class Net::HTTP::Persistent::TimedStackMulti < ConnectionPool::TimedStack # :nodoc: ## # Returns a new hash that has arrays for keys # # Using a class method to limit the bindings referenced by the hash's # default_proc def self.hash_of_arrays # :nodoc: { |h,k| h[k] = [] } end def initialize(size = 0, &block) super @enqueued = 0 @ques = self.class.hash_of_arrays @lru = {} @key = :"connection_args-#{object_id}" end def empty? (@created - @enqueued) >= @max end def length @max - @created + @enqueued end private def connection_stored? options = {} # :nodoc: !@ques[options[:connection_args]].empty? end def fetch_connection options = {} # :nodoc: connection_args = options[:connection_args] @enqueued -= 1 lru_update connection_args @ques[connection_args].pop end def lru_update connection_args # :nodoc: @lru.delete connection_args @lru[connection_args] = true end def shutdown_connections # :nodoc: @ques.each_key do |key| super connection_args: key end end def store_connection obj, options = {} # :nodoc: @ques[options[:connection_args]].push obj @enqueued += 1 end def try_create options = {} # :nodoc: connection_args = options[:connection_args] if @created >= @max && @enqueued >= 1 oldest, = @lru.first @lru.delete oldest @ques[oldest].pop @created -= 1 end if @created < @max @created += 1 lru_update connection_args return end end end