:markdown ##Overview This application is designed for the integration of data and functionalities. Its design is based on the idea of the `Entity`: anything that can be unambiguously identified, and be subject of investigation. Examples of entities are: genes, proteins, SNPs, samples, pathways, etc. Each entity has a report, which depends on the type of entity it is. All reports are computed on the fly and cached. In addition to the main reports, entities have `actions`, which are sub-reports that implement particular analysis. For instance, for gene entities one of the actions is to display a summary of the relevance of that gene across the collection of studies that you have access to. In addition to entities, there are reports for lists of entities and for entity maps, which are tables that relate entities to values, such as genes to their average mutation frequency. ##Important definitions Its common to think of coding variants as synonymous or non-synonymous. We find that this distinction is slightly inappropriate; a variant might be synonymous and still have a consequence in the protein isoform, for instance variants affecting exon junctions and that might interfere with splicing. Isntead of this nomenclature we prefer to talk about `relevant` and `not relevant` variants. Our current definition of `relevant` are variants that can potentially alter the function of at least one of the isoforms of a gene; this currently includes non-synonymous variants and variants affecting splicing sites (-2 to 8 bases of the donor end and -8 to 3 bases of the acceptor end). ##User interface The user interface offers a general structure for all reports that allows to enact workflows, explore the results and connect functionalities with one another. This web site is 'responsive', meaning that it adapts to the size of the device you are using: computer, tablet, or phone. On small devices many of the layout elements shift around or get hidden behind toggle buttons to accommodate themselves better to the screen size. The examples bellow are taken from a computer screen. =partial_render('help/UI') :markdown ##Workflows In addition to exploring entity reports, this site servers collections of core functionalities through the Workflow subsystem. This is the same interface that is used as a REST web server, so it serves to document it. %table %caption Available workflows on this site %thead %tr %th Workflow %th Description %tbody - Sinatra::RbbtRESTWorkflow::WORKFLOWS.each do |workflow| - next if workflow.asynchronous_exports.empty? and workflow.synchronous_exports.empty? and workflow.exec_exports.empty? %tr %th %a(href="#{'/' << workflow.to_s}")= Misc.humanize(workflow.to_s) %td - description = workflow.documentation[:description] || "" - case - when description.empty? No description - else = description.split("\n\n").first