= Rant NEWS == Rant 0.3.6 This version should be fully backwards compatible to 0.3.4. New features: * Automatic cleanup of generated files * Directed rules * Constraining variables * rant-import searches $LOAD_PATH * Immediately build targets with rac.build "target" Read doc/rantfile.rdoc[link:files/doc/rantfile_rdoc.html] and doc/advanced.rdoc[link:files/doc/advanced_rdoc.html] for docu. == Rant 0.3.4 Incompatible changes: * Arguments of the form VAR=VAL to rant no longer set environment variables directly, they are available through +var+ now. Read doc/advanced.rdoc[link:files/doc/advanced_rdoc.html] for more info. * Replace any include Sys with include Rant::Sys in Rantfiles. Or even better: don't include the +Sys+ module. New features: * Installation with install.rb installs .cmd files on Windows. Read README[link:files/README.html] * Sharing variables between Rantfiles. Read doc/advanced.rdoc[link:files/doc/advanced_rdoc.html] for more info. * Selecting files with the +sys+ command. * Rules Read doc/rantfile.rdoc[link:files/doc/rantfile_rdoc.html] for docu. == Rant 0.3.2 This version should be fully backwards compatible to 0.3.0. New features: * Support splitting your buildfiles up and placing them into multiple directories with the +subdirs+ command. Please read doc/rantfile.rdoc[link:files/doc/rantfile_rdoc.html] for usage. This is especially useful for bigger projects. == Rant 0.3.0 First release of Rant on RubyForge. == See also Rant Overview:: README[link:files/README.html]