#= require jasmine-1.3.0
#= require teabag/base/teabag
#= require teabag/jasmine/reporters/html

class Teabag.Runner extends Teabag.Runner

  env = jasmine.getEnv()

  constructor: ->

  setup: ->
    env.updateInterval = 1000

    # add the spec filter
    if grep = @params["grep"]
      env.specFilter = (spec) -> return spec.getFullName().indexOf(grep) == 0

    # add the reporter and set the filter
    reporter = new (@getReporter())()

    # add fixture support

  addFixtureSupport: ->
    return unless jasmine.getFixtures && @fixturePath
    jasmine.getFixtures().containerId = "teabag-fixtures"
    jasmine.getFixtures().fixturesPath = @fixturePath
    jasmine.getStyleFixtures().fixturesPath = @fixturePath
    jasmine.getJSONFixtures().fixturesPath = @fixturePath

class Teabag.Spec

  constructor: (@spec) ->
    @fullDescription = @spec.getFullName()
    @description = @spec.description
    @link = "?grep=#{encodeURIComponent(@fullDescription)}"
    @parent = @spec.suite
    @suiteName = @parent.getFullName()
    @viewId = @spec.viewId
    @pending = @spec.pending

  errors: ->
    return [] unless @spec.results
    for item in @spec.results().getItems()
      continue if item.passed()
      {message: item.message, stack: item.trace.stack}

  getParents: ->
    return @parents if @parents
    @parents ||= []
    parent = @parent
    while parent
      parent = new Teabag.Suite(parent)
      parent = parent.parent

  result: ->
    results = @spec.results()
    status = "failed"
    status = "passed" if results.passed()
    status = "pending" if @spec.pending
    status: status
    skipped: results.skipped

class Teabag.Suite

  constructor: (@suite) ->
    @fullDescription = @suite.getFullName()
    @description = @suite.description
    @link = "?grep=#{encodeURIComponent(@fullDescription)}"
    @parent = @suite.parentSuite
    @viewId = @suite.viewId