module HeaderDowncaser def downcase_headers(headers) {}.tap do |downcased| headers.each do |k, v| downcased[k.downcase] = v end end end end HTTP_LIBRARY_ADAPTERS = {} HTTP_LIBRARY_ADAPTERS['net/http'] = do include HeaderDowncaser def self.http_library_name; 'Net::HTTP'; end def get_body_string(response); response.body; end alias get_body_object get_body_string def get_header(header_key, response) response.get_fields(header_key) end def make_http_request(method, url, body = nil, headers = {}) uri = URI.parse(url) http =, uri.port) if uri.scheme == "https" http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end http.send_request(method.to_s.upcase, uri.request_uri, body, headers) end DEFAULT_REQUEST_HEADERS = { "Accept"=>["*/*"] } DEFAULT_REQUEST_HEADERS['User-Agent'] = ["Ruby"] if RUBY_VERSION.to_f > 1.8 DEFAULT_REQUEST_HEADERS['Accept-Encoding'] = ["gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3"] if RUBY_VERSION.to_f > 1.9 def normalize_request_headers(headers) defined?(super) ? super : downcase_headers(headers.merge(DEFAULT_REQUEST_HEADERS)) end end HTTP_LIBRARY_ADAPTERS['patron'] = do def self.http_library_name; 'Patron'; end def get_body_string(response); response.body; end alias get_body_object get_body_string def get_header(header_key, response) response.headers[header_key] end def make_http_request(method, url, body = nil, headers = {}), url, headers, :data => body || '') end def normalize_request_headers(headers) headers.merge('Expect' => ['']) end end HTTP_LIBRARY_ADAPTERS['httpclient'] = do def self.http_library_name; 'HTTP Client'; end def get_body_string(response) body = response.body string = body.is_a?(String) ? body : body.content string.respond_to?(:read) ? : string end def get_body_object(response) response.body end def get_header(header_key, response) response.header[header_key] end def make_http_request(method, url, body = nil, headers = {}), url, nil, body, headers) end def normalize_request_headers(headers) headers.merge({ 'Accept' => ["*/*"], 'User-Agent' => ["HTTPClient/1.0 (#{HTTPClient::VERSION}, ruby #{RUBY_VERSION} (#{RUBY_RELEASE_DATE}))"], 'Date' => [] }) end end HTTP_LIBRARY_ADAPTERS['em-http-request'] = do def self.http_library_name; 'EM HTTP Request'; end def get_body_string(response) response.response end alias get_body_object get_body_string def get_header(header_key, response) values = response.response_header[header_key.upcase.gsub('-', '_')] values.is_a?(Array) ? values : values.split(', ') end def make_http_request(method, url, body = nil, headers = {}) http = nil do http =, :body => body, :head => headers) http.callback { EventMachine.stop } end http end def normalize_request_headers(headers) headers end end HTTP_LIBRARY_ADAPTERS['curb'] = do def self.http_library_name; "Curb"; end def get_body_string(response) response.body_str end alias get_body_object get_body_string def get_header(header_key, response) headers = response.header_str.split("\r\n")[1..-1] value = nil headers.each do |h| next unless h =~ /^#{Regexp.escape(header_key)}: (.*)$/ new_value = $1.split(', ') value = value ? Array(value) + Array(new_value) : new_value end value end def make_http_request(method, url, body = nil, headers = {}) do |c| c.headers = headers if [:post, :put].include?(method) c.send("http_#{method}", body) else c.send("http_#{method}") end end end def normalize_request_headers(headers) headers end end HTTP_LIBRARY_ADAPTERS['typhoeus'] = do def self.http_library_name; "Typhoeus"; end def get_body_string(response) response.body end alias get_body_object get_body_string def get_header(header_key, response) # Due to # headers are now downcased. # ...except when they're not. I'm not 100% why (I haven't had time to dig into it yet) # but in some situations the headers aren't downcased. I think it has to do with playback; VCR # isn't sending the headers in downcased to typhoeus. It gets complicated with the interaction # w/ WebMock, and the fact that webmock normalizes headers in a different fashion. # # For now this hack works. response.headers.fetch(header_key.downcase) { response.headers[header_key] } end def make_http_request(method, url, body = nil, headers = {}) request =, :method => method, :body => body, :headers => headers) request.response end def normalize_request_headers(headers) headers.merge("User-Agent"=>["Typhoeus -"]) end end HTTP_LIBRARY_ADAPTERS['typhoeus 0.4'] = do def self.http_library_name; "Typhoeus"; end def get_body_string(response) response.body end alias get_body_object get_body_string def get_header(header_key, response) response.headers_hash[header_key] end def make_http_request(method, url, body = nil, headers = {}) Typhoeus::Request.send(method, url, :body => body, :headers => headers) end def normalize_request_headers(headers) headers end end HTTP_LIBRARY_ADAPTERS['excon'] = do def self.http_library_name; "Excon"; end def get_body_string(response) response.body end alias get_body_object get_body_string def get_header(header_key, response) response.headers[header_key] end def make_http_request(method, url, body = nil, headers = {}) # There are multiple ways to use Excon but this is how fog (the main user of excon) uses it: # => method.to_s.upcase, :body => body, :headers => headers) end def normalize_request_headers(headers) headers.merge('User-Agent' => [Excon::USER_AGENT]) end end %w[ net_http typhoeus patron ].each do |_faraday_adapter| if _faraday_adapter == 'typhoeus' && defined?(::Typhoeus::VERSION) && ::Typhoeus::VERSION.to_f >= 0.5 require 'typhoeus/adapters/faraday' end HTTP_LIBRARY_ADAPTERS["faraday (w/ #{_faraday_adapter})"] = do class << self; self; end.class_eval do define_method(:http_library_name) do "Faraday (#{_faraday_adapter})" end end define_method(:faraday_adapter) { _faraday_adapter.to_sym } def get_body_string(response) response.body end alias get_body_object get_body_string def get_header(header_key, response) value = response.headers[header_key] value.split(', ') if value end def make_http_request(method, url, body = nil, headers = {}) url_root, url_rest = split_url(url) faraday_connection(url_root).send(method) do |req| req.url url_rest headers.each { |k, v| req[k] = v } req.body = body if body end end def split_url(url) uri = URI.parse(url) url_root = "#{uri.scheme}://#{}:#{uri.port}" rest = url.sub(url_root, '') [url_root, rest] end def faraday_connection(url_root) => url_root) do |builder| builder.adapter faraday_adapter end end def normalize_request_headers(headers) headers.merge("User-Agent" => ["Faraday v#{Faraday::VERSION}"]) end end end