module Compass class Logger DEFAULT_ACTIONS = [:directory, :exists, :remove, :create, :overwrite, :compile, :error, :identical, :warning] COLORS = { :clear => 0, :red => 31, :green => 32, :yellow => 33 } ACTION_COLORS = { :error => :red, :warning => :yellow, :compile => :green, :overwrite => :yellow, :create => :green, :remove => :yellow, :exists => :green, :directory => :green, :identical => :green, :convert => :green, :unchanged => :yellow } attr_accessor :actions, :options def initialize(*actions) self.options = actions.last.is_a?(Hash) ? actions.pop : {} @actions = DEFAULT_ACTIONS.dup @actions += actions end # Record an action that has occurred def record(action, *arguments) msg = "" msg << color(ACTION_COLORS[action]) if Compass.configuration.color_output msg << "#{action_padding(action)}#{action}" msg << color(:clear) if Compass.configuration.color_output msg << " #{arguments.join(' ')}" log msg end def red $stderr.write(color(:red)) $stdout.write(color(:red)) yield ensure $stderr.write(color(:clear)) $stdout.write(color(:clear)) end def yellow $stderr.write(color(:yellow)) $stdout.write(color(:yellow)) yield ensure $stderr.write(color(:clear)) $stdout.write(color(:clear)) end def color(c) if Compass.configuration.color_output && c && COLORS.has_key?(c.to_sym) if defined?($boring) && $boring "" else "\e[#{COLORS[c.to_sym]}m" end else "" end end def emit(msg) print msg end # Emit a log message def log(msg) puts msg end # add padding to the left of an action that was performed. def action_padding(action) ' ' * [(max_action_length - action.to_s.length), 0].max end # the maximum length of all the actions known to the logger. def max_action_length @max_action_length ||= actions.inject(0){|memo, a| [memo, a.to_s.length].max} end end class NullLogger def record(*args) end def log(msg) end def red yield end end end