING || this.readyState === this.CLOSED) { return } // Buffer the data to send in this even loop // but send it in the next. this.bufferedAmount += getDataSize(data) queueMicrotask(() => { // This is a bit optimistic but since no actual data transfer // is involved, all the data will be "sent" on the next tick. this.bufferedAmount = 0 /** * @note Notify the parent about outgoing data. * This notifies the transport and the connection * listens to the outgoing data to emit the "message" event. */ this[kOnSend]?.(data) }) } public close(code: number = 1000, reason?: string): void { invariant(code, WEBSOCKET_CLOSE_CODE_RANGE_ERROR) invariant( code === 1000 || (code >= 3000 && code <= 4999), WEBSOCKET_CLOSE_CODE_RANGE_ERROR ) this[kClose](code, reason) } private [kClose]( code: number = 1000, reason?: string, wasClean = true ): void { /** * @note Move this check here so that even internall closures, * like those triggered by the `server` connection, are not * performed twice. */ if (this.readyState === this.CLOSING || this.readyState === this.CLOSED) { return } this.readyState = this.CLOSING queueMicrotask(() => { this.readyState = this.CLOSED this.dispatchEvent( bindEvent( this, new CloseEvent('close', { code, reason, wasClean, }) ) ) // Remove all event listeners once the socket is closed. this._onopen = null this._onmessage = null this._onerror = null this._onclose = null }) } public addEventListener( type: K, listener: (this: WebSocket, event: WebSocketEventMap[K]) => void, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions ): void public addEventListener( type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions ): void public addEventListener( type: unknown, listener: unknown, options?: unknown ): void { return super.addEventListener( type as string, listener as EventListener, options as AddEventListenerOptions ) } removeEventListener( type: K, callback: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject | null, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions ): void { return super.removeEventListener(type, callback, options) } } function getDataSize(data: WebSocketData): number { if (typeof data === 'string') { return data.length } if (data instanceof Blob) { return data.size } return data.byteLength }