When "I generate a rails application" do if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR == 3 subcommand = 'new' if Rails::VERSION::MINOR == 0 options = '' else options = '--skip-bundle' end elsif Rails::VERSION::MAJOR == 4 subcommand = 'new' options = '--skip-bundle' else subcommand = '' options = '' end run_simple("rails _#{Rails::VERSION::STRING}_ #{subcommand} testapp #{options}") cd("testapp") if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR == 3 or Rails::VERSION::MAJOR == 4 append_to_file("Gemfile", <<-GEMS) gem "thin" gem "sham_rack" gem "sinatra" gem "json" GEMS # bundle installには時間がかかるので、timeout値を2時間に設定 run_simple("bundle install", true, 7200) step(%{I remove lines containing "rjs" from "config/environments/development.rb"}) end end When /^I configure the copy_tuner client with api key "([^"]*)"$/ do |api_key| write_file("config/initializers/copy_tuner.rb", <<-RUBY) CopyTunerClient.configure do |config| config.api_key = "#{api_key}" config.polling_delay = 1 config.host = 'localhost' config.s3_host = 'localhost' config.secure = false config.sync_interval = 0 config.port = #{FakeCopyTunerApp.port} end RUBY if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR == 3 or Rails::VERSION::MAJOR == 4 append_to_file("Gemfile", <<-GEMS) gem "copy_tuner_client", :path => "../../.." GEMS else in_current_dir { FileUtils.rm_f("vendor/plugins/copy_tuner") } run_simple("ln -s #{PROJECT_ROOT} vendor/plugins/copy_tuner") end end When "I start the application" do step(%{I start the application in the "development" environment}) end When /^I start the application in the "([^"]+)" environment$/ do |environment| in_current_dir do old_environment = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] begin ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = environment if environment == 'production' and Rails::VERSION::MAJOR == 4 if Rails::VERSION::MINOR != 0 ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"] = '4f7d3eb907e873d8a9cbfc6997fd07a88bd2b8d23518717378254ed4a0c6ada5f83061714019b2972a782d51299f5e1ca003ff4b6f4b2000f1be0b3d33522b68' end end RailsServer.start(ENV['RAILS_PORT'], @announce_stderr) ensure ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = old_environment end end end When /^I visit (\/.*)$/ do |path| @last_response = RailsServer.get(path) end When /^I configure the copy_tuner client to use published data$/ do in_current_dir do config_path = "config/initializers/copy_tuner.rb" contents = IO.read(config_path) contents.sub!("end", " config.development_environments = []\nend") File.open(config_path, "w") { |file| file.write(contents) } end end When /^I configure the copy_tuner client to have a polling delay of (\d+) seconds$/ do |polling_delay| in_current_dir do config_path = "config/initializers/copy_tuner.rb" contents = IO.read(config_path) contents.sub!(/config.polling_delay = .+/, "config.polling_delay = #{polling_delay}") File.open(config_path, "w") { |file| file.write(contents) } end end Then /^the copy_tuner client version and environment should have been logged$/ do client_version = CopyTunerClient::VERSION environment_info = "[Ruby: #{RUBY_VERSION}]" environment_info << " [Rails: #{Rails::VERSION::STRING}]" environment_info << " [Env: development]" steps %{ Then the log should contain "Client #{client_version} ready" Then the log should contain "Environment Info: #{environment_info}" } end Then /^the log should contain "([^"]*)"$/ do |line| prefix = "** [CopyTuner] " pattern = Regexp.compile([Regexp.escape(prefix), Regexp.escape(line)].join(".*")) log_path = "log/development.log" in_current_dir do File.open(log_path) do |file| unless file.readlines.any? { |file_line| file_line =~ pattern } raise "In log file:\n#{IO.read(log_path)}\n\nMissing line:\n#{pattern}" end end end end Then /^the log should not contain "([^"]*)"$/ do |line| log_path = "log/development.log" in_current_dir do File.open(log_path) do |file| if bad_line = file.readlines.detect { |file_line| file_line.include?(line) } raise "In log file:\n#{log_path}\n\nGot unexpected line:\n#{bad_line}" end end end end When /^I successfully rake "([^"]*)"$/ do |task| run_simple("rake #{task}") end Then /^the response should contain "([^"]+)"$/ do |text| @last_response.body.should include(text) end When /^show me the page$/ do @last_response.body.should == nil end When /^I route the "([^"]+)" resource$/ do |resource| if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR == 3 or Rails::VERSION::MAJOR == 4 draw = "Testapp::Application.routes.draw do\n" else draw = "ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|\nmap." end routes = "#{draw}resources :#{resource}\nend" overwrite_file("config/routes.rb", routes) end When /^I run a short lived process that sets the key "([^"]*)" to "([^"]*)" in "([^"]*)" environment$/ do |key, value, environment| if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR == 3 run_simple %[script/rails runner -e #{environment} 'I18n.translate("#{key}", :default => "#{value}")'] elsif Rails::VERSION::MAJOR == 4 run_simple %[bin/rails runner -e #{environment} 'I18n.translate("#{key}", :default => "#{value}")'] else run_simple %[script/runner -e #{environment} 'I18n.translate("#{key}", :default => "#{value}")'] end end When /^I remove lines containing "([^"]*)" from "([^"]*)"$/ do |content, filename| in_current_dir do result = "" File.open(filename, "r") do |file| file.each_line do |line| result << line unless line.include?(content) end end File.open(filename, "w") do |file| file.write(result) end end end After do RailsServer.stop end