= doing A basic CLI for adding and listing "what was I doing" reminders in a text file. Allows for multiple sections and flexible output formatting. The format of the "WWID" file is TaskPaper-compatible. You can edit it by hand at any time, but it uses a specific format for parsing, so be careful. By default the file is created in "~/what_was_i_doing.md", but this can be modified in the config file. The config file is stored in "~/.doingrc", and is created on the first run. It contains, among other things, templates for various command outputs. Include placeholders by placing a % before the keyword. The available placeholders are: - %title: the "wwid" entry line - %date: the date based on the templates "date_format" setting - %shortdate: a custom date formatter that removes the day/month/year from the entry if they match the current day/month/year - %note: Any note in the entry will be included here, a newline and tabs are automatically added. - %odnote: The notes with a leading tab removed (outdented note) - %hr: a horizontal rule (`-`) the width of the terminal - %hr_under: a horizontal rule (`_`) the width of the terminal Date formats are based on Ruby `strftime` formatting. Usage: doing [global options] command [command options] [arguments...] Global options: --help - Show this message --[no-]notes - Output notes if included in the template (default: enabled) --version - Display the program version Commands: archive - Archive all but the most recent 5 entries choose - Select a section to display config - Edit the default configuration done - Add an entry tagged with @done(YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm) help - Shows a list of commands or help for one command last - Show the last entry later - Add an item to the Later section now - Add an entry recent - List recent entries sections - List sections show - List all entries today - List entries from today