module Calabash module Cucumber # Raised when calabash cannot launch the app. class LaunchError < RuntimeError attr_accessor :error def initialize(err) self.error= err end # @!visibility private def to_s "#{super.to_s}: #{error}" end end # Raised when Calabash cannot find a device based on DEVICE_TARGET class DeviceNotFoundError < RuntimeError ; end # Launch apps on iOS Simulators and physical devices. # # ### Accessing the current launcher from ruby. # # If you need a reference to the current launcher in your ruby code. # # `Calabash::Cucumber::Launcher.launcher` # # This is usually not required, but might be useful in `support/01_launch.rb`. # # ### Attaching to the current launcher in a console # # If Calabash already running and you want to attach to the current launcher, # use `console_attach`. This is useful when a cucumber Scenario has failed and # you want to query the current state of the app. # # * **Pro Tip:** Set the `QUIT_APP_AFTER_SCENARIO=0` env variable so calabash # does not quit your application after a failed Scenario. class Launcher require "calabash-cucumber/device" require "calabash-cucumber/automator/automator" require "calabash-cucumber/automator/instruments" require "calabash-cucumber/automator/device_agent" require "calabash-cucumber/usage_tracker" require "calabash-cucumber/dylibs" require "calabash-cucumber/environment" require "calabash-cucumber/http/http" require "run_loop" # @!visibility private DEFAULTS = { :launch_retries => 5 } # @!visibility private @@launcher = nil # @!visibility private @@launcher = nil # @!visibility private attr_reader :run_loop # @!visibility private attr_reader :automator # @!visibility private attr_accessor :launch_args # @!visibility private attr_reader :usage_tracker # @!visibility private def initialize @@launcher = self end # @!visibility private def to_s class_name = "Launcher" if !automator "#<#{class_name}: not attached to an automator>" else if automator.respond_to?(:name) case when :instruments log_file = automator.run_loop[:log_file] "#<#{class_name}: UIAutomation/instruments - #{log_file}>" when :device_agent launcher_name = "#<#{class_name}: DeviceAgent/#{launcher_name}>" else "#<#{class_name}: attached to #{}>" end else "#<#{class_name}: attached to #{automator}>" end end end # @!visibility private def inspect to_s end # @!visibility private # # Use this method to see if your app is already running. This is helpful # if you have Scenarios that don't require an app relaunch. # # @raise Raises an error if the server does not respond. def ping_app Calabash::Cucumber::HTTP.ping_app end # @!visibility private # # This Calabash::Cucumber::Device instance is required because we cannot # determine the iOS version of physical devices. # # This device instance can only be created _if the server is running_. # # We need this instance because we need to know at runtime whether or # not to translate touch coordinates in the client or on the server. For # iOS >= 8.0 translation is done on the server. Further, we need a # Device instance for iOS < 8 so we can perform the necessary # coordinate normalization - based on the device attributes. # # We also need this instance to determine the default uia strategy. # # +1 for tools to ask physical devices about attributes. def device @device ||= begin _, body = Calabash::Cucumber::HTTP.ensure_connectivity endpoint = Calabash::Cucumber::Environment.device_endpoint, body) end end # @!visibility private # # Legacy API. This is a required method. Do not remove def device=(new_device) @device = new_device end # @!visibility private def usage_tracker @usage_tracker ||= end # @!visibility private # @see Calabash::Cucumber::Core#console_attach def self.attach l = launcher return l if l && l.attached_to_automator? l.attach end # @!visibility private # @see Calabash::Cucumber::Core#console_attach def attach(options={}) if Calabash::Cucumber::Environment.xtc? raise "This method is not available on the Xamarin Test Cloud" end default_options = {:http_connection_retry => 1, :http_connection_timeout => 10} merged_options = default_options.merge(options) begin Calabash::Cucumber::HTTP.ensure_connectivity(merged_options) rescue Calabash::Cucumber::ServerNotRespondingError => _ device_endpoint = Calabash::Cucumber::Environment.device_endpoint RunLoop.log_warn( %Q[ Could not connect to Calabash Server @ #{device_endpoint}. If your app is running, check that you have set the DEVICE_ENDPOINT correctly. If your app is not running, it was a mistake to call this method. Try `start_test_server_in_background` ]) # Nothing to do except log the problem and exit early. return false end # TODO check that the :pid is alive - no sense attaching if Automator # is not running. run_loop_cache = if run_loop_cache[:automator] == :device_agent # Sets the @run_loop variable to a new RunLoop::DeviceAgent::Client # instance. @automator = _attach_to_device_agent!(run_loop_cache) elsif run_loop_cache[:automator] == :instruments @run_loop = run_loop_cache @automator = else RunLoop.log_warn( %Q[ Connected to an app that was not launched by Calabash using instruments or DeviceAgent. Queries will work, but gestures and other automator actions will not. ]) end self end # Are we running using instruments? # # @return {Boolean} true if we're using instruments to launch def self.instruments? launcher = Launcher::launcher_if_used if !launcher false else launcher.instruments? end end # @!visibility private def instruments? attached_to_automator? && == :instruments end # @!visibility private def attached_to_automator? automator != nil end # TODO remove in 0.21.0 # @!visibility private def active? RunLoop.deprecated("0.20.0", "replaced with attached_to_automator?") attached_to_automator? end # A reference to the current launcher (instantiates a new one if needed). # @return {Calabash::Cucumber::Launcher} the current launcher def self.launcher @@launcher ||= end # Get a reference to the current launcher (does not instantiate a new one if unset). # @return {Calabash::Cucumber::Launcher} the current launcher or nil def self.launcher_if_used @@launcher end # Is the current device under test a physical device? # # Can be used before or after the application has been launched. # # Maintainers, please do not call this method. # # @param [Hash] options This argument is deprecated since 0.19.0. # # @return [Boolean] True if the device under test a physical device. def device_target?(options={}) if Calabash::Cucumber::Environment.xtc? true elsif @device @device.device? else detect_device(options).physical_device? end end # Is the current device under test a simulator? # # Can be used before or after the application has been launched. # # Maintainers, please do not call this method. # # @param [Hash] options This argument is deprecated since 0.19.0. # # @return [Boolean] True if the device under test a simulator. def simulator_target?(options={}) if Calabash::Cucumber::Environment.xtc? false elsif @device @device.simulator? else detect_device(options).simulator? end end # Erases a simulator. This is the same as touching the Simulator # "Reset Content & Settings" menu item. # # @param [RunLoop::Device, String] device The simulator to erase. Can be a # RunLoop::Device instance, a simulator UUID, or a human readable simulator # name. # # @raise ArgumentError If the simulator is a physical device # @raise RuntimeError If the simulator cannot be shutdown # @raise RuntimeError If the simulator cannot be erased def reset_simulator(device=nil) if device.is_a?(RunLoop::Device) device_target = device else device_target = detect_device(:device => device) end if device_target.physical_device? raise ArgumentError, %Q{ Cannot reset: #{device_target}. Resetting physical devices is not supported. } end RunLoop::CoreSimulator.erase(device_target) device_target end # Launches your app on the connected device or simulator. # # `relaunch` does a lot of error detection and handling to reliably start the # app and test. Instruments (particularly the cli) has stability issues which # we workaround by restarting the simulator process and checking that # UIAutomation is correctly attaching to your application. # # Use the `args` parameter to to control: # # * `:app` - which app to launch. # * `:device` - simulator or device to target. # * `:reset_app_sandbox - reset the app's data (sandbox) before testing # # and many other behaviors. # # Many of these behaviors can be be controlled by environment variables. The # most important environment variables are `APP`, `DEVICE_TARGET`, and # `DEVICE_ENDPOINT`. # # @param {Hash} launch_options optional arguments to control the how the app is launched def relaunch(launch_options={}) simctl = launch_options[:simctl] || launch_options[:sim_control] instruments = launch_options[:instruments] xcode = launch_options[:xcode] options = launch_options.clone # Reusing Simctl, Instruments, and Xcode can speed up launches. options[:simctl] = simctl || Calabash::Cucumber::Environment.simctl options[:instruments] = instruments || Calabash::Cucumber::Environment.instruments options[:xcode] = xcode || Calabash::Cucumber::Environment.xcode options[:inject_dylib] = detect_inject_dylib_option(launch_options) @launch_args = options @run_loop = new_run_loop(options) if @run_loop.is_a?(Hash) @automator = elsif @run_loop.is_a?(RunLoop::DeviceAgent::Client) @automator = else raise ArgumentError, %Q[ Could not determine which automator to use based on the launch arguments: #{@launch_args.join("$-0")} returned: #{@run_loop} ] end Calabash::Cucumber::UIA.redefine_instance_methods_if_necessary(options[:xcode], automator) if !options[:calabash_lite] Calabash::Cucumber::HTTP.ensure_connectivity check_server_gem_compatibility end usage_tracker.post_usage_async # :on_launch to the Cucumber World if: # * the Launcher is part of the World (it is not by default). # * Cucumber responds to :on_launch. self.send(:on_launch) if self.respond_to?(:on_launch) self end # @!visibility private def new_run_loop(args) last_err = nil num_retries = args[:launch_retries] || DEFAULTS[:launch_retries] num_retries.times do begin return rescue RunLoop::TimeoutError => e last_err = e end end raise end # @!visibility private # TODO Should call calabash exit route to shutdown the server. def stop return :no_automator if !automator if !automator.respond_to?(:name) RunLoop.log_warn("Unknown automator: #{automator}") RunLoop.log_warn("Calabash does not know how to stop this automator") return :unknown_automator end case when :instruments, :device_agent automator.stop :stopped else RunLoop.log_warn("Unknown automator: #{automator}") RunLoop.log_warn("Calabash does not know how to stop this automator") :unknown_automator end end # Should Calabash quit the app under test after a Scenario? # # Control this behavior using the QUIT_APP_AFTER_SCENARIO variable. # # The default behavior is to quit after every Scenario. def quit_app_after_scenario? Calabash::Cucumber::Environment.quit_app_after_scenario? end # @!visibility private # Checks the server and gem version compatibility and generates a warning if # the server and gem are not compatible. # # @note This is a proof-of-concept implementation and requires _strict_ # equality. in the future we should allow minimum framework compatibility. # # @return [nil] nothing to return def check_server_gem_compatibility # Only check once. return server_version if server_version version_string = self.device.server_version @server_version = gem_version = min_server_version = if @server_version < min_server_version msgs = [ "The server version is not compatible with gem version.", "Please update your server.", "", " gem version: '#{gem_version}'", "min server version: '#{min_server_version}'", " server version: '#{@server_version}'"] RunLoop.log_warn("#{msgs.join("\n")}") end @server_version end # @deprecated 0.19.0 - replaced with #quit_app_after_scenario? # TODO remove in 0.20.0 # @!visibility private def calabash_no_stop? # Not yet. Save for 0.20.0. # RunLoop.deprecated("0.19.0", "replaced with quit_app_after_scenario") !quit_app_after_scenario? end # @!visibility private # @deprecated 0.19.0 - no replacement # TODO remove in 0.20.0 def calabash_no_launch? RunLoop.log_warn(%Q[ Calabash::Cucumber::Launcher #calabash_no_launch? and support for the NO_LAUNCH environment variable has been removed from Calabash. This always returns false. Please remove this method call from your hooks. ]) false end # @!visibility private # @deprecated 0.19.0 - no replacement. # TODO remove in 0.20.0 def default_uia_strategy(launch_args, sim_control, instruments) RunLoop::deprecated("0.19.0", "This method has been removed.") :host end # @!visibility private # @deprecated 0.19.0 - no replacement # TODO remove in 0.20.0 def detect_connected_device? RunLoop.deprecated("0.19.0", "No replacement") false end # @!visibility private # @deprecated 0.19.0 - no replacement # TODO remove in 0.20.0 def default_launch_args RunLoop.deprecated("0.19.0", "No replacement") {} end # @!visibility private # @deprecated 0.19.0 - no replacement # TODO remove in 0.20.0 def discover_device_target(launch_args) RunLoop.deprecated("0.19.0", "No replacement") nil end # @!visibility private # @deprecated 0.19.0 - no replacement # TODO remove in 0.20.0 def app_path RunLoop.deprecated("0.19.0", "No replacement") nil end # @!visibility private # @deprecated 0.19.0 - no replacement # TODO remove in 0.20.0 def xcode RunLoop.deprecated("0.19.0", "Use Calabash::Cucumber::Environment.xcode") Calabash::Cucumber::Environment.xcode end # @!visibility private # @deprecated 0.19.0 - no replacement # TODO remove in 0.20.0 def ensure_connectivity RunLoop.deprecated("0.19.0", "No replacement") Calabash::Cucumber::HTTP.ensure_connectivity end # @!visibility private # @deprecated 0.19.0 - no replacement - this method is a no op # # #relaunch will now send ":on_launch" to the Cucumber World if: # * the Launcher is part of the World (it is not by default). # * Cucumber responds to :on_launch. # TODO remove in 0.20.0 def calabash_notify(_) false end # @!visibility private # @deprecated 0.19.0 - no replacement. # TODO remove in 0.20.0 def server_version_from_server RunLoop.deprecated("0.19.0", "No replacement") server_version end # @!visibility private # @deprecated 0.19.0 - no replacement # TODO remove in 0.20.0 def server_version_from_bundle(app_bundle_path) RunLoop.deprecated("0.19.0", "No replacement") options = {:app => app_bundle_path } app_details = RunLoop::DetectAUT.detect_app_under_test(options) app = app_details[:app] if app.respond_to?(:calabash_server_version) app.calabash_server_version else nil end end private # @!visibility private # # A convenience wrapper around RunLoop::Device.detect_device def detect_device(options) xcode = Calabash::Cucumber::Environment.xcode simctl = Calabash::Cucumber::Environment.simctl instruments = Calabash::Cucumber::Environment.instruments RunLoop::Device.detect_device(options, xcode, simctl, instruments) end # The version of the embedded LPServer # @return RunLoop::Version attr_reader :server_version # @!visibility private # # @param [Hash] options the launch options passed by the user def detect_inject_dylib_option(options) return nil if !options[:inject_dylib] value = options[:inject_dylib] # Test for boolean true. if [true].include?(value) # Injection is only supported on simulators, so this cool for now. # Depend on run-loop to raise an error. Calabash::Cucumber::Dylibs.path_to_sim_dylib else # User supplied a path value end end # @!visibility private def _attach_to_device_agent!(hash) simctl = Calabash::Cucumber::Environment.simctl instruments = Calabash::Cucumber::Environment.instruments xcode = Calabash::Cucumber::Environment.xcode options = { simctl: simctl, instruments: instruments, xcode: xcode} device = RunLoop::Device.device_with_identifier(hash[:udid], options) bundle_id = hash[:app] options = { cbx_launcher: hash[:launcher] } cbx_launcher = RunLoop::DeviceAgent::Client.detect_cbx_launcher(options, device) launcher_options = hash[:launcher_options] device_agent_client =, device, cbx_launcher, launcher_options) @run_loop = device_agent_client end end end end