# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' require 'capybara/dsl' class TestClass include Capybara::DSL end Capybara::SpecHelper.run_specs TestClass.new, 'DSL', capybara_skip: %i[ js modals screenshot frames windows send_keys server hover about_scheme psc download css driver scroll spatial html_validation shadow_dom active_element ] do |example| case example.metadata[:full_description] when /has_css\? should support case insensitive :class and :id options/ pending "Nokogiri doesn't support case insensitive CSS attribute matchers" when /#click_button should follow permanent redirects that maintain method/ pending "Rack < 2 doesn't support 308" if Gem.loaded_specs['rack'].version < Gem::Version.new('2.0.0') end end RSpec.describe Capybara::DSL do before do Capybara.use_default_driver end after do Capybara.session_name = nil Capybara.default_driver = nil Capybara.javascript_driver = nil Capybara.use_default_driver Capybara.app = TestApp end describe '#default_driver' do it 'should default to rack_test' do expect(Capybara.default_driver).to eq(:rack_test) end it 'should be changeable' do Capybara.default_driver = :culerity expect(Capybara.default_driver).to eq(:culerity) end end describe '#current_driver' do it 'should default to the default driver' do expect(Capybara.current_driver).to eq(:rack_test) Capybara.default_driver = :culerity expect(Capybara.current_driver).to eq(:culerity) end it 'should be changeable' do Capybara.current_driver = :culerity expect(Capybara.current_driver).to eq(:culerity) end end describe '#javascript_driver' do it 'should default to selenium' do expect(Capybara.javascript_driver).to eq(:selenium) end it 'should be changeable' do Capybara.javascript_driver = :culerity expect(Capybara.javascript_driver).to eq(:culerity) end end describe '#use_default_driver' do it 'should restore the default driver' do Capybara.current_driver = :culerity Capybara.use_default_driver expect(Capybara.current_driver).to eq(:rack_test) end end describe '#using_driver' do before do expect(Capybara.current_driver).not_to eq(:selenium) # rubocop:disable RSpec/ExpectInHook end it 'should set the driver using Capybara.current_driver=' do driver = nil Capybara.using_driver(:selenium) { driver = Capybara.current_driver } expect(driver).to eq(:selenium) end it 'should return the driver to default if it has not been changed' do Capybara.using_driver(:selenium) do expect(Capybara.current_driver).to eq(:selenium) end expect(Capybara.current_driver).to eq(Capybara.default_driver) end it 'should reset the driver even if an exception occurs' do driver_before_block = Capybara.current_driver begin Capybara.using_driver(:selenium) { raise 'ohnoes!' } rescue Exception # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException,Lint/SuppressedException end expect(Capybara.current_driver).to eq(driver_before_block) end it 'should return the driver to what it was previously' do Capybara.current_driver = :selenium Capybara.using_driver(:culerity) do Capybara.using_driver(:rack_test) do expect(Capybara.current_driver).to eq(:rack_test) end expect(Capybara.current_driver).to eq(:culerity) end expect(Capybara.current_driver).to eq(:selenium) end it 'should yield the passed block' do called = false Capybara.using_driver(:selenium) { called = true } expect(called).to eq(true) end end # rubocop:disable RSpec/InstanceVariable describe '#using_wait_time' do before { @previous_wait_time = Capybara.default_max_wait_time } after { Capybara.default_max_wait_time = @previous_wait_time } it 'should switch the wait time and switch it back' do in_block = nil Capybara.using_wait_time 6 do in_block = Capybara.default_max_wait_time end expect(in_block).to eq(6) expect(Capybara.default_max_wait_time).to eq(@previous_wait_time) end it 'should ensure wait time is reset' do expect do Capybara.using_wait_time 6 do raise 'hell' end end.to raise_error(RuntimeError, 'hell') expect(Capybara.default_max_wait_time).to eq(@previous_wait_time) end end # rubocop:enable RSpec/InstanceVariable describe '#app' do it 'should be changeable' do Capybara.app = 'foobar' expect(Capybara.app).to eq('foobar') end end describe '#current_session' do it 'should choose a session object of the current driver type' do expect(Capybara.current_session).to be_a(Capybara::Session) end it 'should use #app as the application' do Capybara.app = proc {} expect(Capybara.current_session.app).to eq(Capybara.app) end it 'should change with the current driver' do expect(Capybara.current_session.mode).to eq(:rack_test) Capybara.current_driver = :selenium expect(Capybara.current_session.mode).to eq(:selenium) end it 'should be persistent even across driver changes' do object_id = Capybara.current_session.object_id expect(Capybara.current_session.object_id).to eq(object_id) Capybara.current_driver = :selenium expect(Capybara.current_session.mode).to eq(:selenium) expect(Capybara.current_session.object_id).not_to eq(object_id) Capybara.current_driver = :rack_test expect(Capybara.current_session.object_id).to eq(object_id) end it 'should change when changing application' do object_id = Capybara.current_session.object_id expect(Capybara.current_session.object_id).to eq(object_id) Capybara.app = proc {} expect(Capybara.current_session.object_id).not_to eq(object_id) expect(Capybara.current_session.app).to eq(Capybara.app) end it 'should change when the session name changes' do object_id = Capybara.current_session.object_id Capybara.session_name = :administrator expect(Capybara.session_name).to eq(:administrator) expect(Capybara.current_session.object_id).not_to eq(object_id) Capybara.session_name = :default expect(Capybara.session_name).to eq(:default) expect(Capybara.current_session.object_id).to eq(object_id) end end describe '#using_session' do it 'should change the session name for the duration of the block' do expect(Capybara.session_name).to eq(:default) Capybara.using_session(:administrator) do expect(Capybara.session_name).to eq(:administrator) end expect(Capybara.session_name).to eq(:default) end it 'should reset the session to the default, even if an exception occurs' do begin Capybara.using_session(:raise) do raise end rescue Exception # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException,Lint/SuppressedException end expect(Capybara.session_name).to eq(:default) end it 'should yield the passed block' do called = false Capybara.using_session(:administrator) { called = true } expect(called).to eq(true) end it 'should be nestable' do Capybara.using_session(:outer) do expect(Capybara.session_name).to eq(:outer) Capybara.using_session(:inner) do expect(Capybara.session_name).to eq(:inner) end expect(Capybara.session_name).to eq(:outer) end expect(Capybara.session_name).to eq(:default) end it 'should allow a session object' do original_session = Capybara.current_session new_session = Capybara::Session.new(:rack_test, proc {}) Capybara.using_session(new_session) do expect(Capybara.current_session).to eq(new_session) end expect(Capybara.current_session).to eq(original_session) end it 'should pass the new session if block accepts' do original_session = Capybara.current_session Capybara.using_session(:administrator) do |admin_session, prev_session| expect(admin_session).to be(Capybara.current_session) expect(prev_session).to be(original_session) expect(prev_session).not_to be(admin_session) end end end describe '#session_name' do it 'should default to :default' do expect(Capybara.session_name).to eq(:default) end end describe 'the DSL' do let(:session) { Class.new { include Capybara::DSL }.new } it 'should be possible to include it in another class' do session.visit('/with_html') session.click_link('ullamco') expect(session.body).to include('Another World') end it "should provide a 'page' shortcut for more expressive tests" do session.page.visit('/with_html') session.page.click_link('ullamco') expect(session.page.body).to include('Another World') end it "should provide an 'using_session' shortcut" do allow(Capybara).to receive(:using_session) session.using_session(:name) expect(Capybara).to have_received(:using_session).with(:name) end it "should provide a 'using_wait_time' shortcut" do allow(Capybara).to receive(:using_wait_time) session.using_wait_time(6) expect(Capybara).to have_received(:using_wait_time).with(6) end end end