=== Version 2.0.0 / 2011-07-xx * introducing Page Objects - generate them with `watirsplash page` generator * use WatirSplash::Browser.new to open up a browser and set it to RSpec-s formatter too * removed ui-test-common functionality - just load it's environment.rb if you really need to use it * do not load framework automatically anymore when requiring watirsplash - use WatirSplash::Util.load_framework method in environment.rb or config.rb instead * do not maximize browser window anymore automatically * load environment.rb directly in .rspec file * added :default option for frameworks * bumped dependencies for win32screenshot, watir, firewatir and watir-webdriver * use Bundler for specifying dependencies from now on * moved File.path and File.native_path methods to WatirSplash::Util.file_path and .file_native_path since File.path method conflicts with Ruby 1.9 PS! This version is not fully backwards compatible due to some core changes, but it is possible to make your old project working with it. === Version 1.4.3 / 2011-06-05 * fix #change matcher in conjunction with #within for rspec 2.6.0 === Version 1.4.2 / 2011-06-01 * handle correctly RSpec shared examples by html formatter === Version 1.4.1 / 2011-06-01 * bump rspec dependency to 2.6.0 * bump watir-webdriver dependency to 0.2.3 === Version 1.4.0 / 2011-04-30 * deprecated #in(timeout) method - use #within(timeout) instead * added #seconds/#second and #minutes/#minute method to RSpec matchers for making it possible to use them together with #within(timeout) method === Version 1.3.0 / 2011-04-22 * handle RSpec's #should_not correctly when using #in(timeout) * added #soon for RSpec's matcher as an alias for #in(30) === Version 1.2.1 / 2011-04-17 * use RSpec's multiple formatters support functionality directly === Version 1.2.0 / 2011-04-16 * fixed Watir::Browser#attach for Watir::IE * added #in(timeout) method for all RSpec matchers (read more about it on the wiki https://github.com/jarmo/WatirSplash/wiki/RSpec-Features) * added #make as an alias for #change as a RSpec matcher * bump watir/firewatir dependency to 1.8.1 * bump watir-webdriver dependency to 0.2.2 * bump win32screenshot dependency to 1.0.3 === Version 1.1.2 / 2011-03-22 * bump watir/firewatir dependency to 1.8.0 * bump watir-webdriver dependency to 0.2.1 * patch temporarily MiniMagick to handle spaces in file paths when saving screenshots on Windows (https://github.com/probablycorey/mini_magick/pull/38) === Version 1.1.1 / 2011-02-17 * Minor fix for RSpec involving example groups without enough metadata === Version 1.1.0 / 2011-02-17 * browser methods will be cached by #method_missing for faster lookup * added support for different frameworks - Watir, FireWatir and Watir-WebDriver === Version 1.0.0 / 2011-01-26 * using RSpec 2 - if you have projects using WatirSplash <= 0.2.14 then execute `watirsplash migrate` under ui-test and ui-test-common directories! * removed Watir::WaitHelper - use Watir's waiting methods instead * using Watir 1.7.1 * use WATIRSPLASH_RESULTS_PATH environment variable for specifying custom spec results location === Version 0.2.14 / 2011-01-25 * use newer RAutomation * use newer Win32::Screenshot - you may now uninstall ImageMagick and RMagick === Version 0.2.12 / 2010-10-15 * really fix integration with RAutomation and AutoIt - uninstall all versions of Watir before installing this version of WatirSplash due to the conflicts of Watir's AutoIt version and RAutomation AutoIt version === Version 0.2.11 / 2010-10-15 * fix integration with RAutomation - uninstall all versions of Watir before installing this version of WatirSplash due to the conflicts of Watir's AutoIt version and RAutomation AutoIt version === Version 0.2.10 / 2010-10-14 * fixed Watir 1.6.6 dependency === Version 0.2.9 / 2010-10-14 * AutoItHelper is no more! Using RAutomation gem instead * JavaScript error messages are not screenshotted anymore due to it's complexity and vagueness of the messages themselves * deleted #wait_until? and #wait_while? methods === Version 0.2.8 / 2010-10-06 * use Watir 1.6.6 and RSpec 1.3.0 from now on === Version 0.2.7 / 2010-09-27 * added explicit dependencies for Watir 1.6.5 and RSpec 1.3.0 so upcoming versions wouldn't break things accidentally === Version 0.2.6 / 2010-09-12 * moved a lot of documentation from the README to the wiki at http://github.com/jarmo/watirsplash/wiki * Timeout::Error will be raised if browser hasn't loaded page within 5 minutes * added Watir::WaitHelper with convenience methods like #when_present, #wait_until_present, #wait_while_present, #wait_while and #wait_while? - see about usage from the wiki! Timeout Exception class is now Watir::WaitHelper::TimeoutError when using the methods above * removed #file_path and #native_file_path methods - use File.path and File.native_path methods instead * removed #download_file method - use Watir::Element#save_as method instead: # no need to perform #click_no_wait anymore link(:id => 'something').save_as(File.path('download.zip')) # => returns full path to download.zip === Version 0.2.5 / 2010-08-19 * #click_no_wait performance improved by 2-3x - see more from http://jira.openqa.org/browse/WTR-449 * spec's relative filename with line number and date is shown in example_group name in the report * only time is shown in example name in the report === Version 0.2.4 / 2010-07-30 * timestamp is now inserted into example names Bug fixes: * fixed project template generated with "watirsplash generate" command === Version 0.2.3 / 2010-07-23 Bug fixes: * it is now possible to use method 'p' to find
elements in specs without invoking Kernel.p * fixed project template to use require_all instead of require_rel === Version 0.2.2 / 2010-06-13 * fixed minor bugs === Version 0.2.1 / 2010-05-27 * added compatibility with Win32::Screenshot 0.0.4 * wait_until behaves exactly the same as with Watir - throws Exception upon timeout * removed wait_until! - use wait_until instead * added wait_until? which returns true if condition was true and doesn't throw Exception upon timeout === Version 0.2.0 / 2010-05-03 PS! This version has some backwards incompatible changes! * added max_depth parameter to Watir::Table#to_a and Watir::TableRow#to_a methods for avoiding too complex arrays if wanted * watirsplash is not used to launch tests anymore - use regular RSpec's 'spec' command instead * tests need to be inside of 'spec' directory, because spec.opts is responsible for loading every library * you can launch tests with IDE by using -O spec.opts as a spec runner parameter * Watir::Element#style returns current CSS style for element * ui-test and ui-test-common project templates got changed === Version 0.1.9 / 2010-05-01 * Changed name of the library to WatirSplash due to name conflict - this means that all watirspec commands are now obsolete and you have to use watirsplash commands instead - all WatiRspec constants (module names etc) are now named as WatirSplash === Version 0.1.8 / 2010-04-19 * tidied up some code, no changes in functionality === Version 0.1.7 / 2010-04-15 * minor fix === Version 0.1.6 / 2010-04-08 * browser was not closed when Watir::IE#run_error_checks throwed an exception === Version 0.1.5 / 2010-04-08 * fixed a problem where HtmlFormatter threw an ugly exception due to the problem when browser was not opened === Version 0.1.4 / 2010-04-06 * added dependency for win32screenshot === Version 0.1.3 / 2010-04-06 * fixed a bug where inner table was not shown with Watir::Table#to_a when it was not a direct child, but some other element was in between for example form, span, div etc. === Version 0.1.2 / 2010-04-05 * Added match_array matcher for RSpec for using with Array when regular expressions are needed. It is useful when verifying html tables with #to_a method. expected_array = ["1", "2", /\d+/, "3"] ["1", "2", "66", "3"].should match_array(expected_array) table(:id => "table_id").to_a.should match_array(expected_array) === Version 0.1.1 / 2010-04-04 * Watir::Table#to_a and Watir::TableRow#to_a work now well with tr, th, td elements, colspan and nested tables. This means that you can test easily tables now: expected_table = [["one", "two"], ["three", "four"]] table(:id => "table_id").to_a.should =~ expected_table * removed strict version requirements for dependencies === Version 0.1.0 / 2010-04-03 First release of WatiRspec, a small library for combining Watir and RSpec for browser-based functional testing in Ruby.