require 'helper' describe Pry do before do @str_output = end if RUBY_VERSION =~ /1.9/ describe "Exotic object support" do # regression test for exotic object support it "Should not error when return value is a BasicObject instance" do ReplTester.start do input('').should =~ /^=> # proc{ was_called = true }) was_called.should == false end it 'should notice when exceptions are raised' do was_called = false mock_pry("raise RuntimeError", :exception_handler => proc{ was_called = true }) was_called.should == true end it 'should not try to catch intended exceptions' do lambda { mock_pry("raise SystemExit") }.should.raise SystemExit # SIGTERM lambda { mock_pry("raise") }.should.raise SignalException end describe "multi-line input" do it "works" do mock_pry('x = ', '1 + 4').should =~ /5/ end it 'should suppress output if input ends in a ";" (multi-line)' do mock_pry('def self.blah', ':test', 'end;').should == '' end describe "newline stripping from an empty string" do it "with double quotes" do mock_pry('"', '"').should =~ %r|"\\n"| mock_pry('"', "\n", "\n", "\n", '"').should =~ %r|"\\n\\n\\n\\n"| end it "with single quotes" do mock_pry("'", "'").should =~ %r|"\\n"| mock_pry("'", "\n", "\n", "\n", "'").should =~ %r|"\\n\\n\\n\\n"| end it "with fancy delimiters" do mock_pry('%(', ')').should =~ %r|"\\n"| mock_pry('%|', "\n", "\n", '|').should =~ %r|"\\n\\n\\n"| mock_pry('%q[', "\n", "\n", ']').should =~ %r|"\\n\\n\\n"| end end describe "newline stripping from an empty regexp" do it "with regular regexp delimiters" do mock_pry('/', '/').should =~ %r{/\n/} end it "with fancy delimiters" do mock_pry('%r{', "\n", "\n", '}').should =~ %r{/\n\n\n/} mock_pry('%r<', "\n", '>').should =~ %r{/\n\n/} end end describe "newline from an empty heredoc" do it "works" do mock_pry('< input, :output => o.instance_variable_get(:@x).should == 10 end end describe "complete_expression?" do it "should not mutate the input!" do clean = "puts <<-FOO\nhi\nFOO\n" a = clean.dup Pry::Code.complete_expression?(a) a.should == clean end end describe "history arrays" do it 'sets _ to the last result' do t = pry_tester t.eval ":foo" t.eval("_").should == :foo t.eval "42" t.eval("_").should == 42 end it 'sets out to an array with the result' do t = pry_tester t.eval ":foo" t.eval "42" res = t.eval "_out_" Pry::HistoryArray res[1..2].should == [:foo, 42] end it 'sets _in_ to an array with the entered lines' do t = pry_tester t.eval ":foo" t.eval "42" res = t.eval "_in_" Pry::HistoryArray res[1..2].should == [":foo\n", "42\n"] end it 'uses 100 as the size of _in_ and _out_' do pry_tester.eval("[_in_.max_size, _out_.max_size]").should == [100, 100] end it 'can change the size of the history arrays' do pry_tester(:memory_size => 1000).eval("[_out_, _in_].map(&:max_size)").should == [1000, 1000] end it 'store exceptions' do mock_pry("foo!", " = _in_[-1]; Pad.out = _out_[-1]") == "foo!\n" NoMethodError end end describe "last_result" do it "should be set to the most recent value" do pry_eval("2", "_ + 82").should == 84 end # This test needs mock_pry because the command retvals work by # replacing the eval_string, so _ won't be modified without Pry doing # a REPL loop. it "should be set to the result of a command with :keep_retval" do Pry::Commands.block_command '++', '', :keep_retval => true do |a| a.to_i + 1 end mock_pry('++ 86', '++ #{_}').should =~ /88/ end it "should be preserved over an empty line" do pry_eval("2 + 2", " ", "\t", " ", "_ + 92").should == 96 end it "should be preserved when evalling a command without :keep_retval" do pry_eval("2 + 2", "ls -l", "_ + 96").should == 100 end end describe "nesting" do after do Pry.reset_defaults Pry.color = false end it 'should nest properly' do Pry.input ="cd 1", "cd 2", "cd 3", "\"nest:\#\{(_pry_.binding_stack.size - 1)\}\"", "exit-all") Pry.output = @str_output o = pry_tester = o.pry @str_output.string.should =~ /nest:3/ end end describe "defining methods" do it 'should define a method on the singleton class of an object when performing "def meth;end" inside the object' do [, {}, []].each do |val| pry_eval(val, 'def hello; end') val.methods(false).map(&:to_sym).include?(:hello).should == true end end it 'should define an instance method on the module when performing "def meth;end" inside the module' do hello = pry_eval(hello, "def hello; end") hello.instance_methods(false).map(&:to_sym).include?(:hello).should == true end it 'should define an instance method on the class when performing "def meth;end" inside the class' do hello = pry_eval(hello, "def hello; end") hello.instance_methods(false).map(&:to_sym).include?(:hello).should == true end it 'should define a method on the class of an object when performing "def meth;end" inside an immediate value or Numeric' do # should include float in here, but test fails for some reason # on 1.8.7, no idea why! [:test, 0, true, false, nil].each do |val| pry_eval(val, "def hello; end"); val.class.instance_methods(false).map(&:to_sym).include?(:hello).should == true end end end describe "Object#pry" do after do Pry.reset_defaults Pry.color = false end it "should start a pry session on the receiver (first form)" do Pry.input ="self", "exit-all") str_output = Pry.output = str_output 20.pry str_output.string.should =~ /20/ end it "should start a pry session on the receiver (second form)" do Pry.input ="self", "exit-all") str_output = Pry.output = str_output pry 20 str_output.string.should =~ /20/ end it "should raise if more than two arguments are passed to Object#pry" do lambda { pry(20, :quiet, :input => Readline) }.should.raise ArgumentError end end describe "Pry.binding_for" do it 'should return TOPLEVEL_BINDING if parameter self is main' do _main_ = lambda { TOPLEVEL_BINDING.eval('self') } Pry.binding_for( == true Pry.binding_for( == TOPLEVEL_BINDING Pry.binding_for( == Pry.binding_for( end end end end describe 'setting custom options' do it 'should not raise for unrecognized options' do should.not.raise?(NoMethodError) { instance = => 'custom value') } end end describe "a fresh instance" do it "should use `caller` as its backtrace" do location = "#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__ + 1}" backtrace = backtrace.any? { |l| l.include?(location) } end end end