Name : CRhoCamera.h
Author : Anton Antonov
Version : 1.0
Copyright : Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Rhomobile. All rights reserved.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
Description : CRhoCamera declaration
#include "rhodes.hrh"
class CWsBitmap;
class CImageEncoder;
class CEikonEnv;
class CRhodesAppView;
* CRhoCamera
class CRhoCamera : public CActive, MCameraObserver
public: // Constructors and destructor
static CRhoCamera* NewL( CRhodesAppView* appView, const TRect& aRect );
virtual ~CRhoCamera();
* Symbian OS constructor.
void ConstructL(CRhodesAppView* appView, const TRect& aRect);
public: // New Functions
* Check whether the camera is being used by another app.
* @return, true if it used by another app.
TBool IsCameraUsedByAnotherApp();
* Set the engine state
void SetEngineState( TEngineState aState );
* Get the engine state
* @return EEngineState
TEngineState GetEngineState();
* Returns whether the imageconversion is in progress or not
TBool IsImageConversionInProgress();
* Start to save image
void StartToSaveImage();
* Starts view finding
* @return void
void StartViewFinderL();
* Stops view finding
* @return void
void StopViewFinder();
* Provides save and post-exposure images
* @return void
void SnapL();
* Sets zoom on/off
* @param aEnable
* @return TInt, Offset for the zoom indicator bitmap
TInt SetZoomFactorL( TBool aEnable );
* Converts and saves bitmap to JPEG image
* @param aQuality
* @param aNewFilePathAndName
* @param aFs
* @return void
void SaveImageL(const TFileName* aNewFilePathAndName, RFs* aFs);
* Converts and saves bitmap to JPEG image
void SaveImageL();
* Destructs JPEG encoder
* @return void
void DeleteEncoder();
* Returns default display mode
* @return TDisplayMode
TDisplayMode DisplayMode() const;
* Sets Exposure time according to Camera mode
* @param Camera State
* @return void
void SetMode( TCameraState aMode );
* Reserves camera
* @return void
void ReserveCameraL();
* Releases camera
* @return void
void ReleaseCamera();
* Switches off camera power
* @return void
void PowerOff();
* Displays error message
* @param An error
* @return void
void HandleError( TInt aError );
* Notify the engine if the client rect size changes
* @param The new client rect
void ClientRectChangedL(const TRect& aRect);
* Starts view finding and prepares image capturing
* @return void
void DoViewFinderL();
* Calculates portrait image size from bigger snapped image
* keeping the aspect ratio unchanged
* @return The portrait image size
TRect Portrait( const CFbsBitmap* aBitmap);
* Returns camera image format to be used with current display mode
* @return CCamera::TFormat
CCamera::TFormat ImageFormat() const;
* Returns highest color mode supported by HW
* @return CCamera::TFormat
CCamera::TFormat ImageFormatMax() const;
* Clips the viewfinding images according to portrait mode size.
* @param A bitmap to be clipped
* @return void
void ClipL(const CFbsBitmap& aFrame);
* Draws captured image on the screen, modifies if needed
* @return void
void DrawL();
* Camera reservation is complete.
* Called asynchronously when CCamera::Reserve() completes.
* @param aError An error on failure and KErrNone on success.
void ReserveComplete(TInt aError);
* Indicates camera power on is complete.
Called on completion of CCamera:PowerOn().
@param aError
KErrNone on success, KErrInUse if the camera is in
use by another client or KErrNoMemory if insufficient system memory is available.
void PowerOnComplete(TInt aError);
/** Tests whether transfer of view finder data has completed.
Called periodically in response to the use of CCamera::StartViewFinderBitmapsL().
@param aFrame
The view finder frame.
void ViewFinderFrameReady(CFbsBitmap& aFrame);
/** Transfers the current image from the camera to the client.
Called asynchronously when CCamera::CaptureImage() completes.
@param aBitmap
On return, a pointer to an image held in CFbsBitmap form if
this was the format specified in CCamera::PrepareImageCaptureL().
@param aData
On return, a pointer to an HBufC8 if this was the format specified
in CCamera::PrepareImageCaptureL(). NULL if there was an error.
@param aError
KErrNone on success or an error code on failure.
void ImageReady(CFbsBitmap* aBitmap,HBufC8* aData,TInt aError);
/** Passes a filled frame buffer to the client.
Called asynchronously, when a buffer has been filled with the required number
of video frames by CCamera::StartVideoCapture().
@param aFrameBuffer
On return, a pointer to an MFrameBuffer if successful,
or NULL if not successful.
@param aError
KErrNone if successful, or an error code if not successful.
void FrameBufferReady(MFrameBuffer* aFrameBuffer,TInt aError);
private: // Functions from base CActive classes
* From CActive cancels the Active object, empty
* @return void
void DoCancel() ;
* From CActive, called when an asynchronous request has completed
* @return void
void RunL() ;
void GetNextUsableFileName();
char* GetNewFileName();
private: //data
CEikonEnv* iEikEnv; // Not owned by this class
CCamera* iCamera;
TDisplayMode iDisplayMode;
CCamera::TFormat iColorDepth;
CCamera::TFormat iColorDepthHW;
TCameraInfo iInfo;
TInt iZoomFactor;
TBool iCapturePrepared;
CWsBitmap* iBitmapPortraitVF;
CFbsBitmap* iBitmapSave;
CFbsBitmap* iBitmapSnap;
CImageEncoder* iEncoder;
TBool iStart;
TBool iCameraReserved;
TBool iCameraReserveComplete;
TSize iLandscapeSize;
TSize iPortraitSize;
TCameraState iMode;
TBool iPowering;
TEngineState iState;
TFileName iNewFileName;
HBufC* iImagePath;
CRhodesAppView* iAppView;
#endif // CRHOCAMERA_H