require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "spec_helper") Platform = unless Object.const_defined?('Platform') Net = unless Object.const_defined?('Net') require 'flyrb' Flyrb.equip(:gist) include Flyrb::Gist # don't go to the filesystem for the git credentials def auth; {}; end Clipboard = Flyrb::Clipboard unless Object.const_defined?('Clipboard') describe "gist being called" do before(:all) do Net::HTTP = mock('HTTP') unless Net.const_defined?('HTTP') URI = mock('URI') unless Object.const_defined?('URI') Clipboard = mock('clipboard') unless Object.const_defined?('Clipboard') end before(:each) do @page = mock('page') @page.stub!(:[]).with('Location').and_return('foo.html') Net::HTTP.stub!(:post_form).and_return(@page) URI.stub!(:parse) Clipboard.stub!(:read) Clipboard.stub!(:write) Kernel.stub!(:system) end it "should be available in global namespace and not blow-up with default stub/mocking" do gist end it "should uri-parse the gist uri" do URI.should_receive(:parse).with("") gist end it "should pass the uri-parsed result into the post" do URI.should_receive(:parse).and_return('a_uri_object') Net::HTTP.should_receive(:post_form).with('a_uri_object', anything()).and_return(@page) gist end it "should call system open on the gist return" do @page.should_receive(:[]).with('Location').and_return('returned_url') case Platform::IMPL when :macosx Kernel.should_receive(:system).with("open returned_url") when :mswin Kernel.should_receive(:system).with("start returned_url") end gist end it "should write resulting url into the clipboard" do @page.should_receive(:[]).and_return('returned_url') Clipboard.should_receive(:write).with('returned_url') gist end describe "with no parameter it uses the clipboard" do it "should read the clipboard" do Clipboard.should_receive(:read) gist end it "should put the clipboard results in the post to gist" do Clipboard.should_receive(:read).and_return('bar') Net::HTTP.should_receive(:post_form).with(anything(), { :"file_ext[gistfile1]" => "rb", :"file_name[gistfile1]" => "fly.rb", :"file_contents[gistfile1]" => 'bar' }).and_return(@page) gist end end describe "with a parameter instead" do #TODO: windows/linux safer now, since no clipboard functionality? it "should not even read the clipboard" do Clipboard.should_not_receive(:read) gist "baz" end it "should pass in the parameter instead" do Net::HTTP.should_receive(:post_form).with(anything(), { :"file_ext[gistfile1]" => "rb", :"file_name[gistfile1]" => "fly.rb", :"file_contents[gistfile1]" => 'baz', }).and_return(@page) gist "baz" end end describe "with a parameter and a filename" do it "should set the filename" do Net::HTTP.should_receive(:post_form).with(anything(), { :"file_ext[gistfile1]" => "rb", :"file_name[gistfile1]" => "lisp.el", :"file_contents[gistfile1]" => 'foo', }).and_return(@page) gist "foo", "lisp.el" end end end