% render "layouts/basic.html" do %# HTML tags can be embedded in mark down files if you want to do specific custom %# formatting like this, but in most cases that is not required.

<%= Origen.app.namespace %> (<%= Origen.app.version %>)

### Purpose This plugin provides interaction with the [JIRA issue tracking system](https://jira.atlassian.com/). It provides some helpful high level methods while using the ruby-jira gem to do the heavy lifting. If there isn't a canned method to do what you want do not despair, just go [here](https://github.com/sumoheavy/jira-ruby) and read up. ### How To Import ##### To use in an application: Add the following to your application's Gemfile: ~~~ruby gem '<%= Origen.app.name %>', '<%= Origen.app.version %>' ~~~ ##### To use in a plugin: Add the following to your plugin's gemspec: ~~~ruby spec.add_runtime_dependency '<%= Origen.app.name %>', '~> <%= Origen.app.version.major %>', '>= <%= Origen.app.version %>' ~~~ and require the gem in your code: ~~~ruby require '<%= Origen.app.name %>' ~~~ ### How To Use Give some quick start description here on how to use your plugin, providing links to the API documents where necessary for further details. Here is an example integration: ~~~ruby module MyJira require 'jironimo' my_jironimo_client = Jironimo.launch # Set the current Jironimo project to 'ISC' Jironimo.current_project = 'ISC' unless Jironimo.issues['ISC-463'].assignee.nil? Origen.log.info "Give him another issue!" Origen.log.info "His email is #{Jironimo.issues['ISC-463'].assignee.emailAddress}" end # Print out current users issues to console Jironimo.my_issues(verbose: true) # Create a new ticket project_issue_count = Jironimo.issues.size new_issue = Jironimo.new_issue(type: 'Bug', summary: 'my summary', description: 'my description', priority: 1, assignee: 'B07507') # Re-fresh the JIRA client database Jironimo.refresh new_project_issue_count = Jironimo.issues.size # Make sure the database has one more ticket fo the current project unless new_project_issue_count.should == (project_issue_count + 1) Origen.log.error "Could not create new issue for project '#{@current_project.key}:#{@current_project.name}'" end # Delete the issue if needed delete_issue(new_issue.key) # Method 1, useful when the user doesn't have an object instance new_issue.delete # Method 2, suited for when the user does have an object instance ~~~ ### How To Setup a Development Environment ~~~text mkdir <%= Origen.app.name %> cd <%= Origen.app.name %> dssc setvault <%= Origen.app.config.vault %> . dssc pop -rec -get . ~~~ Follow the instructions here if you want to make a 3rd party app workspace use your development copy of the <%= Origen.app.name %> plugin: [Setting up a Plugin Development Environment](http://origen-sdk.org/origen/guides/plugins/environment/) % end